Results with the ATCA 3mm Prototype System (July 2001)
HCO+ emission in the starburst galaxy NGC 253
The HCO+ (1-0) spectra displayed below have been obtained
on July 11, 2001, with the one baseline (CA03-CA04: 30m)
3mm prototype system of the
Australia Telescope Compact Array. Weather conditions were ok (patchy
clouds) with system temperatures around 340-380 K for CA03 and 320-360 K
for CA04.
The HCO+ (1-0) rest frequency is 89.188518 GHz.
- Calibrated HCO+ emission spectra of the starburst galaxy
NGC253. The centre frequencies of the two IFs are 89.162 GHz and
89.072 GHz, each with a bandwidth of 128 MHz, divided into 64 channels
(config ant234ac_128_64_2p-2f). The displayed spectra are Hanning
smoothed (hann=3). Please note the overlap region in the velocity
range 250-300 km/s. The systemic velocity of NGC253 is 240 km/s.
Bandpass and flux calibration was obtained by observing Uranus
(7.3/7.2 Jy).
- Full HCO+ emission spectrum of the starburst galaxy
NGC253, obtained with the miriad program "uvglue". The integration
time on-source is 140 minutes.
See also
12-07-2001 * Bärbel Koribalski