Main Projects of the research group on
- Detailed studies of interesting objects
- Centaurus A: monitor of the jet with VLBI (D.Jauncey; SHEVE team); 8GHz ATCA observations of the jet (Morganti R., Wagner S., Reynolds J.) and northern radio lobe with the ATCA at 13 and 20cm (R. Morganti, N. Killeen, B.Sault, et al.) and Parkes data at 13 and 20 cm (R. Haynes et al.); IR observations of the nucleus (IRSPEC (ESO) and ISO; Morganti R., Fosbury R., Ward M., Simpson C.)
- Study of the nuclear regions of Pictor A with VLBI (S.Tingay & SHEVE team) and ATCA (B.Sault, S. Simkin, E.Sadler)
- Study of the jet/cloud interaction in PKS 2250-41 using radio (ATCA and VLA) and optical(ESO and HST) data (N.Clark, R.Morganti, C.Tadhunter, N.Killeen)
- PKS 1333-33 (IC 4296): dynamics of the inner jet (N.Killeen, J.Bicknell, R.Ekers)
- The powerful radio galaxies PKS 2356-64 (Koekemoer A.M., Ekers R., Bicknell G.) and PKS 2152-69 with ATCA (Ekers R., Wilson W. and Fosbury R.) and VLBI (Tingay et al.)
- General characteristcs of radio sources & Unified Schemes
- Study of jets FRI radio galaxies ( P.Jones, B.McAdam, B.Lloyd & R.Haynes)
- Structure & Evolution of nuclei in low-redshift southern radio galaxies (Jauncey D., Tingay S. et al.)
- Depolarization asymmetry in low-luminosity radio galaxies (R.Morganti, P.Parma, R.Fanti)
- Circular polarisation as a test of Unified schemes (R.Norris, D.Rayner, N.Killeen, B.Sault)
- An HI disk in PKS S1934-638 (Ekers R., Staveley-Smith)
- VLBI study of Giga-Hertz-Peaked sources (E.King & SHEVE team)
- Variability of radio sources:
- Intra-day variability of QSOs and BL Lacs (L.Kedziora-Chudzcer, M.Wieringa, A.Tzioumis, J.Reynolds, D.Jauncey)
- Monitoring of PKS2155-304 and souther GRO radio sources (L.Kedziora-Chudzcer et al.)
- Radio, optical and X-ray study of a southern sample of radio sources (2Jy Sample, R.Morganti, C.Tadhunter, T.Oosterloo, Dickson R., Fosbury R.)
- Definition & study of a large complete sample of radio sources (selected from PMN) with ATCA ( A.Wright et al. ). Accurate positions, fluxes, structures, spectral indices for:
- complete sample of Giga-Hertz-Peaked sources
- search for optically very bright quasars
- Search for and study of high redshift radio galaxies by using Ultra-Steep-Spectrum sources (M.Wieringa, R.Hunstead, G.Miley)
- A deep 20cm radio mosaic of the ESO key-project Galaxy Redshift Survey (Prandoni I, Ekers R., Wieringa M. et al.)
- AT Calibrators (J. Reynolds)
- Effect of environment & Clusters
- Optical study of dumbbells radio galaxies (T.Oosterloo, R.Morganti, M.Balcells, I.Gonzales-Serrano, I.Perez-Fournon)
- ATCA & VLA observations of clusters and associated optical identifications, relic sources in clusters, radio gravitational arcs in clusters (B.Slee, A.Roy, G.Tsarevsky, H.Andernach, J.Reynolds, H.Liang, Wu X.-P.)
- Magnetic Field toward the edge of the Radio Loud Universe ( ATCA observations of the most distant quasar PKS1251-407) (Tsarevsky G., Killeen N. & Ehle M.)
- An ATCA Radio Survey of the High-Redshift, Radio-Quiet Quasars G. Tsarevsky, J. Reynolds and O.B. Slee .
- The relic radio sources in A4038 (Slee et al.) and A3667 (Ekers R., Wieringa M., Hunstead R., Rottgering H.)
- ATCA and MOST observations of the Shapley-Concentration (T.Venturi, R.Morganti, S.Bardelli, R.Hunstead)
Last update by Bärbel Koribalski: 29-July-1999