ATNF Pulsar Catalogue

Catalogue Version: 2.4.0

PSRJ            J1853+0056
NAME            J1853+0056
RAJ             18:53:32.66                   1.600e-01
DECJ            +00:56:59                     4.000e+00
ELONG           284.64
ELAT            23.71
DM              180.9
PEPOCH          51665.0
F0              3.6287419642                  7.000e-10
F1              -2.816E-13                    4.000e-16
P0              0.27557759958                 6.000e-11
P1              2.139E-14                     4.000e-17
DIST_DM         3.841
DIST_DM1        5.142
SURVEY          pksmb,palfa,fast_gpps
S1400           0.21                          4.000e-02
W50             15.9                          1.400e+00
W10             29.1                          1.400e+00
POSEPOCH        51665.00
DMEPOCH         51665.00
AGE             2.04e+05
RM              67.2                          8.000e-01
NGLT            1
DATE            2002
DIST            3.841
DIST1           5.142
PMERR_PA        -50.098
EDOTD2          2.7e+33
R_LUM14         3.10
BSURF           2.46e+12
B_LC            1.10e+03
EDOT            4.0e+34
RAJD            283.3861                      6.667e-04
DECJD           0.9497                        1.111e-03
OSURVEY         100002040000
DMSINB          -0.11
GL              34.017
GB              -0.036
XX              2.149
YY              5.316
ZZ              -0.002
EPHVER          2
UNITS           TDB

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