Major National Research Facility (MNRF) Program

System Definition for ATNF Upgrade

Much of the material presented here is in its original form and may be of principally historical interest. For the most up-to-date information on a particular MNRF project see the MNRF Project Pages.

The ATNF MNRF upgrade program consists of the following projects:

(A) High Frequency Upgrade

1. 12mm Receivers for the Compact Array

  • Seven cryogenically cooled (12mm) receivers covering the frequency range 18-25GHz (?) will be constructed. This number includes one spare. The receivers will be co-located with the 3.5mm receivers in the same cryogenic dewar in the receiver turret. Options for a 7 mm future upgrade will be considered in the design of the dewar.
  • The LNAs will consist of 4-stage amplifier using discrete components.
  • The RF/IF and mixer ambient temperature components will be manufactured by private industry
  • Zenith Tsystem will be < 100K under average observing conditions (e.g. 10 mm PWV)

Project Leader: M.W. Sinclair

Project Scientist: R.N. Manchester

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $1.625M

Estimated completion date: January 2002

2. 3.5mm Receivers for the Compact Array

  • Six 3.5mm cryogenically cooled receivers covering the frequency range 85-95GHz (minimum) will be constructed. This number includes one spare, only five antennas on the 3km arm of the Compact Array will be outfitted with these receivers. The receivers will be housed in the same cryogenics dewars as the 12mm receivers. Options for a 7mm future upgrade will be considered in the design of the dewar.
  • The LNAs will consist of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) using Indium Phosphide transistors
  • Zenith Tsystem will be < 200K SSB (?) under average observing conditions (e.g. 10mm PWV)
  • Standard Compact Array correlator, i.e. 128 MHz maximum bandwidth, 2 bit correlation.

Project Leader: M.W. Sinclair

Project Scientist: B.S. Koribalski (chair)

Estimated cost (Jan 1995) $1.025M

Expected completion date: January 2002

3. Antenna Surface Extension

  • Design study of optimum surface and subreflector optics.
  • Extension of solid surface of five Compact Array antennas from 15m to 22m diameter.
  • Construction of high frequency holography system, including 2 off 30GHz receivers.

Project Leader: M.J. Kesteven

Project Scientist: B.M. Thomas

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.84M

Estimated completion date: September 1999

4. Atmospheric Phase Correction

This project includes a design study to confirm the optimum atmospheric phase correction strategy for the ATCA. At this stage we are evaluating the use of water vapour radiometers operating at either 225 GHz or 22 GHz.

Construction of four 225GHz WVRs to complement the existing prototype.

Project Leader: P.J. Hall

Project Engineer: G.C. Carrad

Project Scientist: M.H. Wieringa, R.J. Sault

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.148M

Extended completion date: September 2000

5. Local Oscillator (L.O.) upgrade on the Compact Array to achieve desired phase stability for operation at mm wavelengths

  • A multi strand single mode fibre optics cable will be run to each station from a central site. Total stations to be connected will include the 3.5 new stations built under this upgrade program (and the new stations on the North-South spur if the project goes ahead).
  • The master reference frequency oscillator will be 7 GHz (?) and will be provided under the cost of this project.
  • A round trip phase compensating system will be provided under the cost of this project.

NB Not included in this project costs are:

(a) Master frequency standard, e.g. H-maser, and

(b) Any local oscillator modifications to current receiving systems or any local oscillator units required for new receivers.

Project leader: W.E. Wilson

Project Scientist: J.L. Higdon

Estimated cost (Jan 1995) $0.69M

Estimated completion date: February 2000

6. 3.5 Extra Stations on the Compact Array

Three and a half extra stations will be added to the 3 km arm of the Compact Array. The AT document (AT31.6.7/012) by J.L. Caswell and L. Staveley-Smith, can be considered as starting reference. One of the stations shall have six piers rather than the standard four, this will enable the telescope to be moved a half a unit (7.5mm) step, hence the nomenclature.

  • The works will provide for the concrete station piers and interlocking beams. In addition both electrical and electronic connections to the station will be made via the standard ATCA station post.
  • Cabling to and from the station port to the rest of the system will also be provided.

Project Leader: J.W. Brooks

Project Scientist: J.L. Caswell

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.4M

Estimated completion date: October 1999

7. Australia Telescope Observing Management System (ATOMS)

Additional manpower support for the development of computer software for the ATOMS project will be provided under this grant.

Project Leader: D. McConnell

Project Scientist: W.N. Brouw

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.185M

Estimated completion date: April 1999

8. Upgrade of Parkes RF/IF Conversion System

  • This upgrade will bring the Parkes conversion system up to the same standard at the ATCA. In particular it will provide:
  • A four channel RF/IF conversion system eventually covering an input frequency range of 1.0 to 10.0 GHz and delivering an I.F. with up to 256 MHz bandwidth.
  • Provision of four high quality frequency synthesisers.

Project Leader: G.G. Moorey

Project Scientist: J.L. Caswell

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.21M

Estimated completion date: September 1998

(B) Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Upgrade

(i) 12mm Receiver (Mopra)

This receiver will be the prototype for the 12mm C.A. receivers and we will probably build two front ends.

(a) The first unit will be a relatively narrowband front end (21-24 GHz) utilising a small dewar with a CTI system 21 cryodyne and will be mounted on top of the existing 3mm receiver. This will be installed at Mopra in June 1996 and will be available for VSOP support.

(b) The second unit will be a standard 12/3.5mm (and possibly 7mm) system and will be installed at a later date. Both systems will be built under this project's total budget.

Project Leader: M.W. Sinclair

Project Scientist: D.L. Jauncey

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.2M

Estimated completion date: March 2000

(ii) Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Hydrogen maser frequency standard

Provision of a high precision time and frequency standard for the ATNF sites.

  • VLBI tape playback unit

An additional S-2 tape playback unit will be bought and configured to increase the VLBI S-2 correlator system (based in Sydney) from 6 to 7 stations.

  • Timing units

Five timing units will be constructed for Narrabri, Mopra, Parkes, Tidbinbilla and Perth. The units will consist of a personal computer field station (PCFS) plus a GPS receiver (card).

Project Leader: W.E. Wilson

Project Scientist: J.E. Reynolds

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $0.314K

Estimated completion date: March 1998

(C) Strategic Research

Two areas of research that are becoming increasingly important for the future of radio astronomy are array technology (both focal and aperture plane) and the need for active frequency excision. Frequency excision will become increasingly important for the existing systems and both array technology and frequency excision are of fundamental importance for the next generation in square kilometre telescopes.

Array technology

Project Leader: B.M. Thomas

Project Scientist: R.D. Ekers

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $140K

Estimated completion date: January 2001

Interference excision techniques

Project Leader: W.E. Wilson

Project Scientist: R.D. Ekers

Estimated cost (Jan 1995): $46K

Estimated completion date: January 2001

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Last updated: 10-June-1997
Ray Norris (
Based on JWB/gam:232/97 version 2
