The Galaxy NGC 986 A

Bärbel Koribalski (ATNF)

Figures 1 and 2: Neutral hydrogen distribution (left) and mean velocity field (right) of the galaxy NGC 986 A (v = 1400 km/s).
375-m ATCA data (10 h on-source) from 22-4-1996 * B. Koribalski (C419).
The total HI flux density is about 4 Jy km/s; beam size: 70 arcsec x 60 arcsec.
Note: NGC 986 (v = 2005 km/s; see below) is a distant companion of NGC 986 A.

Figures 3 and 4: Optical image of NGC 986 A (left) and NGC 986 (right) from the Digitized Sky Survey.

Figure 5: HIPASS spectrum of NGC 986 A (v = 1400 km/s).

Figure 6: HIPASS spectrum of NGC 986 (v=2005 km/s).

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