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16th of May 2024
A signature board commemorating the inauguration of the Kennedy 60-foot (18-m) antenna at Fleurs on 16 May 1961.
Anniversary of the inauguration of the Kennedy antenna at Fleurs
CSIRO operated the Fleurs field station from 1954 to 1963, when it was tranferred to the University of Sydney. The Chris Cross was completed in 1957 and comprised two arms of 32 parabolic 5.8-m diameter dishes. The Chris Cross was complemented with the addition of an 18-m (60-foot) prefabricated dish at the eastern end of the E-W arm. Built by the firm of D.S. Kennedy in Massachusetts, the "Kennedy" 60-foot (18-m) antenna was used in combination with the dishes of the E-W arm of the Chris Cross to form the Fleurs Compound Interferomenter that could be used at night for non-solar radio astronomy. Operating at 1420 MHz, and with a 1.5 arc-minute fan beam, this new array was used for a high-resolution survey of selected southern sources. The Kennedy antenna was inaugurated on this day in 1961. (Image credit: CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive)

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