The Local Volume HI Survey (LVHIS)

UGCA 438

UGCA 438 (HIPASS J2326-32) is a dwarf irregular galaxy at a TRGB distances of 2.18 ± 0.09 Mpc (Dalcanton et al. 2009). The results of stellar photometry, made difficult by a bright foreground star, are presented by Lee & Byun (1999). Kaisin et al. (2007) spot a single Hα emission region, while the GALEX UV emission is clearly extended. Buyle et al. (2006) report CO non-detections for both UGCA 438 and IC 5152 and show preliminary ATCA HI intensity maps. Here we show - for comparison with ESO 410-G005 - high-resolution (30 arcsec) ATCA HI distributions of both galaxies overlaid on to DSS2 B-band optical images. The HI gas associated with UGCA 438 is mostly found outside the stellar disc, with HI peaks to the north and south plus a minor peak to the east. The gas distribution is highly peculiar and gives the appearance of a fragmented HI ring; the HI velocity field shows no clear signs of rotation. HI emission is detected in the velocity range from ~46 to 80 km/s. Using our ATCA HI data we measure FHI = 3.7 Jy km/s which corresponds to an HI mass of only 4.1 × 106 M. We note that in HIPASS the galaxy UGCA 438 is confused with Galactic HI emission.

Reference: Koribalski et al. 2018 * LVHIS database * LVHIS homepage * next

Last updated on 18 Feb 2018. © Copyright CSIRO