Where does PULSE@Parkes fit in to the curriculum?

The project is aimed at students in upper secondary school, specifically in Years 10 to 12. Aspects of astronomy are compulsory in the Stage 5 (Year 9-10) Science syllabus in New South Wales, Australia, with similar material covered in other states. Students in Year 11 or 12 will most likely be studying Stage 6 Physics. The project is not explicitly aimed at gifted and talented or advanced students and we encourage a broad selection of schools to apply to this program.

Detailed syllabus maps to the Stage 6 NSW HSC Physics Syllabus and the Stage 5 NSW Science syllabus will be available here shortly. In the meantime here is an overview of where it fits in to each syllabus.

NSW Stage 6 Physics Syllabus

Prescribed Focus Areas

The emphasis within the project is on science in practice and current research. PULSE@Parkes thus particularly addresses the following Prescribed Focus Areas from the Stage 6 NSW Physics Syllabus:

2. the nature and practice of physics: A student: (P2) applies the processes that are used to test and validate models, theories and laws of science with emphasis on first-hand investigations in physics
(H2) analyses the way in which models, theories and laws in physics have been tested and validated.

3. applications and uses of physics: A student: (P2) assesses the impact of particular technological advances on understanding in physics
(H3) assesses the impact of particular advances in physics on the development of technologies.

5. current issues, research and development in physics: A student: (P5) describes the scientific principles employed in particular areas of research in physics
(H5) identifies possible future directions of physics research.

Domain: Knowledge

6. kinetics and dynamics; specifically H6 in terms of conservation laws and relativity
7. energy
8. waves; H8 analyses wave interactions and explains the effects of those interactions
9. fields; specifically (H9) the effects of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields.

Domain: Skills

The skills domain is a key component of the project for participating students. In planning, conducting and analysing their observations they develop their scientific skills. The opportunity to communicate with scientists and collaborate with other schools enhances there communication and group skills.

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of:

11. planning investigations
12. conducting investigations
13 communicating information and understanding
14. developing scientific thinking and problem-solving techniques
15. working individually and in teams.

Some specific syllabus content points addressed by the project include:

9.7 Option - Astrophysics

Students learn to:

  • outline (some) key stages in a star's life in terms of the physical processes involved
  • explain the concept of star death in relation to - neutron stars/pulsars.

Stage 5 Science (Years 9-10)

As with the Stage 6 Physics syllabus, PULSE@Parkes can be used to address the following Prescribed Focus Areas:

5.2 the nature and practice of science
5.3 the applications and uses of science
5.5 current issues, research and developments in science.

In the Knowledge and Understanding section it addresses:

5.6.1 the wave model
5.6.4 light energy
5.6.6 gravitational force

5.7.1 atomic theory

5.9.3 components of the universe.

In the Skills section, students learn about:

5.13.1 identifying data sources
5.13.2 planning first-hand investigations
5.13.3 choosing equipment or resources
5.14 performing first-hand investigations
5.15 gathering first-hand information
5.16 gathering information from secondary sources
5.17 processing information
5.18 presenting information
5.19 thinking critically
5.20 problem-solving
5.21 the use of creativity and imagination
5.22 working individually and in teams.
