The Local Volume HI Survey (LVHIS)

NGC 1313

NGC 1313 (HIPASS J0317-66) is a late-type barred spiral galaxy at a TRGB distance of 4.07 ± 0.22 Mpc (Grise et al. 2008). For a detailed study see Ryder et al. (1995) who find a large HI disc, extending ~18 arcmin × 12 arcmin, and measure FHI = 455 Jy km/s. By combining the ATCA HI data of NGC 1313 with our ATCA HI data for the dwarf companion AM 0319-662, discussed below, we create an even more sensitive mosaic of the area. We measure FHI = 491.9 Jy km/s for NGC 1313, in agreement with our recent H75-array HI mosaic (FHI = 496.2 Jy km/s) and Parkes HI mosaics (Ryder et al. 1995, Barnes & de Blok 2004, Koribalski et al. 2004), and derive MHI = 1.9 × 109 M. Our high-resolution ATCA HI data show an extended, somewhat asymmetric HI distribution and mildly disturbed velocity field. Using 3D FAT Wang et al. (2017) obtain an HI rotation curve indicating vrot = 220 km/s at Rmax = 10.3 kpc and Mdyn = 1.1 × 1011 M. Hα imaging by Ryder & Dopita (1993) reveals the brightest HII regions in the bar and inner spiral arms of NGC 1313, surrounded by low surface brightness emission in the form of filaments, arcs and shells.

Reference: Koribalski et al. 2018 * LVHIS database * LVHIS homepage * next

Last updated on 18 Feb 2018. © Copyright CSIRO