
The ccalibrator program performs calibration in a parallel/distributed environment or on a single computer system. The software leverages MPI, however can be run on a simple laptop or a large supercomputer.

Running the program

It can be run with the following command, where “” is a file containing the configuration parameters described in the next section.

$ <MPI wrapper> ccalibrator -c

Parallel/Distributed Execution

The program is distributed and used a master/worker pattern to distribute and manage work. Please refer to the section entitled Parallel/Distributed Execution in the cimager as parallel execution of the ccalibrator is the same as the cimager.

Configuration Parameters

Parset parameters understood by ccalibrator are given in the following table (all parameters must have Ccalibrator prefix, i.e. Ccalibrator.dataset). For a number of parameters certain keywords are substituted, i.e. %w is replaced by the rank and %n by the number of nodes in the parallel case. In the serial case, these special strings are substituted by 0 and 1, respectively. This substitution allows to reuse the same parameter file on all nodes of the cluster if the difference between jobs assigned to individual nodes can be coded by using these keywords (e.g. using specially crafted file names). If a parameter supports substitution, it is clearly stated in the description.

The ccalibrator is intended to process data from a sufficiently short timescale, where calibratable unknowns can be assumed to be constant (in the ASKAPsoft approach these corrections are applied upstream and each calibration cycle corresponds to a separate execution of the calibration code. At this stage only antenna and beam dependent gain (without cross-polarisation terms) can be calibrated. Note, that the code is still experimental and has a number of parameters hard coded.

The output file with the result has a parset format understood by Cimager. This output file is called result.dat and has complex-valued (stored as 2-element double vectors of real and imaginary parts) keywords named like gain.g11.x.b and gain.g22.y.c, where x and y are 0-based antenna numbers, b and c are 0-based beam numbers and g11, g22 corresponds to the first and second polarisations (in the frame of the measurement).

A number of other parameters allowing to narrow down the data selection are understood. They are given in [Data Selection] and should also have the Ccalibrator prefix.








Type of the image handler (determines the format of the images read from the disk). The default is to read casa format and this is the only option implemented so far.




Number of antennas to solve the gains for. The code will fail if it is requested to solve for more antennas than it has the data for




Number of beams to solve the gains for. The code will fail if it is requested to solve for more beams than it has the data for


quantity string


If a positive number is given, a separate calibration solution will be made for each chunk of visibilities obtained within the time interval equal to the value of this parameter. For a negative value, a single solution is made for the whole dataset


string or vector<string>


File name of the measurement set that is to be calibrated. Ccalibrator will not write to the file - use ccalapply to apply calibration solutions. The usual substitution rules apply if the parameter is a single string. If the parameter is given as a vector of strings all measurement sets given by this vector are effectively concatenated together on-the-fly in the serial case. In the parallel case, the size of the vector is required to be either 1 or the number of nodes - 1, which which case there is one measurement set per worker node.




The name of the data column in the measurement set which will be the source of visibilities.This can be useful to process real telescope data which were passed through casapy at some stage (e.g. to run on calibrated data which are stored in the CORRECTED_DATA column). In the measurement set convention, the DATA column which is used by default contains raw uncalibrated data as received directly from the telescope. Calibration tasks in casapy make a copy when calibration is applied creating a new data column.




Size of uvw-machines cache. uvw-machines are used to convert uvw from a given phase centre to a common tangent point. To reduce the cost to set the machine up (calculation of the transformation matrix), a number of these machines is cached. The key to the cache is a pair of two directions: the current phase centre and the tangent centre. If the required pair is within the tolerances of that used to setup one of the machines in the cache, this machine is reused. If none of the cache items matches the least accessed one is replaced by the new machine which is set up with the new pair of directions. The code would work faster if this parameter is set to the number of phase centres encountered during imaging. In non-faceting case, the optimal setting would be the number of synthetic beams times the number of fields. For faceting (btw, the performance gain is quite significant in this case), it should be further multiplied by the number of facets. Direction tolerances are given as a separate parameter.


quantity string


Direction tolerance for the management of the uvw-machine cache (see nUVWMachines for details). The value should be an angular quantity. The default value corresponds roughly to 0.2 arcsec and seems sufficient for all practical applications within the scope of ASKAPsoft.




If not an empty string, this is assumed to be the name of the reference gain parameter (and so it must exist, otherwise an exception will be thrown), i.e. gain.g11.0.0. All phases in the resulting gains are rotated, so the reference gain has the zero phase. Note: X and Y phases are both referenced to this parameter. For separate referencing of polarisations, use refantenna.




If a valid antenna number is given (in the range [0,nAnt-1]), this antenna is used for phase referencing. The phases of the resulting gains are rotated by the appropriate polarisation of the reference antenna, such that the reference X and Y gains are both zero phase. Leakages are referenced against the XY phase difference of the reference antenna.




String describing what to solve for (e.g. “gains,leakages” or “leakages” or “gains”). If “antennagains” or “antennaleakages” is used instead of “gains” or “leakages”, beam-independent gains or leakages are solved for. Such a solution is stored as beam=0 solution. Use calibrate.ignorebeam=true option of cimager to apply such beam-independent solutions. Avoid mixing beam dependent and beam independent solutions. With solver=LSQR you can also solve for “bandpass” and “bpleakage” (freq. dep. leakage). Do not mix freq independent and dependent terms. When solving for freq. dependent terms the use of solver.LSQR.parallelMatrix=true is recommended to distribute the work across many ranks. The main advantage of ccalibrator over cbpcalibrator for freq. dep. terms is that it can enforce smooth solutions in frequency. At this stage the recommendation is to solve for both bandpass and bpleakage simultaneously as solving for just bpleakage is less stable. See Calibration solvers for details.




Optional parameter. If defined, and if solving for “gains”, the newly found antenna gains will have their amplitdues set to unity when they are written to file. This is in lieu of true phase-only gain calibration and should be used with care.




Optional parameter. If defined, sky model (i.e. source info given as sources.something) is read from a separate parset file (name is given by this parameter). If this parameter is not defined, source description should be given in the main parset file. Usual substitution rules apply. The parameters to define sky model are described in csimulator (with Ccalibrator prefix instead of Csimulator)




Name of the gridder, further parameters are given by gridder.something. See Gridders for details.




In the parallel mode, only this rank will attempt to export convolution functions if this operation is requested (see tablename option in the Gridders). This option is ignored in the serial mode.




If this parameter is set to “MFS” gridders are setup to degrid with the weight required for the models given as Taylor series (i.e. multi-frequency synthesis models). At the moment, this parameter is decoupled from the setup of the model parameters. The user has to set it separately and in a consistent way with the model setup (the nterms parameter in the model definition (see csimulator for more details) should be set to something greater than 1 and there should be an appropriate number of models defined).




Reference frequency in Hz for MFS-model simulation (see above)




Number of solving iterations (and iterations over the dataset, which can be called major cycles).




Frequency frame to work in (the frame is converted when the dataset is read). Either lsrk or topo is supported.




Name of the calibration solver. Further parameters are given by solver.something. See Calibration solvers for details.

The resulting parameters are stored into a solution source (or sink to be exact) as described in Access to calibrator solutions


Ccalibrator.dataset                                     =
Ccalibrator.refgain                                     = gain.g11.0.0

Ccalibrator.sources.names                               = [10uJy,field2]
Ccalibrator.sources.10uJy.direction                     = [12h30m00.000, -, J2000]
Ccalibrator.sources.10uJy.model                         = 10uJy.model.small
# phase centre is not handled properly in the components code, specify the offsets here
Ccalibrator.sources.field2.direction                    = [12h30m00.000, -, J2000]
Ccalibrator.sources.field2.components                   = [src1]
Ccalibrator.sources.src1.flux.i                         = 0.091
Ccalibrator.sources.src1.direction.ra                   = 0.00363277
Ccalibrator.sources.src1.direction.dec                  = -0.00366022

Ccalibrator.gridder                                     = AProjectWStack
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.wmax                 = 15000
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.nwplanes             = 1
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.oversample           = 4
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.diameter             = 12m
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.blockage             = 2m
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.maxfeeds             = 2
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.maxsupport           = 1024
Ccalibrator.gridder.AProjectWStack.frequencydependent   = false

Ccalibrator.ncycles                                     = 5

Ccalibrator.solver                                      = LSQR