Calibration and Imaging DocumentationΒΆ
The synthesis package supports processing of radio synthesis observations, including calibration, editing, and imaging. The emphasis is on the processing of ASKAP scale data sets i.e. Hundereds of TB per hour.
- imager
- cimager
- csimulator
- ccalibrator
- cbpcalibrator
- cddcalibrator
- cdeconvolver-mpi
- ccalapply (Calibration Applicator)
- ccontsubtract
- imcontsub
- Gridders
- Solvers
- Calibration solvers
- Data Selection
- Access to calibrator solutions
- cmodel
- cflag / cflagger (Flagging Utility)
- makecube
- mssplit (Measurement Splitting/Averaging Utility)
- msmerge (Measurement Merging Utility)
- msconcat (Measurement Concatenation Utility)
- mslist (Measurement summary and data inspection utility)
- linmos (Linear Mosaic Applicator)
- FITS conversion
- tImageWrite (Image Accessor Test)
- extractslice (spectral slice from a cube)
- tVerifyUVW (sanity check for uvw)
- tClearMSCache (Benchmark and debug tool)