A T N F    D a i l y    A s t r o n o m y    P i c t u r e


30 Aug 2024 Wear It Purple day 2024
29 Aug 2024 CryoPAF installation
28 Aug 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Oliver Oayda
27 Aug 2024 ASKAP observations of the Corkscrew Galaxy (by Koribalski et al.)
26 Aug 2024 New ATCA study of the LMC Supernova Remnant N49 (by Ghavam et al.)
23 Aug 2024 A rainbow over cryoPAF tests
22 Aug 2024 ASKAP Update for August
21 Aug 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Pascal Keller
20 Aug 2024 The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array at the Frontiers of Science
19 Aug 2024 Milky Way from rural NSW
16 Aug 2024 PULSE@Parkes at the IAU GA
15 Aug 2024 First images from an SKA-Low station
14 Aug 2024 ATNF Colloquium -- AAL Update
13 Aug 2024 IAU Offices Plenary Session
12 Aug 2024 SKA Day at the IAU GA
9 Aug 2024 IAU General Assembly 2024
8 Aug 2024 IAU General Assembly 2024
7 Aug 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Laura Driessen
6 Aug 2024 Optical imaging of the supernova remnant Hoinga
5 Aug 2024 Tasso Tzioumis retirement colloquium
2 Aug 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Tasso Tzioumis
1 Aug 2024 Conversation article on weighing a neutron star
31 Jul 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Hao Ding
30 Jul 2024 de Laeter Colloquium by Mary Putnam
29 Jul 2024 A two-minute burst of highly polarised radio emission from a low Galactic latitude
26 Jul 2024 The entrance to the Marsfield site
25 Jul 2024 Radar observations of the asteroid 2012 OD1
24 Jul 2024 Radio Galaxy Zoo takes on ASKAP data
23 Jul 2024 Wajarri artwork presented to SKAO
22 Jul 2024 The Royal Astronomical Society Jackson-Gwilt Award
19 Jul 2024 A NICER View of the Nearest and Brightest Millisecond Pulsar: PSR J0437-4715
18 Jul 2024 ASKAP Observations of Filamentary Structures in the Abell S1136 Galaxy Cluster (by Macgregor et al.)
17 Jul 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Apurba Bera
16 Jul 2024 ASKAP Update for July
15 Jul 2024 ATCA observations of the Honeycomb Nebula (by Alsaberi et al.)
12 Jul 2024 NAIDOC Week celebrations at the Parkes Observatory
11 Jul 2024 Dharug names for Marsfield meeting rooms
10 Jul 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Pat Forster
9 Jul 2024 An Untargeted Search for Radio-Emitting Tidal Disruption Events in the VAST Pilot Survey (by Dykaar et al.)
8 Jul 2024 National NAIDOC Week 2024
5 Jul 2024 The Square Kilometre Array - A Science Mega-Project in the Making
4 Jul 2024 The ATNF News
3 Jul 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Monserrat Martinez
2 Jul 2024 A Millisecond Pulsar Binary Embedded in a Galactic Center Radio Filament
1 Jul 2024 Andrew Zic wins Louise Webster Prize 2024
28 Jun 2024 ASA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
27 Jun 2024 Canada joins the SKA
26 Jun 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Benjamin Roberts
25 Jun 2024 ASKAP-EMU Discovery of New Galactic SNR Candidate: Unicycle (by Smeaton et al.)
24 Jun 2024 ASKAP Update for June
21 Jun 2024 Sunrise at Boolardy
20 Jun 2024 Wideband polarization and spectral properties of 18 high Galactic latitude pulsars
19 Jun 2024 Welcome Josh Pritchard
18 Jun 2024 ASKAP-EMU Radio Emission from the Supernova Remnant SN1996aq in NGC 5584 (by Zakir et al.)
17 Jun 2024 Conversation article about new slow-spinning radio neutron star
14 Jun 2024 30 years of Parkes Pulsar Survey Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal (by Lawrence Toomey)
13 Jun 2024 Cosmic Magnetism in the pre-SKA Era
12 Jun 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Susmita Sett
11 Jun 2024 Murriyang azimuth roller work
7 Jun 2024 Slow-spinning radio neutron star breaks all the rules (by Caleb et al.)
6 Jun 2024 ASKAP Update for May
5 Jun 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Evgeni Grishin
4 Jun 2024 The Mills Cross at Fleurs
3 Jun 2024 The Mills Cross at Fleurs
31 May 2024 National Reconciliation Week 2024
30 May 2024 National Reconciliation Week 2024
29 May 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Ellie Samson
28 May 2024 National Reconciliation Week 2024
27 May 2024 National Reconciliation Week 2024
24 May 2024 Images of the active sun made with the Chris Cross at Fleurs
23 May 2024 The Chris Cross at Fleurs
22 May 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Aman Chokshi
21 May 2024 Kennedy antenna "dish lift" at Fleurs
20 May 2024 The ACAMAR10 conference in Guangzhou
17 May 2024 Impact of recent coronal mass ejections on ASKAP data
16 May 2024 Anniversary of the inauguration of the Kennedy antenna at Fleurs
15 May 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Kai Polsterer
14 May 2024 Aurora at ATCA
13 May 2024 The Chris Cross at Fleurs
10 May 2024 ASKAP Discovery of a new Galactic SNR Candidate (by by Lazarević et al.)
9 May 2024 ASA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
8 May 2024 Special mini-symposium: Anna Scaife, Jayaram Chengalur, Scott Ransom
7 May 2024 The Timing of pulsars in M62 (by Vleeschower et al.)
6 May 2024 Australia Telescope Steering Committee visit to Parkes
3 May 2024 Crepuscular rays at CDSCC
2 May 2024 SKA Science Data Challenge 3
1 May 2024 April issue of Contact
30 Apr 2024 Star formation in the Nessie Nebula (by Jackson et al.)
29 Apr 2024 Multi-epoch sampling of the radio star population with ASKAP (by Pritchard et al.)
26 Apr 2024 Welcome Adriana Parra
24 Apr 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Ophélie Renaud
23 Apr 2024 A study of 10 Rotating Radio Transients using Murriyang, the Parkes radio telescope (by Ren et al.)
22 Apr 2024 Linear to circular conversion in the polarized radio emission of a magnetar (by Lower et al.)
19 Apr 2024 BIGCAT testing at the ATCA
18 Apr 2024 ASKAP Update for April
17 Apr 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Jordan Collier
16 Apr 2024 A multiband look at ultraluminous X-ray sources in NGC 7424 (by Soria et al.)
15 Apr 2024 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2023OCTS (by Lawrence Toomey)
12 Apr 2024 AT Users Committee Open Session
11 Apr 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Albert Zijlstra
10 Apr 2024 Conversation article on the magnetar XTE J1810-197
9 Apr 2024 William Wordsworth
8 Apr 2024 Total solar eclipses
5 Apr 2024 256 down, 130,816 to go!
4 Apr 2024 Thermonuclear explosions on neutron stars reveal the speed of their jets (by Russell et al.)
3 Apr 2024 Thermonuclear explosions on neutron stars reveal the speed of their jets (by Russell et al.)
2 Apr 2024 Friends of Technology and Innovation
28 Mar 2024 Modeling the Radial Distribution of Pulsars in the Galaxy (by Xie et al.)
27 Mar 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Samuel Lai
26 Mar 2024 Fizzy and Suds visit Parkes
25 Mar 2024 Interstellar Frontiers 2024
22 Mar 2024 SETI's potential
21 Mar 2024 ASKAP Update for March (by Aidan Hotan)
20 Mar 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Tony Beasley
19 Mar 2024 SDHDF: A new file format for spectral-domain radio astronomy data (by Toomey et al.)
18 Mar 2024 IEEE Milestone Award for CDSCC
15 Mar 2024 IEEE Milestone Award for CDSCC
14 Mar 2024 Interstellar Frontiers 2024
13 Mar 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Magda Arnaboldi
12 Mar 2024 Welcome Samuel Lai
11 Mar 2024 The first SKA-Low antenna
8 Mar 2024 International Women's Day
7 Mar 2024 The bright side of the rainbow
6 Mar 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Nivedita Mahesh
5 Mar 2024 A radio flare associated with eRASSt J234403−352640: a potential tidal disruption event (by Goodwin et al.)
4 Mar 2024 The view from the Moon
1 Mar 2024 CSIRO at Sydney Mardi Gras
29 Feb 2024 Survey and Monitoring of ASKAP’s RFI environment and Trends (by Lourenço et al.)
28 Feb 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Stanley Owocki
27 Feb 2024 HI, FRB, What's Your z? (by Glowacki et al.)
26 Feb 2024 Parkes Observatory tracking Odysseus
23 Feb 2024 Smile, and the Universe smiles with you
22 Feb 2024 M2P2 -- the Maser Monitoring Parkes Project
21 Feb 2024 ASKAP Update for February
20 Feb 2024 Parkes Observatory tracking IM-1
19 Feb 2024 ASKAP discovers radio emission from local massive galaxies
16 Feb 2024 Article on ASKAP FRB detection in The Conversation
15 Feb 2024 Fast and furious 3: The RACS Holiday Special
14 Feb 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Rudrani Kar Chowdhury
13 Feb 2024 The International Day of Women and Girls in Science
12 Feb 2024 Happy Lunar New Year!
9 Feb 2024 Mode Switching behavior of PSR J0614+2229 (by Cai et al.)
8 Feb 2024 An Eastern Bearded Dragon at Tidbinbilla
7 Feb 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Hamsa Padmanabhan
6 Feb 2024 A Galactic Eclipse: The SMC is Forming Stars in Two, Superimposed Systems (by Murray et al.)
5 Feb 2024 A Galactic Eclipse: The SMC is Forming Stars in Two, Superimposed Systems (by Murray et al.)
2 Feb 2024 CDSCC antenna DSS-36
1 Feb 2024 Ultra-deep ATCA imaging of 47 Tucanae reveals a central compact radio source (by Paduano et al.)
30 Jan 2024 Vacation Student Presentations
30 Jan 2024 Transients Down Under
29 Jan 2024 ASKAP Update for January
25 Jan 2024 Long Baseline Array observing session
24 Jan 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Tomoki Morokuma
23 Jan 2024 Parkes Elvis Festival 2024
22 Jan 2024 Parkes Elvis Festival 2024
19 Jan 2024 The FLASH pilot survey for HI absorption (by Aditya et al.)
18 Jan 2024 The FLASH pilot survey for HI absorption (by Aditya et al.)
17 Jan 2024 ATNF Colloquium by Kana Morokuma
16 Jan 2024 Parkes Elvis Festival 2024
15 Jan 2024 Royal Astronomical Society Award for ASKAP FRB research
12 Jan 2024 Vacation Students ATCA observing trip
11 Jan 2024 The FLASH pilot survey for HI absorption
10 Jan 2024 India to become full member of SKAO
9 Jan 2024 NASA's Deep Space Network turns 60
8 Jan 2024 New Year Honours for Phil Diamond
22 Dec 2023 Season's Greetings
21 Dec 2023 Season's Greetings
20 Dec 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Joe Callingham
19 Dec 2023 ASKAP Update for December
18 Dec 2023 Season's Greetings
15 Dec 2023 Season's Greetings
14 Dec 2023 ATNF Annual Report 2022/23
13 Dec 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Ron Ekers
12 Dec 2023 Parkes confirmation of an ASKAP pulsar candidate (by Wang et al.)
11 Dec 2023 Near Earth Asteroid radar observations
8 Dec 2023 RACS-Mid catalog (by Duchesne et al.)
7 Dec 2023 RACS-Mid catalog (by Duchesne et al.)
6 Dec 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Dipanjan Mitra
5 Dec 2023 CRAFT busy week
4 Dec 2023 CSIRO Awards
1 Dec 2023 November issue of Contact
30 Nov 2023 de Laeter Colloquium by Roland Bacon
29 Nov 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Amit Seta
28 Nov 2023 ASKAP Update for November
27 Nov 2023 Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara visitors
24 Nov 2023 FLASH busy week
23 Nov 2023 FLASH busy week
22 Nov 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Prajval Shastri
21 Nov 2023 ATCA Study of Small Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant 1E 0102.2–7219 (by Alsaberi et al.)
20 Nov 2023 Spectropolarimetric variability in the repeating fast radio burst source FRB 20180301A (by Kumar et al.)
17 Nov 2023 SKA Science Working Groups
16 Nov 2023 Bistatic radar observations of the asteroid 2003 UC20
15 Nov 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Joshua Pritchard
14 Nov 2023 "Pulsar state" and "RRAT state"
13 Nov 2023 New insights on 30 Dor B revealed by multi-wavelength observations
10 Nov 2023 Ancora, the recently discovered ASKAP supernova remnant (by Burger-Scheidlin et al.)
9 Nov 2023 Gamma-ray detection of newly discovered ASKAP supernova remnant (by Burger-Scheidlin et al.)
8 Nov 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Yuzhe (Robert) Song
7 Nov 2023 A Circumhorizontal Arc at CDSCC
6 Nov 2023 Long Baseline Array observing
3 Nov 2023 ACAMAR workshop on Cosmic Magnetism
2 Nov 2023 AusSRC signing
1 Nov 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Fernando Camilo
31 Oct 2023 SPICE-RACS (by Alec Thomson)
30 Oct 2023 SPICE-RACS (by Alec Thomson)
27 Oct 2023 CARTA visualisation tool now available in CASDA (by Minh Huynh)
26 Oct 2023 Characterizing Pulsars Detected in the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Anumarlapudi et al.)
25 Oct 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Chris Moeckel
24 Oct 2023 WALLABY observations of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (by For et al.)
23 Oct 2023 CSIRO's Marine National Facility
20 Oct 2023 ATNF Science Retreat
19 Oct 2023 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2023APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
18 Oct 2023 ASKAP Update for October
17 Oct 2023 Welcome Jane Kaczmarek
16 Oct 2023 Celebration of the Molonglo radio-telescope
13 Oct 2023 Celebration of the Molonglo radio-telescope
12 Oct 2023 Celebration of the Molonglo radio-telescope
11 Oct 2023 ASKAP and eROSITA surveys of galaxy clusters (by Böckmann et al.)
10 Oct 2023 ASKAP and eROSITA surveys of galaxy clusters (by Böckmann et al.)
9 Oct 2023 Radio School coffee mugs
6 Oct 2023 CSIRO Space & Astronomy Radio School
5 Oct 2023 ASKAP Variable Sources on Minute Timescales (by Wang et al.)
4 Oct 2023 ASKAP Variable Sources on Minute Timescales (by Wang et al.)
3 Oct 2023 CSIRO's new Chief Executive
29 Sep 2023 CSIRO Space & Astronomy Radio School
28 Sep 2023 Commemorating ATCA construction
27 Sep 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Chayan Chatterjee
26 Sep 2023 CSIRO Space & Astronomy Radio School
25 Sep 2023 ATCArpobrotus
22 Sep 2023 Anniversary of the Radioheliograph opening
21 Sep 2023 ASKAP Update for September
20 Sep 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Anais Möller
19 Sep 2023 The Sun's rays at sunrise
18 Sep 2023 Venus at greatest brilliance
15 Sep 2023 Polar Ring Galaxies in The Conversation
14 Sep 2023 WALLABY discovery of Potential Polar Ring Galaxies
13 Sep 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Luke Davies
12 Sep 2023 Testing General Relativity with the PSR J1757-1854 double neutron star system (by Cameron et al.)
11 Sep 2023 Rapid radio brightening of GRB 210702A (by Anderson et al.)
8 Sep 2023 Vive Regal visit to Parkes
7 Sep 2023 Variables and Slow Transients workshop
6 Sep 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Hyein Yoon
5 Sep 2023 EMU discovery of a large supernova remnant (by Filipović et al.)
4 Sep 2023 A long-lasting delayed radio flare from a tidal disruption event (by Sfaradi et al.)
1 Sep 2023 ASKAP discovery of candidate supernova remnants (by Ball et al.)
31 Aug 2023 ASKAP discovery of candidate supernova remnants (by Ball et al.)
30 Aug 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Sarah Pearce
29 Aug 2023 URSI's John Howard Dellinger Gold Medal
28 Aug 2023 Wear It Purple day at Parkes
25 Aug 2023 Wear It Purple day
24 Aug 2023 What's the lowdown with SKA-Low?
23 Aug 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Jennifer West
22 Aug 2023 Space and Astronomy Executive Team visits Geraldton
21 Aug 2023 URSI GASS 2023
18 Aug 2023 ASKAP Update for August
17 Aug 2023 ASKAP Update for August
16 Aug 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Virginia Kilborn
15 Aug 2023 Periodic radio emission from an ultracool brown dwarf (by Rose et al.)
14 Aug 2023 National Science Week
11 Aug 2023 APRIM 2023
10 Aug 2023 Welcome John Morgan
9 Aug 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Barnali Das
8 Aug 2023 APRIM 2023
7 Aug 2023 David Malin Awards 2023
4 Aug 2023 David Malin Awards 2023
3 Aug 2023 David Malin Awards 2023
2 Aug 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Shriharsh Tendulkar
1 Aug 2023 ACAMAR9 meeting
31 Jul 2023 A new type of stellar object (by Natasha Hurley-Walker et al.)
28 Jul 2023 SKA-Low Aperture Array Verification System 3
27 Jul 2023 SKA-Low Aperture Array Verification System 3
26 Jul 2023 Celebrating 10 years of MWA operations
25 Jul 2023 ASKAP SMART RFI Survey
24 Jul 2023 Welcome Barnali Das
21 Jul 2023 Stargazing at the Dish (by Franco Di Dio)
20 Jul 2023 ASKAP Update for July (by Aidan Hotan)
19 Jul 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Darren Croton
18 Jul 2023 A space Boomerang at Parkes
17 Jul 2023 Silver Pleaides award
14 Jul 2023 The mid-band Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Duchesne et al.)
13 Jul 2023 The mid-band Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Duchesne et al.)
12 Jul 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Ophélie Renaud
11 Jul 2023 The mid-band Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Duchesne et al.)
10 Jul 2023 The mid-band Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Duchesne et al.)
7 Jul 2023 ATNF Town Hall
6 Jul 2023 NAIDOC week coffee
5 Jul 2023 Astronomical Society of Australia Annual Meeting
4 Jul 2023 Astronomical Society of Australia Annual Meeting
3 Jul 2023 NAIDOC week 2023
30 Jun 2023 The fingerprints of gravitational waves
29 Jun 2023 Kangaroos by a radioheliograph dish
28 Jun 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Ashley Ruiter
27 Jun 2023 A commensal ASKAP Fast Radio Burst (by Glowacki et al.)
26 Jun 2023 June issues of Contact
23 Jun 2023 Vivid Sydney 2023
22 Jun 2023 ASKAP Update for June
21 Jun 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Jean-Francois Nezan
20 Jun 2023 The CDSCC 70m antenna, DSS-43
19 Jun 2023 Kerastari conference photo
16 Jun 2023 ASKAP at sunset
15 Jun 2023 Animals and antennas, again
14 Jun 2023 Timing and Imaging with SKA pathfinders and precursors
13 Jun 2023 Timing and Imaging of compact sources with SKA pathfinders and precursors
9 Jun 2023 Filming at Parkes
8 Jun 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Amit Seta
7 Jun 2023 The 2023 PHISCC meeting (by Ivy Wong)
6 Jun 2023 Tidbinbilla rainbow no. 2
5 Jun 2023 Tidbinbilla rainbow no. 1
2 Jun 2023 Radio waves from a solar flare
1 Jun 2023 The Shaw Prize for Astronomy 2023
31 May 2023 ATCA from Uluru
30 May 2023 ASKAP Update for May
29 May 2023 National Reconciliation Week 2023
26 May 2023 Replacing the Parkes focus cabin
25 May 2023 Replacing the Parkes focus cabin
24 May 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Nick Lomb and Toner Stevenson
23 May 2023 Replacing the Parkes focus cabin
22 May 2023 Bologna VLBI: Life begins at 40!
19 May 2023 The Epping 4m telescope
18 May 2023 A history of 3mm observations
17 May 2023 The Flag of Earth
16 May 2023 Atop the Parkes aerial cabin
15 May 2023 Exploring the Unknown with Radio Surveys
12 May 2023 A broad-band population view of pulsar polarisation (by Oswald et al.)
11 May 2023 A broad-band population view of pulsar polarisation (by Oswald et al.)
10 May 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Dale Gary
9 May 2023 Hydra cluster galaxies in the radio and ultra-violet (by Holwerda et al.)
8 May 2023 The brightest gamma-ray burst ever detected
5 May 2023 Another eclipse!
4 May 2023 ATNF Annual Report
3 May 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Travis Rector
2 May 2023 ASKAP Update for April (by Aidan Hotan)
1 May 2023 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2022OCTS (by Lawrence Toomey)
28 Apr 2023 DSS43 50th anniversary!
27 Apr 2023 ASKAP observations of the 2023 solar eclipse
26 Apr 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Jayender Kumar
24 Apr 2023 The 2023 solar eclipse from Parkes
21 Apr 2023 Partial solar eclipse
20 Apr 2023 Total solar eclipse
19 Apr 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Caroline Foster
18 Apr 2023 JUICE launch
17 Apr 2023 Welcome Jayender Kumar
14 Apr 2023 20th anniversary of the Dish Cafe
13 Apr 2023 Identifying anomalous radio sources in the EMU Pilot Survey using a complexity-based approach (by Segal et al.)
12 Apr 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Chandra Murugeshan
11 Apr 2023 Identifying anomalous radio sources in the EMU Pilot Survey using a complexity-based approach (by Segal et al.)
6 Apr 2023 Potential HI Compass Needles in the SMC (by Ma et al.)
5 Apr 2023 ASKAP discovery of a 600 kpc complex radio source in Abell 3718 (by Loi et al.)
4 Apr 2023 SKA Science Data Challenge 2: analysis and results (by Hartley et al.)
3 Apr 2023 Germany announces intention to become full SKA Observatory member
31 Mar 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Michael Kramer
30 Mar 2023 The Ultra Wide-band Low spectrum
29 Mar 2023 Wide-band Timing of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array UWL Data (by Curylo et al.)
28 Mar 2023 Cloud approaching CDSCC
27 Mar 2023 Visitors at Tidbinbilla
24 Mar 2023 Aperture Array Verification System 3
23 Mar 2023 ASKAP Update for March
22 Mar 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Natasha Hurley-Walker
21 Mar 2023 The Honeysuckle Creek antenna today
20 Mar 2023 IAU Maser Symposium
17 Mar 2023 Honeysuckle Creek Anniversary
16 Mar 2023 Wide-band Timing of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array UWL Data (by Curylo et al.)
15 Mar 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Douglas Scott
14 Mar 2023 HI absorption associated with Norma’s brightest cluster galaxy (by Saraf et al.)
13 Mar 2023 A multi-wavelength view of the galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0607-4448 (by Masterson et al.)
10 Mar 2023 Spiral arms around a high-mass protostar
9 Mar 2023 International Women's Day
8 Mar 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Trey Wenger
7 Mar 2023 New pulsars in old data (by Sengar et al.)
6 Mar 2023 New pulsars in old data (by Sengar et al.)
3 Mar 2023 Early days at Narrabri
2 Mar 2023 New pulsars in old data (by Sengar et al.)
1 Mar 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Robert Main
28 Feb 2023 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade
27 Feb 2023 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade
24 Feb 2023 MJD 60000
23 Feb 2023 Wajarri Yamaji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
22 Feb 2023 ASKAP Update for February (by Aidan Hotan and Tim Galvin)
21 Feb 2023 Wajarri Yamaji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
20 Feb 2023 Wajarri Yamaji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
17 Feb 2023 Wajarri Yamaji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
16 Feb 2023 Wajarri Yamaji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
15 Feb 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Nipanjana Patra
14 Feb 2023 Long Baseline Array observing
13 Feb 2023 New Radio-Loud QSOs at the end of the Re-ionisation Epoch (by Ighina et al.)
10 Feb 2023 New Radio-Loud QSOs at the end of the Re-ionisation Epoch (by Ighina et al.)
9 Feb 2023 SKAO Annual Report for 2021
8 Feb 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Yuanming Wang
7 Feb 2023 February issue of Contact, the SKAO magazine
6 Feb 2023 Welcome Xiu Liu
3 Feb 2023 ASKAP Update for January
2 Feb 2023 Steel trees
1 Feb 2023 2023 S&A Undergraduate Student Symposium
31 Jan 2023 Canada and the SKA
30 Jan 2023 Welcome Dilpreet Kaur
27 Jan 2023 "I took a ride on a moving radio telescope"
25 Jan 2023 ATNF Colloquium by Mark Cheung
24 Jan 2023 Vacation Student ATCA Observations
23 Jan 2023 From the Sun to the Cosmos
20 Jan 2023 Happy Lunar New Year
19 Jan 2023 Where are all the supernova remnants?
18 Jan 2023 Beyond the Milky Way
17 Jan 2023 Little Green Telescopes
16 Jan 2023 Asteroids can have moons too!
13 Jan 2023 The distance problem in astronomy
12 Jan 2023 Nulling in PSR J1401−6357
11 Jan 2023 Parkes Observatory Playground
10 Jan 2023 Parkes Elvis Festival 2023
9 Jan 2023 Parkes Elvis Festival 2023
23 Dec 2022 Season's Greetings
22 Dec 2022 Season's Greetings
21 Dec 2022 20th Anniversary of Apollo 17
20 Dec 2022 20th Anniversary of Apollo 17
19 Dec 2022 Welcome Zhuowei Wang
16 Dec 2022 New ASKAP Supernova Remnant Candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (by Bozzetto et al.)
15 Dec 2022 New ASKAP Supernova Remnant Candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (by Bozzetto et al.)
14 Dec 2022 New ASKAP Supernova Remnant Candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (by Bozzetto et al.)
13 Dec 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Venkatessh Ramakrishnan
12 Dec 2022 Peekaboo!
9 Dec 2022 SKA Construction Commencement
8 Dec 2022 SKA Construction Commencement
7 Dec 2022 SKA Construction Commencement Ceremony
6 Dec 2022 SKA Construction Commencement Ceremony
5 Dec 2022 Celebrating the PM's Prizes 2021
2 Dec 2022 The Potts Hill confirmation of the 21cm line
1 Dec 2022 Constraints on the cosmic dawn
30 Nov 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Grazia Umana
29 Nov 2022 ATCA at sunrise
28 Nov 2022 A Radio Variable in the Tenth Deeper, Wider, Faster Observing Run (by Dobie et al.)
25 Nov 2022 Tracking Orion
24 Nov 2022 WALLABY Pilot Survey Data Release
23 Nov 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Quirino D’Amato
22 Nov 2022 WALLABY Pilot Survey Data Release
21 Nov 2022 Superstars of STEM
18 Nov 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Rick Perley
17 Nov 2022 Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara -- sharing the sky and stars
16 Nov 2022 ASKAP Update for November
15 Nov 2022 Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara -- sharing the sky and stars
14 Nov 2022 US Ambassador visits Marsfield
11 Nov 2022 Flux density evolution of a supernova remnant (by Bietenholz et al.)
10 Nov 2022 LBA observations of a supernova remnant (by Bietenholz et al.)
9 Nov 2022 ATUC Science and Engineering Day
8 Nov 2022 Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara -- sharing the sky and stars
7 Nov 2022 Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara -- sharing the sky and stars
4 Nov 2022 Astrofest 2022
3 Nov 2022 Astrofest 2022
2 Nov 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Shanika Galaudage
1 Nov 2022 Astrofest 2022
31 Oct 2022 Happy Birthday Parkes!
28 Oct 2022 CryoPAF testing at Parkes
27 Oct 2022 CryoPAF test installation
26 Oct 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Yi Ki Ma
25 Oct 2022 The Parkes CryoPAF
24 Oct 2022 CryoPAF testing at Parkes
21 Oct 2022 ASKAP's view of an exceptionally bright Gamma-ray burst (by Emil Lenc, James Leung, and Tara Murphy)
20 Oct 2022 ASKAP Update for October (by Aidan Hotan)
19 Oct 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Bi-Qing For
18 Oct 2022 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2021APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
17 Oct 2022 Delayed launch of an outflow following a Tidal Disruption Event
14 Oct 2022 SKA-Low Aperture Array Verification Systems
13 Oct 2022 The eccentric millisecond pulsar PSR J0955−6150 (by Serylak et al.)
12 Oct 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Xiaojin Liu
11 Oct 2022 SKA-Low antennas
10 Oct 2022 10th Anniversary of ASKAP Opening Ceremony
7 Oct 2022 10th Anniversary of ASKAP Opening Ceremony
6 Oct 2022 10th Anniversary of ASKAP Opening Ceremony
5 Oct 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Meriem Behiri
4 Oct 2022 10th Anniversary of ASKAP Opening Ceremony
30 Sep 2022 Wildflowers in WA
29 Sep 2022 Gas dynamics and star formation in NGC 6822 (by Park et al.)
28 Sep 2022 Pia Wadjarri school visits
27 Sep 2022 Four New Fast Radio Bursts Discovered in the Parkes 70-cm Pulsar Survey Archive (by Crawford et al.)
26 Sep 2022 Four New Fast Radio Bursts Discovered in the Parkes 70-cm Pulsar Survey Archive (by Crawford et al.)
23 Sep 2022 ASKAP Update for September (by Aidan Hotan)
21 Sep 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Tristan Reynolds
20 Sep 2022 A pilot ASKAP survey for radio transients towards the Galactic Centre (by Wang et al.)
19 Sep 2022 Discovery of radio emission from the binary star system KQ Vel (by Leto et al.)
16 Sep 2022 Communicating Astronomy with the Public
15 Sep 2022 September issue of Contact, the SKA magazine
14 Sep 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Stella Ocker
13 Sep 2022 Communicating Astronomy with the Public
12 Sep 2022 Welcome Mark Cheung
9 Sep 2022 Assembly of the Parkes cryoPAF
8 Sep 2022 An all-sky survey of circular polarisation at 200 MHz (by Lenc et al.)
7 Sep 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Anita Petzler
6 Sep 2022 First measurement of interplanetary scintillation with ASKAP (by Chhetri et al.)
5 Sep 2022 A measurement of Hubble's Constant using Fast Radio Bursts (by James et al.)
2 Sep 2022 ASKAP FLASH detections of neutral hydrogen absorption in GAMA galaxies (by Su et al.)
1 Sep 2022 Stellar flares from low mass stars using ASKAP and TESS (by Rigney et al.)
31 Aug 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Jimi Green
30 Aug 2022 ASKAP Update for August
29 Aug 2022 Farewell to Dave McConnell
26 Aug 2022 Wear It Purple Day
25 Aug 2022 Owens Valley Radio Observatory
24 Aug 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Hyunwoo Kang
23 Aug 2022 Radio detection of an elusive millisecond pulsar (by Lei Zhang et al.)
22 Aug 2022 A fossil radio source in Abell 3266 (by Christopher Riseley and Tessa Vernstrom)
19 Aug 2022 The "wrong-way" relic in Abell 3266 (by Christopher Riseley and Tessa Vernstrom)
18 Aug 2022 The galaxy cluster Abell 3266 (by Christopher Riseley and Tessa Vernstrom)
17 Aug 2022 ATNF Colloquium by David McConnell
16 Aug 2022 "ASKAP Recap" event this evening
15 Aug 2022 First ASKAP images from Setonix (by Wasim Raja and Pascal Elahi)
12 Aug 2022 20th Anniversary of first ATCA North-Spur Fringes
11 Aug 2022 Busan welcomes the IAU
10 Aug 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan
9 Aug 2022 The IAU General Assembly
8 Aug 2022 The IAU General Assembly
5 Aug 2022 Where is Marsfield?
4 Aug 2022 ASKAP from an EWP
3 Aug 2022 The Astronomy Capital of Australia
2 Aug 2022 David Malin Awards 2022
1 Aug 2022 David Malin Awards 2022
29 Jul 2022 Wajarri Yamatji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
28 Jul 2022 Wajarri Yamatji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
27 Jul 2022 Wajarri Yamatji artworks for ASKAP Survey Science Projects
26 Jul 2022 ASKAP Update for July
25 Jul 2022 Re-collimation of the kiloparsec-scale radio jets in NGC 2663 (by Velović et al.)
22 Jul 2022 ATNF Science Retreat
21 Jul 2022 Virtual Solar System
20 Jul 2022 ATCA seeing monitor
19 Jul 2022 ATCA monitoring
18 Jul 2022 ATCA sunset silhouette
15 Jul 2022 ATCA sunrise
14 Jul 2022 ATCA stairs
13 Jul 2022 ATCA reflection
12 Jul 2022 ATCA joey
11 Jul 2022 ATCA antennas framed
7 Jul 2022 NAIDOC week
6 Jul 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Rob Wittenmyer
5 Jul 2022 Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky
4 Jul 2022 ASA's Peter McGregor Prize awarded to ASKAP Team
1 Jul 2022 ...and MAVERIC
30 Jun 2022 The Goose...
29 Jun 2022 The Narrabri Visitors Centre
28 Jun 2022 A radio continuum study of NGC 2082 (by Balzan et al.)
27 Jun 2022 Welcome Anita Petzler
24 Jun 2022 New Chair appointed to Australia Telescope Steering Committee
23 Jun 2022 Rapid Intra-Day Variability in PMN J1726+0639 (by Bignall et al.)
22 Jun 2022 Rapid Intra-Day Variability in PMN J1726+0639 (by Bignall et al.)
21 Jun 2022 PSR J1325-6253, a low eccentricity double neutron star system (by Sengar et al.)
20 Jun 2022 PSR J1325-6253, a low eccentricity double neutron star system (by Sengar et al.)
17 Jun 2022 When CA06 could move
16 Jun 2022 The MeerKAT megamaser Nkalakatha
15 Jun 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Marcin Glowacki
14 Jun 2022 Queen's Birthday Honours for Anne Green
10 Jun 2022 Wide-band spectral variability of peaked spectrum sources (by Ross et al.)
9 Jun 2022 A solar halo at Tidbinbilla
8 Jun 2022 ATCA from above
7 Jun 2022 VIVID planets
6 Jun 2022 Stairway to the stars
3 Jun 2022 Surveying the sky faster and better than before - RACS-low 2 (by Emil Lenc & Vanessa Moss)
2 Jun 2022 Matthew Bailes elected to Australian Academy of Science
1 Jun 2022 Naomi McClure-Griffiths elected to Australian Academy of Science
31 May 2022 Pulsar observations at Parkes (by Zhou et al.)
30 May 2022 National Reconciliation Week 2022
27 May 2022 Standing in the middle of AAVS2
26 May 2022 Pulsar observations at Parkes (by Zhou et al.)
25 May 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Ron Ekers
24 May 2022 The early afterglow of GRB 190829A (by Dichiara et al.)
23 May 2022 The first VLBI in Australia
20 May 2022 Wintry Canberra mornings
19 May 2022 ASKAP Update (by Aidan Hotan)
18 May 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Kelly Gourdji
17 May 2022 The environment around a supermassive black hole
16 May 2022 Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A*
13 May 2022 The arrangement of ASKAP antennas
12 May 2022 A lunar halo at the ATCA (by Ángel R. López Sánchez)
11 May 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Manisha Caleb
10 May 2022 CDSCC Autumn Sunrise
9 May 2022 Parkes Elvis Festival 2022
6 May 2022 Parkes Elvis Festival 2022
5 May 2022 ASKAP Update
4 May 2022 Discovery of an LMC pulsar as a circularly polarized ASKAP source (by Yuanming Wang)
3 May 2022 RACS Busy Week
2 May 2022 The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) (by Dawson et al.)
29 Apr 2022 The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) (by Dawson et al.)
28 Apr 2022 The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) (by Dawson et al.)
27 Apr 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Emma Ryan-Weber
26 Apr 2022 The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) (by Dawson et al.)
22 Apr 2022 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2021OCTS (by Lawrence Toomey)
21 Apr 2022 50th Anniversary of Apollo 16
20 Apr 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Abhimanyu Susobhanan
19 Apr 2022 50th Anniversary of Apollo 16
14 Apr 2022 And rain in Sydney
13 Apr 2022 Menacing skies over ASKAP
12 Apr 2022 April issue of Contact, the SKA magazine
11 Apr 2022 Deadly Science at high speed!
8 Apr 2022 Maser discoveries in the GASKAP-OH Pilot Survey
7 Apr 2022 Maser discoveries in the GASKAP-OH Pilot Survey
6 Apr 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Marisa Brienza
5 Apr 2022 The CDSCC 70m and Orion
4 Apr 2022 Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field (by Gürkan et al.)
1 Apr 2022 Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field (by Gürkan et al.)
31 Mar 2022 Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field (by Gürkan et al.)
30 Mar 2022 ASKAP DINGO pilot survey results (by Roychowdhury et al.)
29 Mar 2022 ATCA data flows
28 Mar 2022 ATCA data flows
25 Mar 2022 SKA Observatory Council meeting
24 Mar 2022 MeerKAT follow-up of an ASKAP ORC
23 Mar 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Christian Reichardt
22 Mar 2022 ASKAP views of the galactic plane
21 Mar 2022 ASKAP Update for March
18 Mar 2022 The ATCA at sunset
17 Mar 2022 The merging galaxy cluster Abell 3266 (by Duchesne et al.)
16 Mar 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Charlotte Ward
15 Mar 2022 The shell-less Supernova Remnant B0532-67.5 (by Li et al.)
14 Mar 2022 2022 Pawsey Medal awarded to Keith Bannister
11 Mar 2022 Funding for the Parkes Visitor Centre
10 Mar 2022 ASKAP looking up
9 Mar 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Marcus Lower
8 Mar 2022 International Women's Day 2022
7 Mar 2022 Power to Shine
4 Mar 2022 More Solar System adventures with RACS-high (by Emil Lenc)
3 Mar 2022 Weather extremes
2 Mar 2022 In Search of the Cosmic Dawn (by Singh et al.)
1 Mar 2022 Sweet memories of the 1960s
28 Feb 2022 ASKAP joins forces with Parkes to observe historic occultation event (by E. Lenc and V. Moss)
25 Feb 2022 Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy
24 Feb 2022 The 2022 Vacation Student Program
23 Feb 2022 RACS-mid and the Battle of the Planets (by S. Duchesne & E. Lenc)
22 Feb 2022 Another Lunar Occultation of 3C273 at Parkes!
21 Feb 2022 Welcome Franco Di Dio
18 Feb 2022 The beating heart of ASKAP
17 Feb 2022 ASKAP Update for February
16 Feb 2022 ATNF Colloquium by Joe Callingham
15 Feb 2022 VLBI in the SKA Era
14 Feb 2022 25th Anniversary of VSOP launch
11 Feb 2022 Fast Radio Burst localisations with ASKAP (by Bhandari et al.)
10 Feb 2022 Fast Radio Burst localisations with ASKAP (by Bhandari et al.)
9 Feb 2022 Radio footprints of a minor merger in the Shapley Supercluster (by Venturi et al.)
8 Feb 2022 Radio footprints of a minor merger in the Shapley Supercluster (by Venturi et al.)
7 Feb 2022 Nulling and subpulse drifting in PSR J1727-2739 (by Rukiye Rejep et al.)
4 Feb 2022 RFI at the MRO!
3 Feb 2022 RFI at the MRO?
2 Feb 2022 An ORC near the LMC (by Filipovic et al.)
1 Feb 2022 David Luchetti PSM
31 Jan 2022 A transient with an unusually slow period (by Hurley-Walker et al.)
28 Jan 2022 A transient with an unusually slow period (by Hurley-Walker et al.)
27 Jan 2022 An ORC near the LMC (by Filipovic et al.)
25 Jan 2022 The birthplace of Australian Radio Astronomy
24 Jan 2022 Switzerland joins the SKAO
21 Jan 2022 The Hidden Universe -- Discovering the SKA
20 Jan 2022 The Hidden Universe -- Discovering the SKA
19 Jan 2022 The Hidden Universe -- Discovering the SKA
18 Jan 2022 ASKAP Update for January
17 Jan 2022 Non-thermal Filaments in the Galactic Centre (by Paré et al.)
14 Jan 2022 First ASKAP SWAG-X data release
13 Jan 2022 ASKAP's top 10 images
12 Jan 2022 ATCA observations of a formaldehyde maser (by McCarthy et al.)
11 Jan 2022 ATCA observations of a flaring methanol maser (by McCarthy et al.)
10 Jan 2022 An ASKAP search for the radio counterpart of GW190814 (by Dobie et al.)
7 Jan 2022 An ASKAP search for the radio counterpart of GW190814 (by Dobie et al.)
6 Jan 2022 An ASKAP search for the radio counterpart of GW190814 (by Dobie et al.)
5 Jan 2022 Newton's Apple Tree
4 Jan 2022 A New Year Dawns
24 Dec 2021 Seasons Greetings
23 Dec 2021 Seasons Greetings
22 Dec 2021 Space & Astronomy Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Program 2021/22
21 Dec 2021 Space & Astronomy Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Program 2021/22
20 Dec 2021 Space & Astronomy Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Program 2021/22
17 Dec 2021 Stricter tests of General Relativity (by Kramer et al.)
16 Dec 2021 WALLABY observations of the Hydra I Cluster (by Reynolds et al.)
15 Dec 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Ravi Subrahmanyan
14 Dec 2021 SKA fashion
13 Dec 2021 Mopra webcam
10 Dec 2021 Long Baseline Array observations
9 Dec 2021 GASKAP Pilot Survey observations of the Galactic plane (by Dickey et al.)
8 Dec 2021 GASKAP Pilot Survey observations of the SMC (by Pingel et al.)
7 Dec 2021 Giant Radio Sources in RACS (by Andernach et al.)
6 Dec 2021 Giant Radio Sources in RACS (by Andernach et al.)
3 Dec 2021 Perth AstroFest 2021
2 Dec 2021 Perth AstroFest 2021
1 Dec 2021 Perth AstroFest 2021
30 Nov 2021 Perth AstroFest 2021
29 Nov 2021 Perth AstroFest 2021
26 Nov 2021 The Parkes variable baseline interferometer
25 Nov 2021 The Parkes variable baseline interferometer
24 Nov 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Jacinta Delhaize
23 Nov 2021 Parkes site evaluation
22 Nov 2021 Issue 9 of Contact, the SKA Magazine
19 Nov 2021 VLBI in the SKA Era
18 Nov 2021 Early Parkes image of Pictor A
17 Nov 2021 ASKAP Update for November 2021
16 Nov 2021 Cricket on the Dish
15 Nov 2021 Parkes Telescope's 42nd Birthday
12 Nov 2021 Parkes Telescope's 42nd Birthday
11 Nov 2021 HI absorption detection in front of a lobe of the bright radio galaxy PKS0409-75 at z~0.7 (by Elizabeth Mahony)
10 Nov 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Isobel Romero-Shaw
9 Nov 2021 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2021APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
8 Nov 2021 Welcome Marcus Lower
5 Nov 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
4 Nov 2021 2021 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year
3 Nov 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Laura Driessen
2 Nov 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
1 Nov 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
29 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
28 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
27 Oct 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Michael Janssen
26 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
25 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
22 Oct 2021 Welcome Laura Driessen
21 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
20 Oct 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Nithyanandan Thyagarajan
19 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
18 Oct 2021 Parkes 60th Anniversary
15 Oct 2021 A "river" of FRBs (by Di Li et al.)
14 Oct 2021 A mysterious source near the Galactic Centre (by Wang et al.)
13 Oct 2021 The AAO Massey Building plaque
12 Oct 2021 The Kennedy antenna at Parkes
11 Oct 2021 The MRO in spring
8 Oct 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey variable of unknown origin
7 Oct 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey variable of unknown origin
6 Oct 2021 Pawsey's Setonix computer unveiled
5 Oct 2021 Kenny the Quokka
1 Oct 2021 Welcome Elham Bagheri
30 Sep 2021 Welcome Elham Bagheri
29 Sep 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Sofia Sheikh
28 Sep 2021 Demolition of the old AAO buildings
27 Sep 2021 ASKAP Update for September (by Aidan Hotan)
24 Sep 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey star (by Murphy et al.)
23 Sep 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey star (by Murphy et al.)
22 Sep 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey pulsar (by Murphy et al.)
21 Sep 2021 A VAST Pilot Survey pulsar (by Murphy et al.)
20 Sep 2021 The VAST Pilot Survey (by Murphy et al.)
17 Sep 2021 A highly-variable, highly polarised mystery (by Wang et al.)
16 Sep 2021 A highly-variable, highly polarised mystery (by Wang et al.)
15 Sep 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Barbali Das
14 Sep 2021 Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Data Release 2 (by Reardon et al.)
13 Sep 2021 Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Data Release 2 (by Reardon et al.)
10 Sep 2021 Low frequency tests at Marsfield
9 Sep 2021 Low frequency tests at Parkes (by Ron Beresford)
8 Sep 2021 Cloud Physics at Marsfield
7 Sep 2021 Parkes CryoPAF preparations
6 Sep 2021 Parkes CryoPAF preparations
3 Sep 2021 ASKAP WALLABY dark galaxies (by Wong et al.)
2 Sep 2021 ASKAP WALLABY dark galaxies (by Wong et al.)
1 Sep 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Christene Lynch
31 Aug 2021 Wattle Day
30 Aug 2021 Wildflowers at the MRO
27 Aug 2021 ATCA rainbow
26 Aug 2021 50th anniversary of Apollo 15
25 Aug 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Nichole Barry
24 Aug 2021 50th anniversary of Apollo 15
23 Aug 2021 ASKAP Update for August (by Aidan Hotan)
20 Aug 2021 WALLABY observations of the Eridanus supergroup (by B-Q For et al.)
19 Aug 2021 WALLABY observations of the Eridanus supergroup (by B-Q For et al.)
18 Aug 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Shivani Bhandari
17 Aug 2021 WALLABY observations of the Eridanus supergroup (by B-Q For et al.)
16 Aug 2021 WALLABY observations of the Eridanus supergroup (by B-Q For et al.)
13 Aug 2021 X-ray binaries in the LMC (by Pennock et al.)
12 Aug 2021 EMU Pilot Survey (by Norris et al.)
11 Aug 2021 A Giant Radio Galaxy (by Norris et al.)
10 Aug 2021 David Malin astrophotography awards
09 Aug 2021 ASKAP Countdown Clock
06 Aug 2021 A shadow of its former self
05 Aug 2021 Dancing Ghosts (by Ray Norris)
04 Aug 2021 ASKAP LMC and SUMSS comparison (by Pennock et al.)
03 Aug 2021 ASKAP LMC and SUMSS comparison (by Pennock et al.)
02 Aug 2021 Gold, Silver, Bronze (by Pennock et al.)
30 Jul 2021 Sad trombones
29 Jul 2021 FRB2021 conference
28 Jul 2021 FRB2021 conference
27 Jul 2021 WALLABY observations of the Hydra Cluster (by Jing Wang)
26 Jul 2021 ASKAP update for July (by Aidan Hotan)
23 Jul 2021 Moon-landing anniversary
22 Jul 2021 Moon-landing anniversary
21 Jul 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Danny Price
20 Jul 2021 Zooming in on Centaurus A (by Janssen et al.)
19 Jul 2021 The edge-on Fourcade-Figueroa galaxy (by Saponara et al.)
16 Jul 2021 ASKAP by numbers (by Keith Bannister)
15 Jul 2021 The ASA's Anne Green Prize
14 Jul 2021 Proto-planets and PLATYPUS (by Norfolk et al.)
13 Jul 2021 New issue of SKAO magazine, Contact
12 Jul 2021 CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA) grows past 1 Petabyte (by Minh Huynh)
9 Jul 2021 NAIDOC week
8 Jul 2021 NAIDOC week
7 Jul 2021 ATNF Colloquium by JinLin Han
6 Jul 2021 ASKAP imaging of the LMC (by Pennock et al.)
5 Jul 2021 ASKAP imaging of the LMC (by Pennock et al.)
2 Jul 2021 Green Light for SKA Construction
1 Jul 2021 Green Light for SKA Construction
30 Jun 2021 Lawrence Hargrave, astronomer
29 Jun 2021 The Northern Clump of the Abell 3391/3395 cluster (by Veronica et al.)
28 Jun 2021 MRO Virtual Tour
25 Jun 2021 Tinbinbilla in blue
24 Jun 2021 Tidbinbilla in winter
23 Jun 2021 The Southern HII Region Discovery Survey (by Wenger et al.)
22 Jun 2021 ASKAP Emu
21 Jun 2021 NSW iAwards for Quasar spin-off
18 Jun 2021 ASKAP Update for June (by Aidan Hotan)
17 Jun 2021 Evolution of the outburst of the black hole transient MAXI J1348–630 (by Carotenuto et al.)
16 Jun 2021 ATNF Colloquium by James Miller-Jones
15 Jun 2021 A glitch in the pulsar PSR J1452-6036 (by Jankowski et al.)
11 Jun 2021 The afterglow of a TeV-bright Gamma-Ray Burst (by Misra et al.)
10 Jun 2021 A new antenna for New Norcia
9 Jun 2021 One of our antennas is missing...
8 Jun 2021 First ASKAP observations of the Galactic Plane (by Umana et al.)
7 Jun 2021 First ASKAP observations of the Galactic Plane (by Umana et al.)
4 Jun 2021 What are the origin(s) of fast radio bursts? (by Mannings et al.)
3 Jun 2021 An HST View of Fast Radio Burst Host Environments (by Mannings et al.)
2 Jun 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Michael Busch
1 Jun 2021 National Reconciliation Week
31 May 2021 ASKAP update for May (by Aidan Hotan)
28 May 2021 ATCA detection of a quiescent black hole X-ray binary
27 May 2021 Quasar Satellite Technologies
26 May 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Ray Norris
25 May 2021 Under the Southern Cross I Stand
24 May 2021 National Volunteer Week
21 May 2021 STEM Professionals in Schools
20 May 2021 WOW -- Wear Orange Wednesday
19 May 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Lankeswar Dey
18 May 2021 WALLABY observations of the Hydra I cluster (by Reynolds et al.)
17 May 2021 WALLABY observations of the Hydra I cluster (by Reynolds et al.)
14 May 2021 Deuterated ammonia in massive star-forming clumps
13 May 2021 SKA telescope directors announced
12 May 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Guillaume Drouart
11 May 2021 Cavities in proto-planetary disks (by Norfolk et al.)
10 May 2021 CSIRO website refresh
7 May 2021 A newly discovered supernova remnant (by Becker et al.)
6 May 2021 The Location of the Young Pulsar PSR J0837-2454 (by Pol et al.)
5 May 2021 ATNF Colloquium by David Gozzard
4 May 2021 Discovery of another Odd Radio Circle (ORC) with ASKAP (by Koribalski et al.)
3 May 2021 The cryoPAF team
30 Apr 2021 MRO sun set (by Kevin Ferguson)
29 Apr 2021 Rain creates life's opportunities
28 Apr 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Noor Md Said
27 Apr 2021 A polarization census of bright pulsars using the Parkes Ultra-Wideband receiver (by Sobey et al.)
26 Apr 2021 Parkes Pulsar Data in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2020OCTS (by Lawrence Toomey)
23 Apr 2021 A flare from Proxima Centauri (by MacGregor et al.)
22 Apr 2021 SKA Infographic
21 Apr 2021 ASKAP Update for April
20 Apr 2021 RACS featured in Double Helix magazine
19 Apr 2021 ASKAP localisation of a repeating FRB source (by Kumar et al.)
16 Apr 2021 Funding announced for the SKA
15 Apr 2021 ASKAP detection of a repeating FRB (by Kumar et al.)
14 Apr 2021 ATCA sunset
13 Apr 2021 ASKAP System Description (by Hotan et al.)
12 Apr 2021 Spectral signatures of phosphorous molecules (by Zapata Trujillo et al.)
9 Apr 2021 Badgery's Creek
8 Apr 2021 Aligned scintillators reveal plasma filament (by Y-M Wang et al.)
7 Apr 2021 The Ultra-Steep Spectrum Jellyfish (by Hodgson et al.)
6 Apr 2021 Parkes to support lunar missions
1 Apr 2021 ASKAP after some rain
31 Mar 2021 March issue of Contact
30 Mar 2021 ASKAP Panorama
29 Mar 2021 Pawsey's new supercomputer
26 Mar 2021 Women in History: Myra Juliet Farrell (by Chenoa Tremblay)
25 Mar 2021 Women in History: Vera Rubin (by Chenoa Tremblay)
24 Mar 2021 Women in History: Maria Mitchell (by Chenoa Tremblay)
23 Mar 2021 Women in History: Grace Murray Hopper (by Chenoa Tremblay)
22 Mar 2021 Women in History: Helen Ling (by Chenoa Tremblay)
19 Mar 2021 A better normal for conferences and collaboration (by Moss et al.)
18 Mar 2021 New radio stars (by Pritchard et al.)
17 Mar 2021 New radio stars (by Pritchard et al.)
16 Mar 2021 SKA Science Meeting 2021
15 Mar 2021 AusSRC Design Study Program (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
12 Mar 2021 International Women's Day: Ivy Wong
11 Mar 2021 International Women's Day: Shivani Bhandari
10 Mar 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Dougal Dobie
9 Mar 2021 International Women's Day: Mary Stahr Carpenter
8 Mar 2021 International Women's Day: Ruby Payne-Scott
5 Mar 2021 ATCA and ALMA observations of Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxies (by Riechers et al.)
4 Mar 2021 What we know about FRBs
3 Mar 2021 ATNF Colloquium by Nithya Thyagarajan
2 Mar 2021 Welcome Nikhel Gupta
1 Mar 2021 Governor of NSW visits Parkes
26 Feb 2021 Governor of NSW visits Parkes
25 Feb 2021 The remnant radio galaxy MIDAS J225607-343212 (by Quici et al.)
24 Feb 2021 ATNF Colloquium by James Murray
23 Feb 2021 The remnant radio galaxy MIDAS J230104-334939 (by Quici et al.)
22 Feb 2021 ASKAP Update for February
19 Feb 2021 Radio Cosmic Web Filament Detection (by Vernstrom et al.)
18 Feb 2021 Vacation student presentations
17 Feb 2021 The 50th anniversary of Apollo 14
16 Feb 2021 A blind ATCA HI survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster (by Loni et al.)
15 Feb 2021 A blind ATCA HI survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster (by Loni et al.)
12 Feb 2021 The AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize
11 Feb 2021 Bizarre behaviour from a new magnetar (by Lower et al.)
10 Feb 2021 An extreme collision of stellar winds (by Marcote et al.)
9 Feb 2021 ASKAP observations of reveal a degrees-long plasma filament (by Y-M Wang et al.)
8 Feb 2021 The launch of the SKA Observatory
5 Feb 2021 ASKAP detection of the most distant radio-loud quasar (by Ighina et al.)
4 Feb 2021 The first SKA Council meeting
3 Feb 2021 SPT-CL J2106-5844, a massive galaxy cluster merger at z>1 (by Di Mascolo et al.)
2 Feb 2021 ASKAP's Digital Twin
1 Feb 2021 ASKAP update for January
29 Jan 2021 COSPAR Award to Alex Held
28 Jan 2021 COSPAR Award to Ken McCracken
27 Jan 2021 ATCA observations of Choir groups (by Dzudzar et al.)
25 Jan 2021 ATCA imaging of Choir groups (by Dzudzar et al.)
22 Jan 2021 Choir groups from SINGG (by Dzudzar et al.)
21 Jan 2021 Determining the distance to a new X-Ray Binary (by Chauhan et al.)
20 Jan 2021 ASKAP observations of a new X-Ray Binary (by Chauhan et al.)
19 Jan 2021 ASKAP observations of a new X-Ray Binary (by Chauhan et al.)
18 Jan 2021 CDSCC asteroid tracking
15 Jan 2021 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2020APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
14 Jan 2021 The Tidbinbilla 70m antenna
13 Jan 2021 CASS vacation student program
12 Jan 2021 CASS vacation student program
11 Jan 2021 Social distancing at Marsfield
8 Jan 2021 Six or seven sisters?
7 Jan 2021 The Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory Radio Quiet Zone
6 Jan 2021 ATCA sunset
5 Jan 2021 The New Year Dawns
4 Jan 2021 Happy New Year!
24 Dec 2020 Season's Greetings!
23 Dec 2020 UK ratifies SKA Convention
22 Dec 2020 Congratulations Sarah Pearce!
21 Dec 2020 A Flare-type IV Burst from Proxima Centauri and Implications for Space Weather (by Zic et al.)
18 Dec 2020 Gas filament in the Abell 3391/95 galaxy cluster system (by Reiprich et al.)
17 Dec 2020 Parkes flux density monitoring of 286 radio pulsars (by Shi Dai)
16 Dec 2020 RACS artwork
15 Dec 2020 Full moon at Tid
14 Dec 2020 SKA calendar for December
11 Dec 2020 The first radio-astronomy in WA!
10 Dec 2020 Swift J1830.7-0645 -- a new magnetar (by Coti Zelati et al.)
9 Dec 2020 FRB-like bursts from a magnetar (by Israel et al.)
8 Dec 2020 Parkes monitoring of the globular cluster pulsar J1803-3002A (by Zhang et al.)
7 Dec 2020 RACS quality checks
4 Dec 2020 RACS future plans
3 Dec 2020 RACS Sky Virtual Tour
2 Dec 2020 RACS Sky Virtual Tour
1 Dec 2020 The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS)
30 Nov 2020 Tiling the sky
27 Nov 2020 Sarah Pearce elected as FTSE
26 Nov 2020 LBA observations of AB Dor A (by Climent et al.)
25 Nov 2020 The Spectral Energy Distribution of NGC 5044 (by Schellenberger et al.)
24 Nov 2020 ASKAP update for November
23 Nov 2020 Australian Space Awards 2020
20 Nov 2020 Australian Space Awards 2020
19 Nov 2020 Acknowledging traditional owners
18 Nov 2020 The ATCA's 500th array reconfiguration (by Jamie Stevens)
17 Nov 2020 Parkes studies of the intermittent pulsar J1326−6700 (by Wen et al.)
16 Nov 2020 SKA calendar for November
13 Nov 2020 Acknowledging traditional owners
12 Nov 2020 Acknowledging traditional owners
11 Nov 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Joe Callingham
10 Nov 2020 Wiradjuri names for Parkes telescopes
9 Nov 2020 NAIDOC week 2020
6 Nov 2020 Acknowledging traditional owners
5 Nov 2020 DSS-43 maintenance
4 Nov 2020 Talking with Voyager 2
3 Nov 2020 Beginning and end of an era
2 Nov 2020 The first radio-astronomy in WA?
30 Oct 2020 Happy Birthday Parkes!
29 Oct 2020 FAST radio bursts (by Luo et al.)
28 Oct 2020 Leaving a stamp on history
27 Oct 2020 Twist and Shout
26 Oct 2020 Parkes 59th Anniversary
23 Oct 2020 Welcome Andrew Zic
22 Oct 2020 OSIRIS-REx touches down on Bennu
21 Oct 2020 Pawsey supercomputer centre upgrade
20 Oct 2020 Tidbinbilla blossom
19 Oct 2020 Welcome Suk Yee Yong
16 Oct 2020 Searching 10 million stars to see if anyone is home
15 Oct 2020 Precise radio astrometry and new developments for the next-generation instruments (by Maria Rioja and Richard Dodson)
14 Oct 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Joe O'Leary
13 Oct 2020 2019/20 ATNF Annual Report
12 Oct 2020 Mars at Opposition (by Emil Lenc)
9 Oct 2020 Collaroy Plateau Park monument
8 Oct 2020 SKA Calendar for October
7 Oct 2020 The 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics
6 Oct 2020 The birthplace of radio astronomy in Australia
2 Oct 2020 The beginning of radio astronomy in Australia
1 Oct 2020 The beginning of radio astronomy in Australia
30 Sep 2020 Australia ratifies the SKA Observatory Convention
29 Sep 2020 Optical study of an intra-hour variable radio source (by Madrid et al.)
28 Sep 2020 Vale Nichi D'Amico
25 Sep 2020 Solar Cycle 25 starts
24 Sep 2020 WA Governor visits the MRO
23 Sep 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Michal Zajaček
22 Sep 2020 WA Governor visits the MRO
21 Sep 2020 Vale Dave Cooke
18 Sep 2020 Vale Dave Cooke
17 Sep 2020 September issue of the SKA magazine, Contact
16 Sep 2020 A Lunar Soap Bubble (by Emil Lenc)
15 Sep 2020 A bright FRB in a star-forming galaxy (by Bhandari et al.)
14 Sep 2020 Energy use in astronomy
11 Sep 2020 Energy use at the MRO
10 Sep 2020 Moonlight and Earthlight (by Emil Lenc)
8 Sep 2020 ATCA construction
7 Sep 2020 Mopra construction
4 Sep 2020 HI intensity mapping with a PAF on Parkes (by Li et al.)
3 Sep 2020 HI intensity mapping with a PAF on Parkes (by Li et al.)
2 Sep 2020 New Pawsey ingest nodes for ASKAP
1 Sep 2020 SKA calendar for September
31 Aug 2020 An aerial view of AAVS
28 Aug 2020 ATCA observations of protoplanetary disks (by de Gregorio-Monsalvo et al.)
27 Aug 2020 The Parkes Testbed Facility
26 Aug 2020 The Parkes Testbed Facility
25 Aug 2020 Parkes' other dishes
24 Aug 2020 Cold bullets of gas from the Milky Way (by di Teodoro et al.)
21 Aug 2020 Exploring the Universe without leaving home
20 Aug 2020 Radio pulsations from the gamma-ray millisecond pulsar PSR J2039-5617 (by Corongiu et al.)
19 Aug 2020 The Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the Phoenix Cluster (by Akahori et al.)
18 Aug 2020 ASKAP update for August
17 Aug 2020 Vale Graeme Sunderland
14 Aug 2020 Radio relics in a galaxy cluster (by Duchesne et al.)
13 Aug 2020 World Elephant Day
12 Aug 2020 ASKAP and Zodiacal Light
11 Aug 2020 National Heritage listing for Parkes
10 Aug 2020 SKA calendar for August
7 Aug 2020 David Malin Awards
6 Aug 2020 David Malin Awards
5 Aug 2020 A foggy morning at Narrabri
4 Aug 2020 A foggy morning at Narrabri
3 Aug 2020 Comet NEOWISE at Parkes
31 Jul 2020 Navigation satellite passes close to an ASKAP beam (by Xiang Zhang)
30 Jul 2020 ASKAP and MWA imaging of radio galaxies (by Hodgson et al.)
29 Jul 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Eric Thrane
28 Jul 2020 ASKAP and MWA imaging of radio galaxies (by Hodgson et al.)
27 Jul 2020 Kensington Telescope Operations Room
24 Jul 2020 ASKAP detection of cluster halo and relic (by Kim et al.)
23 Jul 2020 Fog at the MRO
22 Jul 2020 Multi-wavelength monitoring of GW 170817 (by Makhathini et al.)
21 Jul 2020 ASKAP Update for July
20 Jul 2020 A CSIRO site at the Aerotropolis
17 Jul 2020 Fast Radio Burst profiles (by Qiu et al.)
16 Jul 2020 CASDA update
15 Jul 2020 Star formation from colliding clouds? (by Hayashi et al.)
14 Jul 2020 ASKAP in the fog
13 Jul 2020 Decadal Plan Mid-Term Review
10 Jul 2020 Parkes at sunrise
9 Jul 2020 ATCA construction
8 Jul 2020 ATCA speed limit
7 Jul 2020 More SUPERB pulsars
6 Jul 2020 The SKA magazine, Contact
3 Jul 2020 The Tidbinbilla 70m
2 Jul 2020 Dual-Band Observations of FRB 121102 with the Tidbinbilla 70m (by Majid et al.)
1 Jul 2020 SKA calendar for July
30 Jun 2020 X-ray "Flip-flops" in the black hole transient Swift J1658.2-4242 (by Bogensberger et al.)
29 Jun 2020 Where does the kookaburra sit?
26 Jun 2020 Film shoot at the MRO
25 Jun 2020 Film shoot at the MRO
24 Jun 2020 The Circumstellar Environment and Disk of the Forming O-star AFGL 4176 (by Johnston et al.)
23 Jun 2020 The variable radio counterpart of Swift J1858.6-0814 (by van den Eijnden et al.)
22 Jun 2020 The candidate transitional millisecond pulsar 3FGL J0427.9−6704 (by Li et al.)
19 Jun 2020 Vale J-P Macquart
18 Jun 2020 Refurbishment of CASS workspace at Kensington
17 Jun 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Lei Zhang
16 Jun 2020 Refurbishment of CASS workspace at Kensington
15 Jun 2020 ATCA and ACA observations of the pulsar wind nebula of SNR 0540-69.3 (by Lundqvist et al.)
12 Jun 2020 A search for optical counterparts to ASKAP Fast Radio Bursts (by Marnoch et al.)
11 Jun 2020 The host galaxies of ASKAP FRBs (by Shivani Bhandari)
10 Jun 2020 The host galaxies of ASKAP FRBs (by Shivani Bhandari)
9 Jun 2020 Parkes in the Image Archive
5 Jun 2020 SKA Shared Sky Exhibition
4 Jun 2020 Spectropolarimetric radio properties of the magnetar Swift J1818.0−1607 (by Lower et al.)
3 Jun 2020 SKA calendar for June
2 Jun 2020 Finding Residual Baryons with Fast Radio Bursts (by Macquart et al.)
1 Jun 2020 Finding Residual Baryons with Fast Radio Bursts (by Macquart et al.)
29 May 2020 POGS: The POlarised Gleam Survey (by Riseley et al.)
28 May 2020 Tidbinbilla 70m Maintenance
27 May 2020 ATNF Colloquium by James Gilbert & Joice Mathew
26 May 2020 An in-depth investigation of 11 pulsars discovered by FAST (by Andrew Cameron)
25 May 2020 First round of ASKAP Pilot Surveys completed (by Vanessa Moss)
22 May 2020 The intermittent pulsar J1841-0500 (by Wang et al.)
21 May 2020 The intermittent pulsar J1832+0029 (by Wang et al.)
20 May 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Michelle Cluver
19 May 2020 ASKAP Pilot Survey Data in CASDA
18 May 2020 ASKAP Pilot Surveys Completed
15 May 2020 SKA Shared Sky Exhibition
14 May 2020 PKS B1934-638 (by Heywood et al.)
13 May 2020 PKS B1934-638 (by Heywood et al.)
12 May 2020 Parkes 2019OCT Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal (by Lawrence Toomey)
11 May 2020 GASKAP imaging of the SMC
08 May 2020 SKA Shared Sky Exhibition
07 May 2020 Transient Events at Parkes (by Zhang et al.)
06 May 2020 Transient Events at Parkes (by Zhang et al.)
05 May 2020 Supernova Remnants in M83 (by Russell et al.)
04 May 2020 Sarah Pearce recognised as a Telstra Business Woman of the Year
01 May 2020 Pulsar braking indices (by Parthasarathy et al.)
30 Apr 2020 Pulsar braking indices (by Parthasarathy et al.)
29 Apr 2020 ASKAP FLASH detection of neutral hydrogen absorption (by Allison et al.)
28 Apr 2020 ASKAP FLASH detection of neutral hydrogen absorption (by Allison et al.)
27 Apr 2020 ASKAP FLASH detection of neutral hydrogen absorption (by Allison et al.)
24 Apr 2020 ASKAP Pilot Surveys
23 Apr 2020 ATUC virtual meeting
22 Apr 2020 Switzerland's EPFL joins the SKA Organisation
21 Apr 2020 How does a nova brighten? (by Aydi et al.)
20 Apr 2020 ASKAP Update for April
17 Apr 2020 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission
16 Apr 2020 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission
15 Apr 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Ivy Wong
14 Apr 2020 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission
9 Apr 2020 A hidden pulsar and a black hole candidate in NGC 6397 (by Zhao et al.)
8 Apr 2020 Evidence for Auroral Radio Emission from the magnetic star ρ Oph A (by Leto et al.)
7 Apr 2020 Evidence for Auroral Radio Emission from the magnetic star ρ Oph A (by Leto et al.)
6 Apr 2020 Breakthough Listen Observations of 1327 Nearby Stars (by Price et al.)
3 Apr 2020 The Southern Cross, and radome covers!
2 Apr 2020 New radome covers for the ATCA (by Jamie Stevens)
1 Apr 2020 SKA calendar for April
31 Mar 2020 Fisheye view of ATCA at night
30 Mar 2020 ASKAP observations of planets (by Emil Lenc)
27 Mar 2020 Tidbinbilla 70m maintenance block
26 Mar 2020 Astrofest SKA Booth photo competition
25 Mar 2020 Astrofest public talks
24 Mar 2020 STANSW Life Membership awarded to Rob Hollow
23 Mar 2020 Radio and X-ray monitoring of an accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar in outburst (by Gusinskaia et al.)
20 Mar 2020 ASKAP Update for March (featuring WALLABY Hydra Cluster observations)
19 Mar 2020 Long Baseline Array observing
18 Mar 2020 Antennas and animals, again
17 Mar 2020 ATNF Science Retreat
16 Mar 2020 Bolton Symposium
13 Mar 2020 Camels captured (on camera) at the MRO
12 Mar 2020 Pulse at Parkes at Pawsey in Perth
11 Mar 2020 WALLABY busy week
10 Mar 2020 Pawsey Medal
9 Mar 2020 Welcome Rebecca Wheadon
6 Mar 2020 VAST Pilot Survey Observations Completed (by Emil Lenc)
5 Mar 2020 SKA booth at Perth AstroFest
4 Mar 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Tom Landecker
3 Mar 2020 CASS booth at Perth AstroFest
2 Mar 2020 SKA Calendar for March
28 Feb 2020 Vale John Murray
27 Feb 2020 ASKAP update for February
26 Feb 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Marcus Lower
25 Feb 2020 ATCA OH Maser observations for the SPLASH Survey (by Qiao et al.)
24 Feb 2020 ATCA OH Maser observations for the SPLASH Survey (by Qiao et al.)
21 Feb 2020 ATCA OH Maser observations for the SPLASH Survey (by Qiao et al.)
20 Feb 2020 ATCA OH Maser observations for the SPLASH Survey (by Qiao et al.)
19 Feb 2020 Multiwavelength observations of a transitional millisecond pulsar binary (by de Martino et al)
18 Feb 2020 The Stranger at the Dish
17 Feb 2020 Welcome Ivy Wong
14 Feb 2020 Brain transplant for the ATCA
13 Feb 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Gyula Józsa
12 Feb 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Betsey Adams
11 Feb 2020 The 2020 COSPAR Scientific Assembly
10 Feb 2020 The 2020 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting
7 Feb 2020 Astronomical detection of the Lense-Thirring effect (by Krishnan et al.)
6 Feb 2020 Vale Dick Hunstead
5 Feb 2020 2020 Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Student Symposium
4 Feb 2020 SKA calendar for February
3 Feb 2020 SKA calendar
31 Jan 2020 Australia Day Honours
30 Jan 2020 POSSUMs at the VLA
29 Jan 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Maria Cunningham
28 Jan 2020 Dust storm approaching Parkes
24 Jan 2020 One of the ASKAP FRBs is a repeater
23 Jan 2020 Parkes Podcast
22 Jan 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Chenoa Tremblay
21 Jan 2020 Parkes Elvis festival parade
20 Jan 2020 LIEF grants for Parkes and ATCA upgrades
17 Jan 2020 ATCA observations of the SCORPIO field (by Ingallinera et al.)
16 Jan 2020 ATCA observations of the SCORPIO field (by Ingallinera et al.)
15 Jan 2020 ATCA Observations of Supernova Remnant G1.9+0.3 (by Luken et al.)
14 Jan 2020 ATCA Observations of Supernova Remnant G1.9+0.3 (by Luken et al.)
13 Jan 2020 Parkes Elvis Festival 2020
10 Jan 2020 Polarised radio sources in the XXL-South field (by Eyles et al.)
9 Jan 2020 Polarised radio sources in the XXL-South field (by Eyles et al.)
8 Jan 2020 ATNF Colloquium by Haida Liang
7 Jan 2020 A powerful outburst in the Galaxy Cluster SPT-CLJ0528-5300 (by Calzadilla et al.)
6 Jan 2020 Happy New Year
24 Dec 2019 Seasons Greetings
23 Dec 2019 Discovery of Millisecond Pulsars in the Globular Cluster Omega Centauri (by Dai et al.)
20 Dec 2019 ASKAP signal processing
19 Dec 2019 MRO visitors
18 Dec 2019 ANU Graduation Day
17 Dec 2019 SKA meeting in Shanghai
16 Dec 2019 Under One Sky
13 Dec 2019 Astrophysics for curious kids
12 Dec 2019 CSIRO Distinguished Visitor
11 Dec 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Richard de Grijs
10 Dec 2019 Fresh Science (by Charlotte Sobey)
9 Dec 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12
6 Dec 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12
5 Dec 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12
4 Dec 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Leonid Gurvits
3 Dec 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12
2 Dec 2019 CSIRO's John Philip Award
29 Nov 2019 CSIRO Medal for Lifetime Achievement
28 Nov 2019 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's DAP for 2019APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
27 Nov 2019 ASKAP Commissioning Update
26 Nov 2019 OzGrav Retreat
25 Nov 2019 ASKAP antennas in perspective
22 Nov 2019 A 3-D thank you
21 Nov 2019 Outback humour
20 Nov 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Huib Jan van Langevelde
19 Nov 2019 The International VLBI Technology Workshop
18 Nov 2019 Pia visit to ASKAP
15 Nov 2019 The ARDRA workshop
14 Nov 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Juliana Saponara
13 Nov 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Larry James
12 Nov 2019 WA Senators visit the MRO
11 Nov 2019 Douglas Bock elected as FTSE
8 Nov 2019 OzSKA 2019
7 Nov 2019 OzSKA 2019
6 Nov 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Yusukue Kono
5 Nov 2019 Ex-Fleurs antennas at Marsfield
4 Nov 2019 Sculpture by the Sea
31 Oct 2019 Australia Telescope User Committee meeting
30 Oct 2019 At the top of the Dish
29 Oct 2019 An ASKAP HI absorption distance to MAXI J1535–571 (by Chauhan et al.)
28 Oct 2019 ASKAP observations of a flaring X-ray binary, MAXI J1535–571 (by Chauhan et al.)
25 Oct 2019 ASKAP HI imaging of the nearby galaxy IC 5201 (by Kleiner et al.)
24 Oct 2019 ASKAP HI imaging of the nearby galaxy IC 5201 (by Kleiner et al.)
23 Oct 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Abraham Bernstein
22 Oct 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Joe McMullin
21 Oct 2019 ASKAP HI imaging of the nearby galaxy IC 5201 (by Kleiner et al.)
18 Oct 2019 Unbe-leaf-able?
17 Oct 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Klaus Dolag
16 Oct 2019 Pawseys at Pawsey!
15 Oct 2019 Megan Clark awarded by Academy
14 Oct 2019 IEEE Milestone unveiled at Parkes
10 Oct 2019 The 2019 CASS Radio School (by Chenoa Tremblay)
9 Oct 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Paul Hurley
8 Oct 2019 ICRAR-con
4 Oct 2019 Sputnik launch anniversary
3 Oct 2019 An ATCA survey of HI absorption in the SMC (by Jameson et al.)
2 Oct 2019 An ATCA survey of HI absorption in the SMC (by Jameson et al.)
1 Oct 2019 An ATCA survey of HI absorption in the SMC (by Jameson et al.)
30 Sep 2019 An ASKAP survey for HI absorption towards dust-obscured quasars (by Glowacki et al.)
27 Sep 2019 Using an FRB to study a galactic halo by Prochaska et al.
26 Sep 2019 An ASKAP survey for HI absorption towards dust-obscured quasars (by Glowacki et al.)
25 Sep 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Josh Marvil
20 Sep 2019 The emu in the ATCA sky
19 Sep 2019 Excited extragalactic OH (by Eisner et al.)
18 Sep 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Dylan Paré
17 Sep 2019 Simultaneous observations of an RRAT with the MWA and Parkes (by Meyers et al.)
16 Sep 2019 Storms at the ATCA
13 Sep 2019 Quasi-periodic X-ray bursts from a nearby galaxy (by Miniutti et al.)
12 Sep 2019 Radio bursts from from a nearby star (by Zic et al.)
11 Sep 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Abhimanyu Susobhanan
10 Sep 2019 Countdown to ASKAP Survey Science (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
9 Sep 2019 Countdown to ASKAP Survey Science
6 Sep 2019 MWA solar imaging (by McCauley et al.)
5 Sep 2019 ASKAP EMU Pilot Survey underway (by Aidan Hotan)
4 Sep 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Rui Luo (CASS)
3 Sep 2019 Monitoring AAVS at the MRO
2 Sep 2019 Acknowledging traditional owners
30 Aug 2019 Reflections on Parkes Open Day
29 Aug 2019 ASKAP and ALMA observations of PKS 1740-517 (by Allison et al.)
28 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Vishnu Balakrishnan (MPIfR)
27 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Joe Lazio (JPL/Caltech)
26 Aug 2019 MWA observations of scintillating sources (by Sadler et al.)
22 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Anna Kapinska (NRAO)
21 Aug 2019 The GMIMS survey at Parkes (by Wolleben et al.)
20 Aug 2019 The GMIMS survey at Parkes (by Wolleben et al.)
19 Aug 2019 Astrofest recognised at WA Premier's Science Awards
16 Aug 2019 2019 OzSKA meeting
15 Aug 2019 CASS Radio School
14 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Tessa Vernstrom (CASS)
13 Aug 2019 Parkes Open Day
12 Aug 2019 Welcome Rui Luo
9 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Evan Keane (SKAO)
8 Aug 2019 Vale Nikolai Kardashev
7 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Jordan Collier (Institute: IDIA, University of Cape Town)
6 Aug 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Franck Marchis (Unistellar/SETI Institute)
5 Aug 2019 Peter McGregor Prize awarded to DiFX team
2 Aug 2019 ASKAP image of the LMC (by Aidan Hotan)
1 Aug 2019 RACS -- the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (by Aidan Hotan)
31 Jul 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Vincenzo Galluzzi (INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia)
30 Jul 2019 Welcome Vanessa Moss
29 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
26 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
25 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
24 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
23 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
22 Jul 2019 Parkes Open Days
19 Jul 2019 50th anniversary of Apollo 11
18 Jul 2019 50th anniversary of Apollo 11
17 Jul 2019 50th anniversary of Apollo 11
16 Jul 2019 50th anniversary of Apollo 11
15 Jul 2019 50th anniversary of Apollo 11
12 Jul 2019 ATNF Town Hall meeting at the ASA
11 Jul 2019 The Louise Webster Prize awarded to Shivani Bhandari
10 Jul 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Ishwara-Chandra (NCRA, TIFR)
9 Jul 2019 Astronomical Society of Australia annual meeting
8 Jul 2019 Celebrating NAIDOC week
5 Jul 2019 Coins commemorating the Apollo 11 moon-landing
4 Jul 2019 ASKAP localisation of a Fast Radio Burst (by Bannister et al.)
3 Jul 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Stas Shabala (UTas)
2 Jul 2019 ASKAP localisation of a Fast Radio Burst (by Bannister et al.)
1 Jul 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Badri Younes (NASA)
28 Jun 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Isabella Prandoni (INAF)
27 Jun 2019 CASS Radio School 2019
26 Jun 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Dane Kleiner (INAF)
25 Jun 2019 ASKAP Commissioning Update for June (by Aidan Hotan)
21 Jun 2019 Fish-eye view of ASKAP
20 Jun 2019 ASKAP survey of the Galactic plane for dispersed radio pulses (by Qiu et al.)
19 Jun 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Venkatessh Ramakrishnan (University of Concepcion, Chile)
18 Jun 2019 Annual Reviews article on FRBs
17 Jun 2019 Acknowledging the traditional owners of the Marsfield site
14 Jun 2019 ATCA at night
13 Jun 2019 POSSUM Busy Week (by George Heald)
12 Jun 2019 Sydney's VIVID light festival
11 Jun 2019 Tian Ma telescope feature wall
7 Jun 2019 The Tian Ma 65m radio-telescope
6 Jun 2019 East Asia SKA Science meeting
5 Jun 2019 East Asia SKA Science meeting
4 Jun 2019 Dick Manchester awarded Flinders Medal
3 Jun 2019 2019 Astronomy from the Ground Up Teacher Workshop at CSIRO Parkes Observatory (by Rob Hollow)
31 May 2019 The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) (by Aidan Hotan)
30 May 2019 LBA observations of PSR 1259-63 (by Miller-Jones et al.)
29 May 2019 LBA observations of PSR 1259-63 (by Miller-Jones et al.)
28 May 2019 ASKAP linear polarisation image of Fornax A
27 May 2019 ASKAP total intensity image of Fornax A
24 May 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 10
23 May 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 10
22 May 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Alexey Kuznetsov (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics)
21 May 2019 ASTRO 3D Annual Science Meeting
20 May 2019 Bob Hawke and the opening of the ATCA
17 May 2019 The supernova remnant surrounding Circinus X-1 (by Coriat et al.)
16 May 2019 The twisted jets of Circinus X-1 (by Coriat et al.)
15 May 2019 The scintillating relativistic binary PSR J1141-6545 (by Reardon et al.)
14 May 2019 The first SKA Data challenge
13 May 2019 ATCA, from the CSIRO image library
9 May 2019 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2018OCTS (by Lawrence Toomey)
8 May 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Paula Benaglia (IAR)
7 May 2019 Mode switching and oscillations in PSR B1828-11 (by Stairs et al.)
6 May 2019 Mode switching and oscillations in PSR B1828-11 (by Stairs et al.)
3 May 2019 HIPASS galaxies with low star formation (by Parkash et al.)
2 May 2019 Welcome Katie Jameson
1 May 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Marcin Glowacki (IDIA/UWC)
30 Apr 2019 MRO Virtual Tour
29 Apr 2019 MRO Virtual Tour
26 Apr 2019 The FAST pulsar J1926-0652
24 Apr 2019 CSIR
23 Apr 2019 CTA Consortium meeting
18 Apr 2019 ASKAP zoom bands (by Chenoa Tremblay)
17 Apr 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Mark Krumholz (ANU)
16 Apr 2019 Molecules with Mopra (by Urquhart et al.)
15 Apr 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Naomi Mathers (ICCPM)
12 Apr 2019 Sunset at Jodrell Bank
11 Apr 2019 The shadow of a black hole (by the Event Horizon Telescope team)
10 Apr 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Esha Kundu (Curtin)
9 Apr 2019 SKA Science Meeting
8 Apr 2019 European Astronomy Award
5 Apr 2019 Spirograph patterns?
4 Apr 2019 ACAMAR5 meeting
3 Apr 2019 ACAMAR5 meeting
2 Apr 2019 Wideband polarized radio emission from XTE J1810-197 (by Dai et al.)
1 Apr 2019 5th ACAMAR annual meeting
29 Mar 2019 The Parkes Dish
28 Mar 2019 Pulsar quiet-mode modulations (by Yan et al.)
27 Mar 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Andrew Cameron
26 Mar 2019 Perth Astrofest
25 Mar 2019 Perth Astrofest
22 Mar 2019 The Australian Space Agency logo
21 Mar 2019 S-PASS/ATCA survey (by Schnitzeler et al.)
20 Mar 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 9
19 Mar 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 9
18 Mar 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Suzy Dodd
15 Mar 2019 SKA treaty signing
14 Mar 2019 SKA treaty signing
13 Mar 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Marios Karouzos
12 Mar 2019 SKA convention signing
11 Mar 2019 International Women's Day
8 Mar 2019 An FRB in archival data (by Zhang et al.)
7 Mar 2019 Parkes Pulsar discoveries (by Burgay et al.)
6 Mar 2019 ASKAP data in CASDA
5 Mar 2019 Welcome Chenoa Tremblay
4 Mar 2019 Voyager 2 tracking ends at Parkes
1 Mar 2019 ASKAP lights up for Mardi Gras
28 Feb 2019 CASS Diversity Committee
27 Feb 2019 PHISCC in Perth
26 Feb 2019 Welcome Ilana Feain
25 Feb 2019 VLBI observations of GW 170817 afterglow
22 Feb 2019 Observing mascots
21 Feb 2019 All ASKAP antennas on-line
20 Feb 2019 Westerbork HALOGAS Data Release
19 Feb 2019 2018/19 Undergraduate Vacation Scholar Symposium
18 Feb 2019 50th anniversary of the Parkes Visitor Centre
15 Feb 2019 The 2019 SKA Calendar
14 Feb 2019 Happy Valentine's Day
13 Feb 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Katia Moskvitch
12 Feb 2019 International Day of Women and Girls in Astronomy
11 Feb 2019 International Day of Women and Girls in Astronomy
8 Feb 2019 (Belated) Happy Chinese New Year!
7 Feb 2019 CASS Vacation Student Symposium
6 Feb 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Nathan Deg
5 Feb 2019 ATNF Colloquium by Adam Deller
4 Feb 2019 Parkes Elvis Festival 2019
1 Feb 2019 A candidate microquasar in NGC 300 (by Urquhart et al.)
31 Jan 2019 Parkes contributions to astro-chemistry
30 Jan 2019 A (relatively) nearby Fast Radio Burst (by Petroff et al.)
29 Jan 2019 Australia Day Honours
25 Jan 2019 ASKAP imaging of a supernova remnant
24 Jan 2019 ASKAP's other uses...
23 Jan 2019 ASKAP images of the NGC 7232 galaxy group, Part 3 (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
22 Jan 2019 ASKAP images of the NGC 7232 galaxy group, Part 2 (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
21 Jan 2019 ASKAP images of the NGC 7232 galaxy group, Part 1 (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
18 Jan 2019 NASA Award to CDSCC
17 Jan 2019 The construction of Parkes
16 Jan 2019 The construction of Parkes
15 Jan 2019 "Taffy" Bowen at Parkes
14 Jan 2019 Edward "Taffy" Bowen
11 Jan 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8
10 Jan 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8
9 Jan 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8
8 Jan 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8
7 Jan 2019 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8
4 Jan 2019 Seeing in the New Year at the Parkes
3 Jan 2019 Seeing in the New Year at the ATCA
2 Jan 2019 Happy New Year!
24 Dec 2018 Seasons Greetings!
21 Dec 2018 CASS Vacation Student at Tidbinbilla
20 Dec 2018 CASS Vacation Students at Marsfield
19 Dec 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Xiang Zhang
18 Dec 2018 A census of southern HII regions (by Wenger et al.)
17 Dec 2018 New Norcia tracking station
14 Dec 2018 Parkes tracking Voyager 2
13 Dec 2018 Voyager 2 leaves the solar system
12 Dec 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Jennifer West
11 Dec 2018 CASS Vacation Students at Kensington
10 Dec 2018 Gravitational Waves from black hole mergers
7 Dec 2018 The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (by Shimwell et al.)
6 Dec 2018 The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (by Shimwell et al.)
5 Dec 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Ravi Subrahmanyan
4 Dec 2018 ASKAP under the Milky Way
3 Dec 2018 A polarisation study of Cen A (by Anderson et al.)
30 Nov 2018 A wide field map of intracluster globular clusters in Coma (by Juan Madrid)
29 Nov 2018 The Australia Telescope Users Committee
28 Nov 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Jordan Collier
27 Nov 2018 A polarisation study of NGC 612 (by Banfield et al.)
26 Nov 2018 First images from NovaSAR-1
23 Nov 2018 Apep -- a doomed star system (by Callingham et al.)
22 Nov 2018 ATNF 2017/18 Annual Report
21 Nov 2018 Parkes UWL results (by Dick Manchester)
20 Nov 2018 WALLABY Early Science results (by Reynolds et al.)
19 Nov 2018 Investigations of methanol masers in NGC 4945 (by McCarthy et al.)
16 Nov 2018 An MWA search for counterparts to ASKAP FRBs (by Sokolowski et al.)
15 Nov 2018 Very Young, Massive Protostars in a Collapsing Molecular Cloud (by Pitts et al.)
14 Nov 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Lars Hernquist
13 Nov 2018 An 84 GHz methanol maser in NGC 253 (by McCarthy et al.)
12 Nov 2018 Big Bang Theory
9 Nov 2018 A Parkes search for fuzzy dark matter (by Porayko et al.)
8 Nov 2018 3C 17: The Brightest Galaxy of a newly identified Cluster (by Juan Madrid)
7 Nov 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Peter Tuthill
6 Nov 2018 Parkes Pulsar Data Published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal for 2018APRS (by Lawrence Toomey)
5 Nov 2018 FRBs in the Conversation
2 Nov 2018 ATCA at night
1 Nov 2018 An astral arch over ASKAP
31 Oct 2018 The slow death of the SMC (by McClure-Griffiths et al.)
30 Oct 2018 A Fast Radio Burst host galaxy? (by Mahony et al.)
29 Oct 2018 LOFAR discovery of a 23.5-second radio pulsar (by Tan et al.)
26 Oct 2018 Farewell Robin!
25 Oct 2018 ASKAP Community Workshop 2018
24 Oct 2018 ASKAP Community Workshop 2018
23 Oct 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Fernando Camilo
22 Oct 2018 Farewell to Lisa Harvey-Smith
19 Oct 2018 Cricket on the Dish
18 Oct 2018 Cricket at the Dish
17 Oct 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Justin Bray
16 Oct 2018 Warning signs at Parkes
15 Oct 2018 How big is the Parkes dish?
12 Oct 2018 ASKAP detection of FRBs (by Shannon et al.)
11 Oct 2018 The LMC supernova remnant SNR 0509-67.5 (by Roper et al.)
10 Oct 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Ian Heywood
9 Oct 2018 ATCA imaging of the SN1987A remnant (by Cendes et al.)
8 Oct 2018 Sunlit Parkes, from the CSIRO image library
5 Oct 2018 ICRAR/CASS Radio School 2018 (by George Heald)
4 Oct 2018 Mopra observations of a mid-infrared bubble (by Kohno et al.)
3 Oct 2018 A search for pulses from the remnant of SN1987A (by Zhang et al.)
2 Oct 2018 Alan Shepard's visit to Honeysuckle Creek
28 Sep 2018 CSIRO Space Industry Roadmap released
27 Sep 2018 PULSE@Parkes in New Zealand (by Rob Hollow)
26 Sep 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Rick Perley
25 Sep 2018 Bolton Fellow, Shi Dai
24 Sep 2018 Welcome Tessa Vernstrom!
21 Sep 2018 Launch of NovaSAR satellite
20 Sep 2018 Welcome Xiang Zhang!
19 Sep 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Di Li
18 Sep 2018 ASKAP composite feed-leg trials
17 Sep 2018 ATCA, from the CSIRO image library
14 Sep 2018 Dick Manchester honoured by Australian Academy of Science
13 Sep 2018 Parkes at night, from the CSIRO image library
12 Sep 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Elaine Sadler
11 Sep 2018 Long Baseline Array observing
10 Sep 2018 Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell wins Special Breakthrough Prize
7 Sep 2018 An intermediate mass black hole candidate? (by Ravi et al.)
6 Sep 2018 ATCA@30
5 Sep 2018 The CSIRO Board tours Pawsey
4 Sep 2018 Shedding light on ASKAP data flow
3 Sep 2018 ATCA Opening 30th Anniversary
31 Aug 2018 VIPs at the MRO
30 Aug 2018 A search for intermediate mass black holes (by Tremou et al.)
29 Aug 2018 ATCA and MWA observations of the Torpedo cluster (by Zheng et al.)
28 Aug 2018 ATCA observations of a water fountain nebula (by Perez-Sanchez et al.)
27 Aug 2018 International Astronomical Union General Assembly (by Rob Hollow)
24 Aug 2018 Parkes from a 1960s travel poster
23 Aug 2018 ASKAP pilot survey for variable and transient sources (by Bhandari et al.)
22 Aug 2018 The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey -- DR3 (by Braiding et al.)
21 Aug 2018 ATCA control building 50 years ago
20 Aug 2018 Parkes Ultra-Wideband Low vs. Multi-beam (by Stefan Oslowski)
17 Aug 2018 GW170817, one year on (by Dougal Dobie)
16 Aug 2018 Parker Solar Probe
15 Aug 2018 Studies of the Sun, part 3
14 Aug 2018 Studies of the Sun, part 2
13 Aug 2018 Studies of the Sun, part 1
10 Aug 2018 LVHIS images of ESO 223-G009
9 Aug 2018 LVHIS images of M83
8 Aug 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Jackie Ma
7 Aug 2018 LVHIS images of UGCA 365
6 Aug 2018 LVHIS images of ESO 270-G017
3 Aug 2018 The Parkes Testbed Facility
2 Aug 2018 PSR J1119−6127 after its X-ray bursts (by Shi Dai)
1 Aug 2018 1000 ADAPs!
30 July 2018 When Galaxies Collide (by Lisa Harvey-Smith)
27 July 2018 ASKAP at night video (by Alex Cherney)
26 July 2018 ATCA at night video (by Alex Cherney)
25 July 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan
24 July 2018 Reunion at COSPAR
20 July 2018 Happy Birthday!
19 July 2018 The virtual Parkes telescope!
18 July 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
17 July 2018 ATNF Town Hall meeting at the ASA
16 July 2018 Astronomical Society of Australia annual meeting
13 July 2018 Panoramic views of Mopra, part 2
12 July 2018 Panoramic views of Mopra, part 1
11 July 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Josep Miquel Girart
10 July 2018 RadioAstron 7th Anniversary
9 July 2018 ASKAP PAF and antennas
6 July 2018 International Women in Engineering Day
5 July 2018 2018 ICRAR/CASS Radio School
4 July 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Chris Skipper
3 July 2018 The Dwingeloo Radio Telescope, part two
2 July 2018 The Dwingeloo Radio Telescope, part one
29 June 2018 The Emu in the Sky
28 June 2018 The ATCA at night
27 June 2018 Linear polarization in SN1987A (by Zanardo et al.)
26 June 2018 ASKAP at the ASA part 2
25 June 2018 ASKAP at the ASA part 1
22 June 2018 HI eXtreme galaxies (by Lutz et al.)
21 June 2018 Parkes four decades ago
20 June 2018 The MACS J0417-1554 cluster of galaxies (by Sandhu et al.)
19 June 2018 CSIRO at Vivid
18 June 2018 Cosmic nano-diamonds (by Greaves et al.)
15 June 2018 ASKAP near and far
14 June 2018 When molecular clouds collide
13 June 2018 PULSE@Parkes at C3DIS
12 June 2018 ATCA observations of Westerlund 1
8 June 2018 The Deep Space Network Now!
7 June 2018 The HI disc of NGC 922 (by Elagali et al.)
6 June 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Vanessa Moss
5 June 2018 Methanol masers in NGC 253 (by Chen et al.)
4 June 2018 A Turnover in the Radio Light Curve of GW170817 (by Dobie et al.)
1 June 2018 Looking back at Parkes
31 May 2018 Stargazing Live world record
30 May 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Maria Rioja
29 May 2018 Australia Telescope Users Committee
28 May 2018 Methanol masers with the ATCA (by McCarthy et al.)
25 May 2018 ASKAP, moon, and Venus
24 May 2018 The Guinness World Record for Stargazing?
23 May 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Mireia Montes
22 May 2018 Stargazing Live
21 May 2018 Ultra-Wide-band Low installation, part 2
18 May 2018 ASKAP spots a Crab giant burst (by Keith Bannister)
17 May 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Joe Callingham
16 May 2018 Ultra-Wide-band Low installation
15 May 2018 Australia Telescope Compact Array
14 May 2018 Australia Telescope Steering Committee
11 May 2018 Catching a Vela glitch (by Palfreyman et al.)
10 May 2018 Letter of Intent signing with NARIT
9 May 2018 The polarization properties of two FRBs (by Caleb et al.)
8 May 2018 Welcome Emil Lenc
7 May 2018 Welcome Elizabeth Mahony
4 May 2018 Funding for Pawsey Supercomputing Centre
3 May 2018 Vale Doug Milne
2 May 2018 ATNF Colloquium by AAL
1 May 2018 System checks with Voyager 2
30 Apr 2018 MeerKAT megnetar monitoring
27 Apr 2018 Parkes supporting autism awareness
26 Apr 2018 Low polarisation patches in Fornax A
24 Apr 2018 Determining the distance to PSR J0437-4715
23 Apr 2018 PULSE@Parkes in Japan
20 Apr 2018 The Roulettes fly by Parkes, part 2
19 Apr 2018 The Roulettes fly by Parkes
18 Apr 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Laura Wolz
17 Apr 2018 ATCA observations of Alpha Centauri
16 Apr 2018 ASKAP Observing
13 Apr 2018 Extreme Scattering Events in pulsar light-curves (repeat)
12 Apr 2018 The Puppis A supernova remnant (repeat)
11 Apr 2018 The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2322−2650 -- part 1 (repeat)
10 Apr 2018 The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2322−2650 -- part 2
9 Apr 2018 The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2322−2650 -- part 1
6 Apr 2018 Extreme Scattering Events in pulsar light-curves
5 Apr 2018 Star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 Apr 2018 The Puppis A supernova remnant
3 Apr 2018 ALMA and ATCA observations of the Spiderweb galaxy
29 Mar 2018 ALMA proposal workshop
28 Mar 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Katie Jameson
27 Mar 2018 Astrofest in Perth
26 Mar 2018 Parkes in the National Archives
23 Mar 2018 Looking up at Parkes
22 Mar 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Tom Landecker
21 Mar 2018 Vale Bruce MacA Thomas
20 Mar 2018 Vale Bruce MacA Thomas
19 Mar 2018 High-resolution Observations of Low-luminosity Sources
16 Mar 2018 Return to Potts Hill
15 Mar 2018 Welcome Shivani Bhandari
14 Mar 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Nick Seymour
13 Mar 2018 Breakthrough Listen detection of a Fast Radio Burst
12 Mar 2018 CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP) passes 1 Petabyte milestone
9 Mar 2018 International Women's Day at Marsfield
8 Mar 2018 International Women's Day
7 Mar 2018 The foundations of radio astronomy...
6 Mar 2018 Potts Hill tour
5 Mar 2018 Marsfield wildlife
2 Mar 2018 First evidence of the earliest stars
1 Mar 2018 First evidence of the earliest stars
28 Feb 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Themiya Nanayakkara (Leiden)
27 Feb 2018 The Culgoora Radioheliograph 43 MHz Antenna
26 Feb 2018 Gemini Follow-up of Two Massive HI Clouds Discovered with ASKAP
23 Feb 2018 Pulsar Rotation Measures and Large-scale Magnetic Field Reversals in the Galactic Disk
22 Feb 2018 Culgoora Radioheliograph, from the CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive
21 Feb 2018 Potts Hill, from the CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive
20 Feb 2018 Welcome Jane Kaczmarek
19 Feb 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Robert Braun (SKAO)
16 Feb 2018 Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy
15 Feb 2018 Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy
14 Feb 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Jielai Zhang
13 Feb 2018 Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy
12 Feb 2018 Four Pillars of Radio Astronomy
9 Feb 2018 Welcome to Tim Galvin
8 Feb 2018 ATNF Colloquium by Tony Beasley
7 Feb 2018 ATNF Colloquium by James Allison
6 Feb 2018 Queen's Baton Relay at Parkes
5 Feb 2018 Queen's Baton Relay at Parkes
2 Feb 2018 Queen's Baton Relay at Parkes
1 Feb 2018 Launch of the TAIPAN facility
31 Jan 2018 ATNF Vacation Student Observing Trip
30 Jan 2018 Australian Teacher Astronomy Research Program Workshop
29 Jan 2018 Parkes Elvis Festival
25 Jan 2018 Parkes Elvis Festival
24 Jan 2018 Parkes Elvis Festival
23 Jan 2018 Parkes Elvis Festival
22 Jan 2018 The Dish at Night
19 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
18 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
17 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
16 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
15 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
11 Jan 2018 An extreme magneto-ionic environment associated with the fast radio burst source FRB 121102
10 Jan 2018 PAF on all 36 ASKAP antennas
9 Jan 2018 PAF on all 36 ASKAP antennas
8 Jan 2018 Elvis at the Dish
5 Jan 2018 Parkes Telescope Receivers
4 Jan 2018 Cocoons and jets: following up GW 170817
3 Jan 2018 Happy New Year from ATNF
2 Jan 2018 Happy New Year from ATNF
1 Jan 2018 Happy New Year from ATNF
26 Dec 2017 Christmas Greetings from ASKAP
25 Dec 2017 Christmas Greetings from ATCA
22 Dec 2017 Christmas Greetings from Parkes
21 Dec 2017 Our top telescope tech travels FAST
20 Dec 2017 A low-luminosity millisecond pulsar with a planetary-mass companion (by Simon Johnston)
19 Dec 2017 Sheep paddock
18 Dec 2017 OzGrav Opening
15 Dec 2017 Science At Low Frequencies IV
14 Dec 2017 Bolton Book Launch
13 Dec 2017 Bolton Biography
12 Dec 2017 Bolton Symposium and Book Launch
11 Dec 2017 Welcome to our summer students (by Marilyn Drake)
8 Dec 2017 A new all-sky map of high-velocity clouds (by Tobias Westmeier)
7 Dec 2017 Parkes polarimetry of 600 pulsars (by Simon Johnston)
6 Dec 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Se-Heon Oh
5 Dec 2017 Parkes discovers more Fast Radio Bursts (by Simon Johnston)
4 Dec 2017 Welcome to our summer students (by Rob Hollow)
1 Dec 2017 ASKAP Phased Array Feed roll-out complete
30 Nov 2017 A PAF on Parkes would be cool!
29 Nov 2017 Mapping Gas and Dark Matter in Galaxies (by Bärbel Koribalski)
28 Nov 2017 Fifty years ago Jocelyn Bell discovered pulsars
27 Nov 2017 Class I methanol masers in NGC253: Alcohol at the end of the bar (by Simon Ellingsen)
24 Nov 2017 Mapping Gas and Dark Matter in Galaxies (by Bärbel Koribalski)
23 Nov 2017 ASKAP Phased Array Feed roll-out complete
22 Nov 2017 First fringes with the ASKAP voltage capture mode
21 Nov 2017 Probing The Local Environment
20 Nov 2017 Bungarra visiting ASKAP and MWA
17 Nov 2017 A deep Parkes HI survey of the Sculptor group and filament
16 Nov 2017 MK3 Phased Array Feed
15 Nov 2017 Observing with FAST
14 Nov 2017 Phased-Array Feed Workshop
13 Nov 2017 Observing with FAST
10 Nov 2017 Visiting Pia Wadjarri School (by Rob Hollow)
9 Nov 2017 Visiting Pia Wadjarri School (by Rob Hollow)
8 Nov 2017 SOFIA 1.1 release - HI Source Finding (by Tobias Westmeier)
7 Nov 2017 CSIRO's WLAN team in 2012
6 Nov 2017 Spectral properties of 441 radio pulsars (by Simon Johnston)
3 Nov 2017 Tidal origin of NGC 1427A in the Fornax cluster (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
2 Nov 2017 2017 Bolton and Student Symposium (by Helga Denes)
1 Nov 2017 Australia Telescope Users Committee (by Phil Edwards)
31 Oct 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Maria Rioja
30 Oct 2017 ATCA with double rainbow (Photo by John Masterson)
27 Oct 2017 EDGES - an Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (by Judd Bowman)
26 Oct 2017 PM’s Prize for Secondary Science Teaching (by Rob Hollow)
25 Oct 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Dane Kleiner
24 Oct 2017 EDGES - an Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (by Judd Bowman)
23 Oct 2017 EDGES - an Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (by Judd Bowman)
20 Oct 2017 ASKAP dishes with Phased-Array Feeds
19 Oct 2017 ASKAP dishes with Phased-Array Feeds
18 Oct 2017 A Binary Neutron Star Merger
17 Oct 2017 A Binary Neutron Star Merger
16 Oct 2017 Bolton Fellowship in Radio Astronomy
13 Oct 2017 Radio Astronomy at Dover Heights (by Ron Ekers)
12 Oct 2017 Radio Astronomy at Dover Heights (by Wasim Raja)
11 Oct 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Jennifer West
10 Oct 2017 Radio Astronomy at Dover Heights (by Wasim Raja)
9 Oct 2017 Radio Astronomy at Dover Heights (by Wasim Raja)
6 Oct 2017 Multi-band search for the counterpart to 3FGL J0838.8-2829
5 Oct 2017 VLBI images of active galactic nuclei
4 Oct 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Tim Cornwell
3 Oct 2017 CASS Radio Astronomy School
29 Sep 2017 International Coffee Day
28 Sep 2017 CASS Radio Astronomy School
27 Sep 2017 CASS Radio Astronomy School
26 Sep 2017 VLBI images of active galactic nuclei
25 Sep 2017 VLBI images of active galactic nuclei
22 Sep 2017 The third ACAMAR meeting
21 Sep 2017 The third ACAMAR meeting
20 Sep 2017 Boom times for radio continuum surveys
19 Sep 2017 Phased Array Feeds on show
18 Sep 2017 Repairs of the Parkes Master Equatorial
15 Sep 2017 Cassini's grand finale
14 Sep 2017 Repairs of the Parkes Master Equatorial
13 Sep 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Helmut Dannerbauer
12 Sep 2017 Repairs of the Parkes Master Equatorial
11 Sep 2017 The Parkes Master Equatorial
8 Sep 2017 Repairs of the Parkes Master Equatorial
7 Sep 2017 High precision timing of the pulsar PSR J1933-6211
6 Sep 2017 Larry Marshall visits the MRO
5 Sep 2017 PULSE@Parkes in South Africa
4 Sep 2017 IAU Symposium 337 - 50 Years of Pulsars
1 Sep 2017 Fly-by of the asteroid Florence
31 Aug 2017 ASKAP-12 HI imaging of the NGC7232 group
30 Aug 2017 CDSCC DSS-36
29 Aug 2017 ASKAP-12 HI imaging of the NGC 7162/7162A galaxy pair (by Tristan Reynolds)
28 Aug 2017 ASKAP-12 HI imaging of the spiral galaxy IC 5201 (by Dane Kleiner)
25 Aug 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Luke Davies
24 Aug 2017 The challenges of low-frequency radio polarimetry (by Emil Lenc)
23 Aug 2017 Ernie Dingo visits our outback observatory
22 Aug 2017 2017 Radio Astronomy School
21 Aug 2017 2017 Radio Astronomy School
18 Aug 2017 Welcome to George Bekiaris
17 Aug 2017 Messier 83 - the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (by Juan Madrid)
16 Aug 2017 Stars lose memory about the HI gas (by Jing Wang)
15 Aug 2017 First light of the Parkes ultra-wide-band receiver (by George Hobbs)
14 Aug 2017 Installation of the ultra-wide-band receiver (by Alex Dunning)
11 Aug 2017 Installation of the ultra-wide-band receiver (by George Hobbs)
10 Aug 2017 What's hiding under the hood? (by John Sarkissian)
9 Aug 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Maarten de Jong
8 Aug 2017 Discovering pulsars using variance imaging (by Shi Dai)
7 Aug 2017 A massive star-forming galaxy at z=6.9 (by Strandet et al.)
4 Aug 2017 Cosmic water fountains (by Perez-Sanchez et al.)
3 Aug 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Saran Poshyachinda
2 Aug 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Julie Banfield
1 Aug 2017 SPARCS (by George Heald)
31 Jul 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Alan Stern and Michael Vincent
28 Jul 2017 Gamma-ray burst (by Troja et al.)
27 Jul 2017 APRIM 2020 (by Rob Hollow)
26 Jul 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Michelle Cluver
25 Jul 2017 AR Sco (by Marcote et al.)
24 Jul 2017 W50/SS433 (by Farnes et al.)
21 Jul 2017 FAST (by Phil Edwards)
20 Jul 2017 FAST (by Phil Edwards)
19 Jul 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Luke Leisman
18 Jul 2017 Astronomical Society of Australia annual meeting (by Jimi Green)
17 Jul 2017 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting (by Jimi Green)
14 Jul 2017 AAVS 1.0 (by Kurt Warhurst)
13 Jul 2017 The Murchison Widefield Array (by Kurt Warhurst)
12 Jul 2017 Rainbow (by Brett Hiscock)
11 Jul 2017 Venus and crescent moon (by Brett Hiscock)
10 Jul 2017 ASKAP in action (by Kurt Warhurst)
7 Jul 2017 SETI at Parkes (by John Sarkissian)
6 Jul 2017 Full moon over ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
5 Jul 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Christene Lynch
4 Jul 2017 A radio outburst from PKS 1954-388 (by Phil Edwards)
3 Jul 2017 ASKAP Phased Array Feed
30 Jun 2017 50th Anniversary of the "Our World" Broadcast
29 Jun 2017 Quasar twinkling (by Mark Walker & Helen Sim)
28 Jun 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Paul Lasky
27 Jun 2017 The Constellation of Orion (by Brett Hiscock)
26 Jun 2017 Low Frequency Radio-astronomy Conference (by Phil Edwards)
23 Jun 2017 ATCA web camera (by Robin Wark)
22 Jun 2017 SKA Engineering Meeting (by Phil Edwards)
21 Jun 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Stefan Oslowski
20 Jun 2017 SKA Engineering Meeting (by Phil Edwards)
19 Jun 2017 SKA Engineering Meeting (by Phil Edwards)
16 Jun 2017 Radio Astronomy School 2017
15 Jun 2017 Look where? (by Phil Edwards)
14 Jun 2017 ASKAP observing (by Kurt Warhurst)
13 Jun 2017 The MWA's View of the Moon against the Milky Way (by Natasha Hurley-Walker)
12 Jun 2017 The MWA's View of the Moon against the Milky Way (by Natasha Hurley-Walker)
9 Jun 2017 Radio observations of the moon? (by Phil Edwards)
8 Jun 2017 Radio counterparts to unidentified gamma-ray sources (by Phil Edwards)
7 Jun 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Hugh Garsden
6 Jun 2017 ATNF User Committee (ATUC) Open Day (by Cormac Reynolds)
5 Jun 2017 Parkes Pulsar Surveys published in CSIRO's Data Access Portal (by Lawrence Toomey)
2 Jun 2017 "Connections" Light Artwork at Vivid Sydney 2017 (by Aly & Balt Indermuehle)
31 May 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Katie Mack
30 May 2017 ASKAP silhouette at sunset (by Kurt Warhurst)
29 May 2017 Observing Pulsars with a Phased Array Feed at the Parkes Telescope (by Simon Johnston)
26 May 2017 Professor Giovanni Bignami (1944-2017)
25 May 2017 The Labyrinth of the Unexpected (by Tasso Tzioumis)
24 May 2017 Sunset at the observatory (by Maxim Voronkov)
23 May 2017 The detection of an extremely bright fast radio burst in a phased array feed survey (by Keith Bannister)
22 May 2017 Scintillation in the radio spectrum of the quasar PMN J1106-3647 (by Simon Johnston)
19 May 2017 Phased-Array Feed on the 100-m Effelsberg telescope
18 May 2017 Evolution and disappearance of the magnetar J1622-4950 (by Simon Johnston)
17 May 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Ross Turner
16 May 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Di Li
15 May 2017 Morning glow of the ATCA
12 May 2017 ASKAP commissioning (by Brett Hiscock)
11 May 2017 Identification of the white dwarf companion to millisecond pulsar J2317+1439 (by Shi Dai)
10 May 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Jordan Collier
9 May 2017 Pint of Science
8 May 2017 The painting Dishes by artist Dana Anaru
5 May 2017 Under the Parkes Dish (by Maree Timms)
4 May 2017 Hay Ride on the Parkes Dish (by Maree Timms)
3 May 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Peter Shaver
2 May 2017 Blue Dish (by Noel Fisher)
1 May 2017 Evening glow at the Compact Array
28 Apr 2017 Parkes Dish with double rainbow (by Rob Hollow)
27 Apr 2017 ATNF Seminar by Mark Walker
26 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Denis Leahy
24 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Johannes Buchner
21 Apr 2017 Parkes Dish shaded in blue
20 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Mark Waterson
19 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Shaila Akhter
18 Apr 2017 Parkes Dish against a violet sky
13 Apr 2017 ASKAP antenna dance (by Brett Hiscock)
12 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Gulay Gurkan
11 Apr 2017 PAF installation on ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
10 Apr 2017 Supernova 1987A thirty years later (by Lister Staveley-Smith)
7 Apr 2017 Science meets Parliament 2017 (by Juan Madrid)
6 Apr 2017 Inspecting the 19-beam FAST receiver (by Li Shao)
5 Apr 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Enrico Di Teodoro
4 Apr 2017 Rain clouds over ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
3 Apr 2017 ASKAP PAF installation (by Brett Hiscock)
27 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Badri Younes
23 Mar 2017 Welcome to Dane Kleiner
22 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Shivani Bhandari
20 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Nick Rees
17 Mar 2017 In the shadow of the dish (by Margaret McFee)
16 Mar 2017 Green meadows around ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
15 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Steven Janowiecki
14 Mar 2017 One woman's role in designing the world's largest radio telescope (by Gabby Russell)
8 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Sachiko Kuroyanagi
7 Mar 2017 Visiting The Dish (by Merrill Findlay)
6 Mar 2017 Storm approaching at Boolardy (by Rhonda Richardson)
3 Mar 2017 Supernova SN1987A: 30 years since discovery - Part III (by Dick Manchester)
2 Mar 2017 Supernova SN1987A: 30 years since discovery - Part II (by Dick Manchester)
1 Mar 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Dominic Schnitzeler
28 Feb 2017 Supernova SN1987A: 30 years since discovery - Part I (by Dick Manchester)
27 Feb 2017 Storm at ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
24 Feb 2017 IAU Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
23 Feb 2017 The Australian SKA Pathfinder (by Brett Hiscock)
22 Feb 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Julia Bryant
21 Feb 2017 WALLABY Early Science (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
20 Feb 2017 154 MHz detection of faint, polarized flares from UV Ceti (by Christene Lynch)
17 Feb 2017 Pulsar braking and the P-Pdot diagram (by Simon Johnston)
16 Feb 2017 ATCA remote observing (by Gulay Gurkan Uygun)
15 Feb 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Ivy Wong
14 Feb 2017 The Australian SKA Pathfinder (by Brett Hiscock)
13 Feb 2017 LOFAR's Multifrequency Snapshot Survey (by George Heald)
3 Feb 2017 ASKAP-16 observing the Sun (by Brett Hiscock)
2 Feb 2017 ASKAP-16 test observations (by Brett Hiscock)
1 Feb 2017 Sunset at Boolardy (by Brett Hiscock)
31 Jan 2017 ASKAP observes solar Sun spots (by Maxim Voronkov)
26 Jan 2017 Star Wars at Gemini South (by Manuel Paredes and Juan Madrid)
25 Jan 2017 ATNF Colloquium by Andrew Cameron
24 Jan 2017 Resolved magnetic structures in the disk-halo interface of NGC 628 (by George Heald)
23 Jan 2017 Observatorio Astronomico de Quito (by Helga Denes)
20 Jan 2017 The First Ecuadorian School of Radio Astronomy (by Helga Denes)
19 Jan 2017 Unveiling the interstellar gas associated with the superbubble 30 Doradus C (by Hidetoshi Sano)
18 Jan 2017 Extragalactic Peaked-Spectrum Radio Sources at Low Frequencies (by Joe Callingham)
17 Jan 2017 The reversed fHI-density relation in the least-dense environments (by Jing Wang)
16 Jan 2017 Evidence for HI replenishment in massive galaxies
through gas accretion from the cosmic web (by Dane Kleiner)
13 Jan 2017 The Dish at sunset (Photo by Rhianna Lyons)
12 Jan 2017 ASKAP Early Science
11 Jan 2017 The HIX galaxy survey (by Katharina Lutz)
10 Jan 2017 Giga-hertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources: new results (by Phil Edwards)
9 Jan 2017 Giga-hertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources: new results (by Phil Edwards)
3 Jan 2017 Happy New Year 2017!
21 Dec 2016 Radio Galaxy Zoo turns 3! (by Ivy Wong)
20 Dec 2016 Celebrating 30 ASKAP Phased Array Feeds (by Leonie Boddington)
19 Dec 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Jamie Drew
16 Dec 2016 CSIRO's 64-m Parkes Telescope tracking Mars (by John Sarkissian)
15 Dec 2016 Finding the unknowns in the Universe (by Ray Norris)
14 Dec 2016 Celebrating 30 ASKAP Phased Array Feeds (by Nic Svenson)
13 Dec 2016 Another Vela pulsar glitch
12 Dec 2016 Under construction: Distant galaxy churning out stars at remarkable rate (by Gabby Russell)
9 Dec 2016 Visualising Galaxy Warps (by Tim Dykes)
8 Dec 2016 First CSIRO/SKA South Africa Undergraduate Scholars (by Rob Hollow)
7 Dec 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Lee Spitler
6 Dec 2016 Our Perth office welcomes four CSIRO Undergraduate Vacation Scholars (by Rob Hollow)
5 Dec 2016 ATCA opens up a new window on the molecular Universe (by Bjorn Emonts)
2 Dec 2016 Basketball at The Dish (by Phil Edwards)
1 Dec 2016 Rocket Science at ATNF (by Tasso Tzioumis)
30 Nov 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Rebecca McElroy
29 Nov 2016 CASS summer student program commences (by Martin Bell)
28 Nov 2016 Rocket Science at ATNF (by Tasso Tzioumis)
25 Nov 2016 ASKAP's renewable energy (by Brett Hiscock)
24 Nov 2016 The Australia Telescope Compact Array
23 Nov 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Clancy James
22 Nov 2016 Annual Bolton and Student Symposium (by Craig Anderson)
21 Nov 2016 Separation of ICM components in the high-redshift cluster MACS J0025.4-1222 (by Chris Riseley)
18 Nov 2016 Bright Radio Bursts probe Universe's Hidden Matter
17 Nov 2016 3D Visualisation of galaxy data
16 Nov 2016 3D Visualisation workshop
15 Nov 2016 Parkes telescope receivers
14 Nov 2016 Australia Telescope User Committee meeting
11 Nov 2016 Flowers near ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
10 Nov 2016 Pietro Baracchi Conference Photo
9 Nov 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Claudia Lagos
8 Nov 2016 Science for the SKA generation
7 Nov 2016 DSS36 - our new dish for space tracking
4 Nov 2016 ASKAP core antennas with new PAFs (by Brett Hiscock)
3 Nov 2016 Radio light curve of the galaxy possibly associated with FRB150418 (by Simon Johnston)
9 Nov 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Caroline Foster
1 Nov 2016 ATCA detections of massive molecular gas reservoirs in dusty, high-z radio galaxies (by Ian Heywood)
31 Oct 2016 Baracchi Conference starts tomorrow
28 Oct 2016 GLEAM survey I: a low-frequency extragalactic catalog (by Natasha Hurley-Walker)
27 Oct 2016 ATCA surrounded by purple fields (by Phil Edwards)
26 Oct 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Wayne Orchiston
25 Oct 2016 The road to ASKAP (Photo by Cornelia Brem)
24 Oct 2016 First γ-ray binary in the LMC (by Phil Edwards)
21 Oct 2016 HI4PI - Effelsberg and Parkes join forces
20 Oct 2016 ASKAP observing (by Brett Hiscock)
19 Oct 2016 Schiaparelli - are we there yet?
18 Oct 2016 Schiaparelli preparing to land on Mars
17 Oct 2016 Innovative science at its best (by Jill Rathborne)
14 Oct 2016 Beautiful Dutch stamp (by Gabby Russell)
13 Oct 2016 The de Laeter Colloquium Series (by Craig Anderson)
12 Oct 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Jeff Cooke
11 Oct 2016 Molecular shocks and gamm-ray clouds in the W28 SNR (by Nigel Maxted)
10 Oct 2016 SKA Engineering Conference
7 Oct 2016 ASKAP PAF roll-out continues (by Brett Hiscock)
6 Oct 2016 Cavities, gaps and rings: signposts to planets (by Sarah Maddison)
5 Oct 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Ron Ekers
4 Oct 2016 The response of CO to gas accretion in galaxies (by Jing Wang)
3 Oct 2016 Parkes after the rain (by Alison Tye)
30 Sep 2016 ASKAP-12 hydrogen maps of the galaxy IC 5201
29 Sep 2016 Pulsars: gamma-ray detected or not? (by Simon Johnston)
28 Sep 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Justin Bray
27 Sep 2016 Visitors at the FAST Opening (by Douglas Bock)
26 Sep 2016 Farewell to Matthew Kerr! (by Simon Johnston)
23 Sep 2016 Spring at the Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory (by Brett Hiscock)
22 Sep 2016 Receiver change at the Parkes Dish (by Lucero Uscanga)
21 Sep 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Chris Flynn
20 Sep 2016 My first visit of the Parkes Dish (by Lucero Uscanga)
19 Sep 2016 Wet season at the ATCA (by Jamie Stevens)
16 Sep 2016 On route to ASKAP: Sturt's Desert Pea (by Brett Hiscock)
15 Sep 2016 Hovermap of the 64-m Parkes Telescope (by Phil Edwards)
14 Sep 2016 ASKAP 36-beam image of NGC 7232 field (by Juan Madrid)
13 Sep 2016 ATCA Legacy Projects (by Phil Edwards)
12 Sep 2016 Welcome to Christopher Riseley (by George Heald)
9 Sep 2016 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed No 17 (by Brett Hiscock)
8 Sep 2016 The SKA-low site (by Lister Staveley-Smith)
7 Sep 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Vanessa Moss
6 Sep 2016 2016 Bolton and Student Symposium
5 Sep 2016 Congratulations to Vikram (by George Hobbs)
2 Sep 2016 Congratulations to Lisa (by Helen Sim)
1 Sep 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Phil Diamond
31 Aug 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Stuart Ryder
30 Aug 2016 Tribute to Bruce Slee (by Ron Ekers)
29 Aug 2016 Tribute to Bruce Slee (by Ron Ekers)
26 Aug 2016 Tribute to Bruce Slee (by Joss Bland-Hawthorn)
25 Aug 2016 Tribute to Bruce Slee (by John Reynolds)
24 Aug 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Sarah Martell
23 Aug 2016 Tribute to Bruce Slee
22 Aug 2016 Welcome to Gulay Gurkan Uygun
19 Aug 2016 Farewell to Paolo Serra
18 Aug 2016 A Celebration: Bruce Slee and 70 Years of Radio Astronomy (by Juan Madrid)
17 Aug 2016 The Dover Heights `hole-in-the-ground' antenna
16 Aug 2016 Rhombic aerials at Dapto
15 Aug 2016 Parkes historic images
12 Aug 2016 ASKAP-12 single-beam image (by Wasim Raja)
11 Aug 2016 Shared Sky - The SKA's Indigenous Art/Astronomy Exhibition
10 Aug 2016 ATNF Colloquium by NASA/JPL staff
9 Aug 2016 WIFI Invention in British Museum "History of the World" exhibition
8 Aug 2016 2016 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (by Joe Callingham)
5 Aug 2016 The Ursa Major cluster redefined as a `supergroup' (by Emma Ryan-Weber)
4 Aug 2016 2016-2017 Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Applications Now Open (by Rob Hollow)
3 Aug 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Danail Obreschkow
2 Aug 2016 Optical and radio astrometry of the galaxy associated with FRB150418 (by Simon Johnston)
1 Aug 2016 Time assignement committee at work (by Phil Edwards)
29 Jul 2016 A radio-pulsing white dwarf binary star (by Phil Edwards)
28 Jul 2016 Detecting pulsars with interstellar scintillation in variance images (by Shi Dai)
27 Jul 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Minnie Mao
26 Jul 2016 ASKAP PAF installation
25 Jul 2016 The Galactic Centre revisited - IAUS322
22 Jul 2016 The Parkes Observatory's Support of the Apollo 11 Mission
21 Jul 2016 Star formation within the central few hundred parsecs of the Milky Way (by Ashley Barnes)
20 Jul 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Karl Warnick
19 Jul 2016 OH masers in the Galactic Centre region (by Haihua Qiao)
18 Jul 2016 IAU Symposium 322 on the Galactic Centre
15 Jul 2016 Farewell to Flornes Yuen
14 Jul 2016 ASKAP Image Gallery
13 Jul 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Jeff Cooke (cancelled)
12 Jul 2016 The Central Molecular Zone traced by ammonia gas (by Nico Krieger)
11 Jul 2016 ASKAP Phased-Array Feeds (by Maxim Voronkov)
8 Jul 2016 Rainbow near ASKAP in the Murchison Shire (by Brett Hiscock)
7 Jul 2016 Forza car race along ATCA track (by Sascha Schediwy)
6 Jul 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Laura Richter
5 Jul 2016 Magnetic fields around galaxy nuclei (by Craig Anderson)
4 Jul 2016 Welcome to Craig Anderson (by George Heald)
1 Jul 2016 Emus visiting ASKAP in the Murchison Shire (by Brett Hiscock)
30 Jun 2016 Visiting the 100-m Effelsberg Telescope (by Simon Johnston)
29 Jun 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Chengyuan Li
28 Jun 2016 Non-parametric estimation of morphological lopsidedness (by Nadine Giese)
27 Jun 2016 Science Innovation (by Douglas Bock)
24 Jun 2016 ATCA maps molecules in η Carina (by Laurent Loinard)
23 Jun 2016 Essential tools for data intensive science
22 Jun 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Renee James
21 Jun 2016 MWA - science with robot spiders (by Randall Wayth)
20 Jun 2016 ASKAP 2016 Science Meeting
17 Jun 2016 MWA Phase 2 expansion: new antenna tiles deployed (by Randall Wayth)
16 Jun 2016 Modelling the HI size-mass relation of galaxies (by Jing Wang)
15 Jun 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Filippo Maccagni
14 Jun 2016 First pulsar polarisation profiles from the MWA! (by Charlotte Sobey)
10 Jun 2016 Shari's farewell at Epping Pub (by Jamie Stevens)
9 Jun 2016 Hydrogen clouds in the Magellanic Leading Arm (by Bi-Qing For)
8 Jun 2016 Astronomical Verification of an SKA Frequency Synchronisation system prototype (by Sascha Schediwy)
7 Jun 2016 ASKAP HI map of the starburst galaxy NGC 253
6 Jun 2016 ASKAP Science Meeting
3 Jun 2016 Visiting The Dish
2 Jun 2016 Properties of low-frequency pulsars (by Martin Bell)
1 Jun 2016 A new broadband snapshot survey in SDSS Stripe 82 (by Ian Heywood)
31 May 2016 Fish-eye Sky (by Logan Campbell)
30 May 2016 Milky Way above Compact Array
27 May 2016 Parkes visit by the AT Steering Committee (by Simon Johnston)
26 May 2016 The ATCA finds that an Interstellar Manatee is a Magnetosed Zombie (by Jamie Farnes)
25 May 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Jenny Shih
24 May 2016 Rocket Science at The Dish (by Wasim Raja)
23 May 2016 First Peotro Baracchi Conference (by George Heald)
20 May 2016 View from The Dish (by John Tuthill)
19 May 2016 New ATCA webpages (by Jamie Stevens)
18 May 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Bill Coles
17 May 2016 Young Tidal Dwarf Galaxies in Nearby Groups (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
16 May 2016 ASKAP Panorama (by Brett Hiscock)
13 May 2016 Last year's ASKAP visit (Photo by Connie Brem)
12 May 2016 ASKAP construction (by Mark Leach)
11 May 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Elizabeth Mahony
10 May 2016 The remarkably tight HI size-mass relation of galaxies (by Jing Wang)
9 May 2016 ATCA movie from Dawn to Dusk (by Leslie Eastman)
6 May 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Tony Beasley
5 May 2016 Monitoring the Galactic Centre with the ATCA (by Abhijeet Borkar)
4 May 2016 Visiting the SkyMapper team (by Jing Wang)
3 May 2016 Vela pulsar timing over 21 years (by Simon Johnston)
2 May 2016 Coupling between baryons and dark matter in galaxies (by Paolo Serra)
29 Apr 2016 Moon rise over Boolardy solar panels (by Brett Hiscock)
28 Apr 2016 ASKAP Community Busy Week in Perth (by Wasim Raja)
27 Apr 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Evan Keane
26 Apr 2016 Blazar outburst coincident with neutrino event (by Phil Edwards)
25 Apr 2016 Disks Down Under (by Sarah Maddison)
22 Apr 2016 ASKAP Early Science - Mapping Hydrogen in Galaxy Groups
21 Apr 2016 The Highly Ordered Magnetic Field Structure of the Snail Nebula (by Stephen Ng)
20 Apr 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Yeshe Fenner
19 Apr 2016 Australia-China collaboration (by Phil Crosby)
18 Apr 2016 Radio haloes in nearby edge-on galaxies observed with the ATCA (by Volker Heesen)
16 Apr 2016 First ASKAP 36-beam image (by the ASKAP team)
15 Apr 2016 Improving Measurements of PAFs at CSIRO (by Aaron Chippendale)
14 Apr 2016 ACAMAR collaboration meeting (by Jing Wang)
13 Apr 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Giulia Savorgnan
12 Apr 2016 The evolution of the galaxy mass-metallicity relation (by Xu Kong)
11 Apr 2016 Dust storm near ASKAP (by Maxim Voronkov)
8 Apr 2016 Tracing the neutral gas environments of young radio AGN with ASKAP (by James Allison)
7 Apr 2016 Phased-Array Feed on The Dish (by Simon Johnston)
6 Apr 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Li Shao
5 Apr 2016 Pulsar caught switching on and off (by George Hobbs)
4 Apr 2016 Do massive binary stars emit γ-rays? (by Paula Benaglia)
1 Apr 2016 Geraldton Science Festival (by Rob Hollow)
31 Mar 2016 First ASKAP community busy week (by Paolo Serra)
30 Mar 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Michael Kramer
29 Mar 2016 Sensitivity of an ASKAP PAF on the Parkes 64-m antenna (by Aaron Chippendale and Xinping Deng)
24 Mar 2016 Hard work at IAU Symposium 321
23 Mar 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Sarah White
22 Mar 2016 MK3 Phased Array Feed (by Alex Dunning)
21 Mar 2016 MK3 Phased Array Feed (by Alex Dunning)
18 Mar 2016 Discovery of two new pulsars in 47 Tucanae (by George Hobbs)
17 Mar 2016 Greetings from Portsmouth University (by Baerbel Koribalski)
16 Mar 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Alessandro Boselli
15 Mar 2016 Perth Astrofest (by Rob Hollow)
14 Mar 2016 Science meets parliament (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
11 Mar 2016 The Tully-Fisher relation for early-type galaxies (by Paolo Serra)
10 Mar 2016 Phased Array Feed shoots down a GPS satellite (by Greg Hellbourg and Keith Bannister)
9 Mar 2016 Special RadioAstron Colloquium by Phil Edwards
8 Mar 2016 LIGO makes waves, Australia follows up (by Flornes Yuen)
7 Mar 2016 Most of our universe is missing (by Lisa Harvey-Smith)
4 Mar 2016 ATNF data reduction workshop 2-6 May 2016 (by Paolo Serra)
3 Mar 2016 SETI Breakthrough Workshop
2 Mar 2016 SETI Breakthrough Workshop (by Ron Ekers)
1 Mar 2016 The supermassive balck hole that wasn't (by Juan Madrid)
29 Feb 2016 Management team visit to Tidbinbilla (by Simon Johnston)
26 Feb 2016 Welcome to Jimi Green
25 Feb 2016 The host galaxy of a Fast Radio Burst (Press Release)
24 Feb 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Charlotte Sobey
23 Feb 2016 Solar power array for ASKAP
22 Feb 2016 Solar grating interferometer at Potts Hill
19 Feb 2016 WALLABY team members in Perth
18 Feb 2016 Celestial Fireworks in M87 (by Juan Madrid)
17 Feb 2016 21 cm HI-line spectra of southern ZOA galaxies (by Khaled Said)
16 Feb 2016 WALLABY kinematics group meeting (by Lister Staveley-Smith)
15 Feb 2016 WALLABY Early Science Workshop
12 Feb 2016 Aussie innovation helps hunt down gravitational waves
11 Feb 2016 PAF on Parkes (by Simon Johnston)
10 Feb 2016 The Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey (by Anja Schroeder)
9 Feb 2016 Wishing you a prosperous New Year! (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
8 Feb 2016 The Year of the Monkey (by Jing Wang)
5 Feb 2016 Phased-Array Feed for Parkes (by Simon Johnston)
4 Feb 2016 Tucana 150 degr2 field with ASKAP-BETA (by Ian Heywood)
3 Feb 2016 Storm Stow at ATCA (by Helga Denes)
2 Feb 2016 Welcome to Charlotte Sobey :)
1 Feb 2016 Welcome to George Heald :)
29 Jan 2016 SKA intergovernmental negotiations (by Sarah Pearce)
28 Jan 2016 Alex Gagliano presenting his AAS Poster (by Juan Madrid)
27 Jan 2016 2015/6 ATNF Summer Students (by Martin Bell)
26 Jan 2016 HI emission and absorption in nearby, gas-rich galaxies (by Sarah Reeves)
25 Jan 2016 The AT20G visibility-spectra diagnostic plot (by Rajan Chhetri)
23 Jan 2016 The extreme scattering event caught in real time (by Keith Bannister)
22 Jan 2016 CSIRO News Release: Dark `noodles' may lurk in the Milky Way
21 Jan 2016 Welcome to Stephen Ord :)
20 Jan 2016 ATNF Colloquium by Bjorn Emonts
19 Jan 2016 Large-scale magnetic field vs dynamical mass in galaxies (by Fatemeh Tabatabaei)
18 Jan 2016 Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking (by Scott Meyer)
15 Jan 2016 Australia Telecope Compact Array (by DK Photography)
14 Jan 2016 CSIRO ATNF Annual Report 2014
13 Jan 2016 View of the Murchison river near Boolardy station (by Simon Johnston)
12 Jan 2016 Publication stats via ADS Bumblebee
11 Jan 2016 The "Oh-my-God" particle
8 Jan 2016 Eta Carina, a massive binary star
7 Jan 2016 ATCA millimeter receivers
6 Jan 2016 Parkes Telescope Webcam
5 Jan 2016 ATCA Tutorials on YouTube
4 Jan 2016 Parkes ELVIS Festival
3 Jan 2016 Cricket on The Dish
2 Jan 2016 The Parkes 64-m Telescope
1 Jan 2016 Happy New Year 2016
31 Dec 2015 Rainbow over The Dish
30 Dec 2015 Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays (by Trevor S. Bird)
29 Dec 2015 Australia Telescope Compact Array time-lapse
28 Dec 2015 Parkes in "Tag Galaxy"
27 Dec 2015 PULSE@Parkes in Guangzhou (by Rob Hollow)
26 Dec 2015 Merry Christmas :)
25 Dec 2015 Merry Christmas to all!
24 Dec 2015 Santa on his way ... (by Aaron Chippendale)
23 Dec 2015 Pilot Observations of the XXL-S from ATCA (by Minh Huynh)
22 Dec 2015 Welcome to Shi Dai!
21 Dec 2015 2015: An ASKAP year to remember (by Flornes Yuen)
20 Dec 2015 Climbing to the Parkes focus cabin (by Simon Johnston)
19 Dec 2015 Remembering Dan Harris (by Juan Madrid)
18 Dec 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Jean-Philippe Bernard
17 Dec 2015 `Exotic pulsar' theories confirmed with BETA
16 Dec 2015 Supercomputing Resources Secured for ASKAP Early Science (by Lisa Harvey-Smith)
15 Dec 2015 Bolton Symposium talk by Juan Madrid
14 Dec 2015 Before the storm at ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
13 Dec 2015 Visiting ASKAP (by Connie Brem)
12 Dec 2015 Hovermap of the Parkes Dish
11 Dec 2015 Budgies near ASKAP (by Brett Hiscock)
10 Dec 2015 Bolton Symposium talk by Aina Musaeva
9 Dec 2015 The Australian SKA Pathfinder
8 Dec 2015 Wild flowers near the ASKAP site
7 Dec 2015 Observing with ATNF Telescopes
6 Dec 2015 Bolton Symposium talk by Greg Hellbourg
5 Dec 2015 Antennas, the Universe and Everything (by Aaron Chippendale)
4 Dec 2015 Bolton Symposium talk by Helga Denes
3 Dec 2015 The radio view of the Seyfert galaxy PKS 2004-447 (by Phil Edwards)
2 Dec 2015 2015 Bolton and Student Symposium (by James Allison)
1 Dec 2015 ATCA Legacy Projects
30 Nov 2015 Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations (PACO) project (by Marcella Massardi)
29 Nov 2015 Welcome to Oz, Buzz Aldrin! (by Flornes Yuen)
28 Nov 2015 Five new Fast Radio Bursts (by Simon Johnston)
27 Nov 2015 ATCA remote observing (by Ann Mao)
26 Nov 2015 Emission-rotation correlation in pulsars (by Simon Johnston)
25 Nov 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Eva Ntormousi
24 Nov 2015 ATNF Summer Students 2015
23 Nov 2015 Australia & China: 40 years of science collaboration
22 Nov 2015 Dark proteomes: the dark matter of the protein universe
18 Nov 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Karen Lee-Waddell
15 Nov 2015 Welcome to Xinping Deng!
14 Nov 2015 Huntsman selfie (by Lee Spitler)
13 Nov 2015 Parkes, the gift that keeps on giving
12 Nov 2015 HI tidal tails, bridges and clouds (by Bärbel Koribalski)
11 Nov 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Maria Rioja
10 Nov 2015 2015 Bolton and Student Symposium
9 Nov 2015 Phased Array Feed Workshop 2015
8 Nov 2015 New feedhorn design?
7 Nov 2015 Luneburg lens array patch
6 Nov 2015 Remember Luneburg lenses?
5 Nov 2015 First 16-beam image with ASKAP MkII PAFs (by the ASKAP team)
4 Nov 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Serena Viti
3 Nov 2015 Deep Radio and X-Ray observations of Pictor A (by Emil Lenc)
2 Nov 2015 ASKAP team members proud of their CSIRO medal
1 Nov 2015 CSIRO animation: how PAFs help us look back in time
31 Oct 2015 Kangaroos in front of the visitors centre at the ATCA (by Karen Lee-Waddell)
30 Oct 2015 Welcome to Juan Madrid :)
29 Oct 2015 ASKAP team wins CSIRO's highest honour
28 Oct 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Thijs van der Hulst
27 Oct 2015 Powerful radio galaxy PKS 2356-61
26 Oct 2015 Gas dynamics in tidal dwarf galaxies: disc formation at z=0 (by Federico Lelli)
25 Oct 2015 The 25th Annual ADASS Conference
24 Oct 2015 Last of the wildflowers in bloom in the Mid West (by Mark Leach)
23 Oct 2015 The giant radio galaxy J0116-473
22 Oct 2015 HI-deficient galaxies in intermediate density environments (by Helga Denes)
21 Oct 2015 ASKAP commissioning progress
20 Oct 2015 The 22-m Mopra Telescope
19 Oct 2015 An ATCA survey of debris disks at 7 millimeters (by Sarah Maddison)
18 Oct 2015 The Parkes 64-m Telescope and Austie Helm
17 Oct 2015 Constructing the Australia Telescope Compact Array
16 Oct 2015 CHANG-ES astronomers probe the spectacular halos of galaxies (by Jayanne English)
15 Oct 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Gianluca Chiozzi
14 Oct 2015 ERIS2015: 6th European Radio Interferometry School
13 Oct 2015 Close-up of the Parkes dish with the moon
12 Oct 2015 Peeking into our galaxy's stellar nursery (by Erik Muller)
11 Oct 2015 Neutral hydrogen distribution in M 83 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
10 Oct 2015 Magnetic and gaseous spiral arms in M 83 (by Matthias Ehle)
9 Oct 2015 SKA Key Science workshop summary (by Jill Rathborne)
8 Oct 2015 ASKAP Early Science Community Workshop (by Lisa Harvey-Smith)
7 Oct 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Mohammad Nawaz
6 Oct 2015 The Parkes radio telescope at dusk
5 Oct 2015 Kangaroos and an ATCA antenna
4 Oct 2015 The super-thin galaxy IC 5249 (by Phil Yock)
3 Oct 2015 Twilight under the stars at the Australia Telescope Compact Array (by Karen Hodge)
2 Oct 2015 Hydrogen in the galaxy ESO115-G023 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
1 Oct 2015 V.R.I - the Virtual Radio Interferometer (by Bärbel Koribalski)
30 Sep 2015 Imaging techniques III: the Large Magellanic Cloud (by Bärbel Koribalski)
29 Sep 2015 Imaging techniques II: the galaxy NGC 3621 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
28 Sep 2015 Imaging techniques: the galaxy NGC 3621 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
27 Sep 2015 ATNF Astronomical Synthesis Imaging Workshops
26 Sep 2015 Visiting FAST, the 500-m Aperture Spherical Telescope in China (by George Hobbs)
25 Sep 2015 Gravitational waves from binary supermassive black holes missing
in pulsar observations (by Ryan Shannon)
24 Sep 2015 MALT-45: A 7-mm survey of the Southern Galaxy (by Chris Jordan)
23 Sep 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Emily Petroff
22 Sep 2015 The Australia Telescope Compact Array
21 Sep 2015 Deep ATCA imaging identifies a new black hole candidate in the
globular cluster 47 Tucanae (by James Miller-Jones)
20 Sep 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed assembly line
19 Sep 2015 Work experience students at ATNF (by Flornes Yuen)
18 Sep 2015 A new supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud (by Warren Reid)
17 Sep 2015 First false colour HI velocity field - featuring M101 (by Ron Ekers)
16 Sep 2015 Welcome to Karen Lee-Waddell
15 Sep 2015 ASKAP on the horizon (by Bärbel Koribalski)
14 Sep 2015 Sturt's Desert Pea near ASKAP (by Bärbel Koribalski)
13 Sep 2015 SKA Key Science Workshop 2015 (by Jill Rathborne)
12 Sep 2015 ASKAP discovery of HI gas in a young radio galaxy (by James Allison)
11 Sep 2015 Colouring the Galactic Plane (by Ron Ekers & Jan Högbom)
10 Sep 2015 Gas in Galaxies conference (by Jill Rathborne)
09 Sep 2015 Bolton Fellowship 2015 (by Jill Rathborne)
08 Sep 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed with moon (by Rob Hollow)
07 Sep 2015 My first ASKAP visit (by Bärbel Koribalski)
06 Sep 2015 Murchison Astrofest (by Connie Brem)
05 Sep 2015 Arrival at Boolardy Station (by Bärbel Koribalski)
04 Sep 2015 First image with MkII PAFs on ASKAP (by Ant Schinckel)
03 Sep 2015 ATLAS Third Data Release (by Thomas Franzen)
02 Sep 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Adam Avison
01 Sep 2015 Local observers at the ATCA
31 Aug 2015 Life-cycle of gas in galaxies: a local perspective (by Tom Oosterloo)
30 Aug 2015 Radio astronomy at Dover Heights (by Jessica Chapman)
29 Aug 2015 Launching the new WALLABY logo (by Tobias Westmeier)
28 Aug 2015 Australian Museum Eureka Awards 2015
27 Aug 2015 ASKAP Update No 8
26 Aug 2015 Double beauty - ASKAP Phased-Array Feeds (by Steve Broadhurst)
25 Aug 2015 Kathryns Wheel: A spectacular galaxy collision discovered
in the Galactic neighbourhood (by Quentin Parker)
24 Aug 2015 Sagittarius B2 with the ATCA: A Broadband Glimpse of
our Molecular Universe (by Joanna Corby)
23 Aug 2015 National Science Week @ Google (by Flornes Yuen)
22 Aug 2015 A new dish for the deep space network (by Ed Kruzins)
21 Aug 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Miller Goss
20 Aug 2015 ATCA provides the evidence for star formation fuelled
by atomic gas inflowing from the outer space (by Michal Michalowski)
19 Aug 2015 The Parkes Visitors Discovery Centre
18 Aug 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed installation
17 Aug 2015 Quantum Astrophysics and Stellar Imaging 2015 (by Barnaby Norris)
16 Aug 2015 Lego ASKAP antennas
15 Aug 2015 The Dragonfly Galaxy (by Bjorn Emonts)
14 Aug 2015 The Spectral Revolution has Begun (by Joe Callingham)
13 Aug 2015 2015 Radio Astronomy School (by Ian Heywood)
12 Aug 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Christian Wolf
11 Aug 2015 PhD student Juliana Saponara
10 Aug 2015 Prof. Joel Weisberg visiting ATNF
9 Aug 2015 Large-scale structure as traced by HIPASS
8 Aug 2015 The Topsy-Turvy Galaxy NGC 1313 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
7 Aug 2015 The Compact Array Broad-band Backend
6 Aug 2015 Australian Astronomy at the IAU General Assembly (by Flornes Yuen)
5 Aug 2015 ATCA observing at sunset
4 Aug 2015 An HI View of Galaxy Conformity: HI-rich Environment around HI-excess Galaxies (by Jing Wang)
3 Aug 2015 Pulsar school at Parkes (by Simon Johnston)
2 Aug 2015 Wildflowers on the ASKAP site (by Tobias Westmeier)
1 Aug 2015 Radio Galaxy Zoo (by Julie Banfield)
31 Jul 2015 ATCA remote observing from Socorro (by Juergen Ott)
30 Jul 2015 FAST Science Meeting (by Jing Wang)
29 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by George Heald
28 Jul 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed close-up (by Tobias Westmeier)
27 Jul 2015 Wreath Flowers along the Pindar-Beringarra Road (by Tobias Westmeier)
26 Jul 2015 ATCA Live! (by Bärbel Koribalski)
25 Jul 2015 Parkes student workshop (by Matthew Bailes)
24 Jul 2015 Three ASKAP core antennas pointing (by Tobias Westmeier)
23 Jul 2015 Good news for Parkes Telescope (by Brett Preisig)
22 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Kevin Schawinski
21 Jul 2015 ATNF vacation scholarships (by Rob Hollow)
20 Jul 2015 Star formation in extreme galactic environments (by Deidre Hunter)
19 Jul 2015 Current and future dwarf galaxy research (by Deidre Hunter)
18 Jul 2015 Parkes radio searches of Fermi gamma-ray sources and millisecond pulsar discoveries (by Fernando Camilo)
17 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Matthew Baring
16 Jul 2015 On the neutral gas content of nine new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates (by Tobias Westmeier)
15 Jul 2015 HI in Dwarf Galaxies Workshop (by Megan Johnson)
14 Jul 2015 Famous radio astronomers
13 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Ron Ekers
12 Jul 2015 First interferometry in Australia
11 Jul 2015 The restored Potts Hill cottage
10 Jul 2015 Radio astronomy at Potts Hill
09 Jul 2015 The traditional lands of the Wadjarri Wamatji
08 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Phil Massey
07 Jul 2015 The Parkes multibeam beam receiver
06 Jul 2015 Machining the methanol multibeam receiver
05 Jul 2015 Planet formation around HD100546 (by Sarah Maddison)
04 Jul 2015 Kinematic Modelling of Warped Galaxy Discs (by Peter Kamphuis)
03 Jul 2015 Erik Lensson - happy retirement!
02 Jul 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Dan Werthimer
01 Jul 2015 Another leap second
30 Jun 2015 Michelle Storey's retirement party
29 Jun 2015 Rainbow-colored Jet d'Eau in Geneva (by Bärbel Koribalski)
28 Jun 2015 Star trails at Boolardy (by Andrew Ng)
27 Jun 2015 Milky Way at Boolardy (by Andrew Ng)
26 Jun 2015 Phased-Array Feed installation
25 Jun 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed on antenna 5
24 Jun 2015 Another Phased-Array Feed hoisted up (by the ASKAP team)
23 Jun 2015 The supernova remnant Puppis A (by Estela Reynoso)
22 Jun 2015 Accurate HOPS water maser positions (by Andrew Walsh)
21 Jun 2015 New Phased Array Feed on ASKAP antenna 2
20 Jun 2015 ASKAP Phased Array Feed: a top view
19 Jun 2015 First Detection of HCO+ Absorption in the Magellanic System (by James Allison)
18 Jun 2015 Parkes Ultra-wideband Feed Horn (by Alex Dunning)
17 Jun 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Helga Denes
16 Jun 2015 ASKAP HI imaging of the galaxy group IC 1459 (by Paolo Serra)
15 Jun 2015 Monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)
14 Jun 2015 A star-forming disc in the host galaxy of a hyper-luminous supermassive black hole (by Amy Kimball)
13 Jun 2015 Two new Phased-Array Feeds on ASKAP (by Aidan Hotan)
12 Jun 2015 MAGMA: The Magellanic Mopra Assessment (by Tony Wong)
11 Jun 2015 AT20G - the ATCA 20 GHz Survey (by Ron Ekers)
10 Jun 2015 HOPS - the H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (by Andrew Walsh)
09 Jun 2015 Newgrange Kerbstone K1 - The Entrance Stone (by Simon Johnston)
08 Jun 2015 The Australia Telescope Compact Array
07 Jun 2015 Galaxy pair with huge tidal tails (by Bärbel Koribalski)
06 Jun 2015 IPTA 2015 meeting (by Matthew Kerr)
05 Jun 2015 ASKAP Phased-Array Feed (by the ASKAP team)
04 Jun 2015 ASKAP beamformers arrived (by the ASKAP team)
03 Jun 2015 The Bluedisks projects: a study of unusually HI-rich galaxies (by Jing Wang)
02 Jun 2015 Blasting away a dwarf: the "tail" of ESO324-G024 (by Megan Johnson)
01 Jun 2015 ATNF Science Day
31 May 2015 One ATCA dish backlit by the Sun
30 May 2015 Solar radiometer at Potts Hill
29 May 2015 Giant gas reservoir around an old lenticular galaxy (by Mustafa K. Yıldız)
28 May 2015 On the paucity of Fast Radio Bursts at low Galactic latitudes (by Simon Johnston)
27 May 2015 The Parkes focus cabin (by Jing Wang)
26 May 2015 Gas, dust and stars in the Circinus Galaxy (by Bärbel Koribalski)
25 May 2015 Dissecting Galaxies - Southern Cross Conference 2015
24 May 2015 Teachers at the 64-m Parkes Telescope (by Rob Hollow)
23 May 2015 Walking on the Dish surface (by Jing Wang)
22 May 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Federico Lelli
21 May 2015 PRESS RELEASE: Galaxy's snacking habits revealed
20 May 2015 The HIPASS survey of the Galactic plane in radio recombination lines (by Marta Alves)
19 May 2015 The Story of Light @ Vivid Sydney (by Amanda Bauer)
18 May 2015 Phased Array Feeds on ASKAP (Photo by Suzy Jackson)
17 May 2015 Frank Kerr in the old Parkes control room
16 May 2015 The Dish's elevation drive close up (photo by Shaun Amy)
15 May 2015 VLBI observations of the nearby GPS source PKS 2254-367 (by Phil Edwards)
14 May 2015 A beautiful day at the ATCA (by David Brodrick)
13 May 2015 ASKAP - what's happening this week?
12 May 2015 The Faintest Dying Radio Galaxy (by Natahsa Hurley-Walker)
11 May 2015 ATNF Science Day - coming up on 1 June 2015
10 May 2015 Who ate all the Pis? (by Jimi Green)
09 May 2015 GASS III, the Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey, new data release (by Kalberla & Haud)
08 May 2015 Untangling an extremely warped dwarf galaxy (by Peter Kamphuis)
07 May 2015 Dwarf galaxy velocity fields (by Bärbel Koribalski)
06 May 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Darren Croton
05 May 2015 Molecular and atomic gas in dust lane early-type galaxies (by James Allison)
04 May 2015 May the fourth be with you (by James Allison)
03 May 2015 Happy Birthday, Simon! (by Bärbel Koribalski)
02 May 2015 Kangaroos at the ATCA (by Amy Kimball)
01 May 2015 ATCA at sunrise (by Amy Kimball)
30 Apr 2015 A search for variable and transient radio sources (by Martin Bell)
29 Apr 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Michael Kramer
28 Apr 2015 Happy 25th Birthday to Hubble (by Bärbel Koribalski)
27 Apr 2015 Potts Hill radio telescope
26 Apr 2015 Sunset over ASKAP (by Rob Hollow)
25 Apr 2015 The power of ALMA : revealing the initial condistions for cluster formation (by Jill Rathborne)
24 Apr 2015 ICASSP 2015 - Brisbane (by Greg Hellbourg)
23 Apr 2015 Summer students visiting Parkes (by Yiannis Gonidakis)
22 Apr 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Lee Spitler
21 Apr 2015 Teacher workshop at Parkes (by Rob Hollow)
20 Apr 2015 Hydrogen streams in the Grus Quartet (by Bärbel Koribalski)
19 Apr 2015 Parkes fly-over (by Maxim Voronkov)
18 Apr 2015 ATCA fly-over (by Maxim Voronkov)
17 Apr 2015 Sunset over ASKAP (by Rob Hollow)
16 Apr 2015 ATCA at sunrise (by Amy Kimball)
15 Apr 2015 Simulated dwarf galaxy (by Alan Duffy)
14 Apr 2015 The Australia Telescope Compact Array (by Amy Kimball)
13 Apr 2015 Dark matter spanning the simulated universe (by Alan Duffy)
12 Apr 2015 ATCA at dusk (by Amy Kimball)
11 Apr 2015 The massive star forming complex G333 (by Maria Cunningham)
10 Apr 2015 CSIRO Alumni 2015 Scholarship in Physics (by Maria Cunningham)
09 Apr 2015 An update on Cosmic Flows (by Helene Courtois)
08 Apr 2015 Pulse@Parkes (by Rob Hollow)
07 Apr 2015 The Australia Telescope Compact Array
06 Apr 2015 Science meets Parliament 2015 (by Alan Duffy)
05 Apr 2015 Happy Easter
04 Apr 2015 Three ATNF postdocs visiting the ATCA (by Amy Kimball)
03 Apr 2015 Giant radio galaxies - Tracers of large-scale structure (by Jurek Malarecki)
02 Apr 2015 CASS receives Bronze Pleiades Award
01 Apr 2015 Simulated skies for ASKAP (by Alan Duffy)
31 Mar 2015 Fun for young and old at the Astrofest in Perth (by Phil Crosby)
30 Mar 2015 ATCA observations of massive star-forming clumps
29 Mar 2015 3-D reconstruction of Jupiter's radio emission
28 Mar 2015 Radio searches for particle dark matter in Local Group dSph galaxies (by Marco Regis)
27 Mar 2015 ASKAP beamformers (by the ASKAP Firmware team)
26 Mar 2015 Working on galaxy kinematics (by Lister Staveley-Smith)
25 Mar 2015 ATNF Colloquium by J-P Macquart
24 Mar 2015 ATNF summer students visiting the ATCA
23 Mar 2015 Sturt's Desert peas on the ASKAP site
22 Mar 2015 Resident kangaroo at the ATCA (by Bärbel Koribalski)
21 Mar 2015 Two Radio Emission Mechanisms in PSR J0901-4624 (by Simon Johnston)
20 Mar 2015 Another shock for the Bullet cluster (by Tim Shimwell)
19 Mar 2015 Measuring Galaxy Structure from WALLABY Gas Kinematics (by Kristine Spekkens)
18 Mar 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Helmut Dannerbauer
17 Mar 2015 The ASKAP HI All Sky Survey (by Bärbel Koribalski)
16 Mar 2015 The "tail" of ESO324-G024 (by Megan Johnson)
15 Mar 2015 A dwarf galaxy with a giant hydrogen disk (by Bärbel Koribalski)
14 Mar 2015 The Magellanic Stream (by Bärbel Koribalski)
13 Mar 2015 Lightening strikes illuminate the ATCA site in Narrabri
12 Mar 2015 ATNF Data Reduction Workshop 2015 (by Peter Kamphuis)
11 Mar 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Wayne Orchiston
10 Mar 2015 Studying stellar nurseries (by Claire-Elise Green)
09 Mar 2015 The Spectral Variability of the GHz-Peaked Spectrum Radio Source PKS 1718-649
and a Comparison of Absorption Models (by Steven Tingay)
08 Mar 2015 Congratulations to Amanda Bauer - @astropixie
07 Mar 2015 Radio properties of the intermediate-mass black hole candidate (by David Cseh)
06 Mar 2015 The first "water fountain" in a planetary nebula (by José-Francisco Gómez)
05 Mar 2015 Searching for high-energy particles hitting the moon (by Justin Bray)
04 Mar 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Greg Hellbourg
03 Mar 2015 2015 ATNF Observing Schedules
02 Mar 2015 February 2015 - ADAP Collage
01 Mar 2015 Wildlife at the ATCA (by Andreas Herzog)
28 Feb 2015 Help us find more spiral DRAGNs (by Minnie Mao)
27 Feb 2015 ASKAP Highlights - Mk II Phased Array Feed Performance (by Aaron Chippendale)
26 Feb 2015 ASKAP Highlights - Mk II Phased Array Feed (by Aaron Chippendale)
25 Feb 2015 ATNF Colloquia by Steve Croft and David Kaplan
24 Feb 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Carole Jackson
23 Feb 2015 Real-time discovery of a fast radio burst (by Ryan Shannon & Vikram Ravi)
22 Feb 2015 MALT-45: A 7-mm survey of the southern Galaxy (by Christopher Jordan)
21 Feb 2015 Tribute to Jim Caswell (by Simon Ellingsen)
20 Feb 2015 Tribute to Jim Caswell (by Shari Breen)
19 Feb 2015 Tribute to Jim Caswell (by Tim Bedding)
18 Feb 2015 Tribute to Jim Caswell (by Maxim Voronkov)
17 Feb 2015 ATNF Colloquium by David Wilner
16 Feb 2015 Tribute to Jim Caswell (by Jimi Green)
15 Feb 2015 Comet Lovejoy over the Parkes Dish (by John Sarkissian)
14 Feb 2015 Single pulses from PSR J1107-5907 (by Charlotte Ward)
13 Feb 2015 The Atlas3D view of massive galaxies with deep optical images (by Paolo Serra)
12 Feb 2015 Wide-angle tail radio galaxy in Abell 3627 (by Bärbel Koribalski)
11 Feb 2015 ATNF Colloquium by Norbert Werner
10 Feb 2015 Active disk building in a local HI-massive LIRG (by Michelle Cluver)
9 Feb 2015 HIZOA J0836-43: a massive galaxy (by Bärbel Koribalski)
8 Feb 2015 High resolution radio emission from RCW 49 (by Paula Benaglia)
7 Feb 2015 The vast, distorted gas disk of NGC 300 (by Tobias Westmeier)
6 Feb 2015 The nearby Circinus Galaxy (by Bärbel Koribalski)
5 Feb 2015 ASKAP Highlights - Productions line of Mk II Phased Array Feeds (by Ant Schinckel)
4 Feb 2015 ASKAP Highlights - Tucana field, now 3 epochs and 150 sq degr (by Ian Heywood)
3 Feb 2015 Examining the rich details of a simulated ASKAP wide-field image (by Matthew Whiting)
2 Feb 2015 Phased Array Feeds on ASKAP
1 Feb 2015 The Australian SKA Pathfinder (by Simon Johnston)
31 Jan 2015 ASKAP Highlights - 50 sq degr Tucana image (by Ian Heywood)
30 Jan 2015 ASKAP Highlights - First 9-beam HI image (by Paolo Serra)
29 Jan 2015 ASKAP Highlights - the beam pattern (by Aidan Hotan)
28 Jan 2015 The giant radio lobes of Pictor A (by Emil Lenc)
27 Jan 2015 Australia Honours for actor Roy Billing
26 Jan 2015 Bird's eye view of one 12-m ASKAP dish (by Simon Johnston)
25 Jan 2015 The Australia Telescope Compact Array (by Angel Lopez-Sanchez)
24 Jan 2015 The Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62 (Slane et al.)
23 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Kerr et al.)
22 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Anderson et al.)
21 Jan 2015 Looking for HI in galaxies? (Serra, Westmeier et al.)
20 Jan 2015 A real-time fast radio burst (Petroff et al.)
19 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Ellingsen et al.)
18 Jan 2015 ATNF News No. 77
17 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Burke-Spolaor & Bannister)
16 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Cormier et al.)
15 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Hong et al.)
14 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Zanardo et al.)
13 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Maccagni et al.)
12 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Lindner et al.)
11 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Ott et al.)
10 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Mueller et al.)
9 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Shimwell et al.)
8 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Emonts et al.)
7 Jan 2015 Hello from the AAS225 Exhibition Hall (by Flornes Yuen)
6 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Voronkov et al.)
5 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Furukawa et al.)
4 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Michalowski et al.)
3 Jan 2015 2014 Science Highlights (Shannon et al.)
2 Jan 2015 Mopra view of the Galactic Plane (by Erik Muller)
1 Jan 2015 Happy New Year 2015!
31 Dec 2014 2014 Science Highlights * New Year's Eve
30 Dec 2014 2014 Science Highlights (Brook et al.)
29 Dec 2014 2014 Science Highlights (Calabretta et al.)
28 Dec 2014 ATCA remote observing (by Jacinta Delhaize)
27 Dec 2014 The Dish at Sunrise (by Simon Johnston)
26 Dec 2014 Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings (2)
25 Dec 2014 Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings (1)
24 Dec 2014 Santa on his way ...
23 Dec 2014 A dwarf galaxy behind the Magellanic Bridge
03 Dec 2014 ASKAP demonstrates widefield continuum and polarisation capabilities
05 Sep 2014 Steerable beams create flexible 'footprints'
08 Aug 2014 Latest Commissioning Update reflects successful BETA activities

Today's ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture

Current curator: Phil Edwards (ATNF)

CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science