[ Basic Info | User Guide ]
Basic Information on uvgains
Task: uvgains
Purpose: Create baseline-based channel gains from averaged uv-data
Categories: uv analysis
UVGAINS averages uv-data, and creates channel gains for each
baseline for either spectral line or wideband channels. The
channel gains are written into the output averaged uv-data and
are used to correct for bandpass or closure errors in the data.
UVGAINS can also be used to make autocorrelation ON/OFF scans,
and fit polynomials to spectral baselines.
The channel gains are applied when copying or imaging the uv-data.
To apply the channel gains to another uv-data file, use COPYHD to
copy the channel gains items (cgains, ncgains, ncbase) or wideband
gains items (wgains, nwgains, nwbase) into the other uv-data file.
The channel or wideband gains should only be transfered if the
uv-data files use the same correlator configuration.
In general the gains are applied automatically by Miriad tasks when
plotting (uvplt, uvspec), copying (uvcat, uvcal, uvaver, uvgains),
or imaging (invert). The channel gains and wideband gains are not
interpolated and can only be applied if all the channels are used,
i.e. in plotting, or imaging all the channels. To plot or process
other line types the channel gains must first be applied by copying
the channel gains into the Miriad dataset to be corrected (copyhd),
and writing all the channels into a new Miriad dataset (uvcat, uvcal).
To derive the channel gains relative to the 1st wideband channel:
uvgains vis=mars.12apr out=pass interval=1000 ref=wide,1
To apply the gains to another file:
copyhd in=pass out=omc1.12apr items=ncgains,cgains,ncbase
(gpcopy can also be used to copy the channel gains)
To plot the passband corrected spectra (must plot all channels):
uvspec vis=omc1.12apr device=/xw
To plot the spectra without the passband correction:
uvspec vis=omc1.12apr device=/xw options=nopass
To process other line types, first write a corrected dataset:
uvcal vis=omc1.12apr out=omc1.12apr.pass options=nowide
(items nwgains,nwbase,wgains are needed to correct the wideband)
To make ON/OFF scans for autocorrelation data:
uvgains vis=off out=passband
gpcopy vis=passband out=on
The entire ON/OFF scan can be plotted:
uvspec vis=on device=/xw
The passband must be applied before further processing:
uvcat vis=on out=on-off
To fit the spectral baselines in autocorrelation data:
uvgains vis=on-off options=window,polyfit device=/xw
badchan=(where the spectral lines are) out=
Key: vis
The name of the input uv-data file.
Key: select
The normal uv selection commands. The default is use everything.
See the help on select for more details.
Key: line
The normal uv linetype in the form:
See the help on line for more details.
The default is all channels (or all wide channels if there are no
spectral channels). The output will consist of only spectral or
wideband data (but not both).
The data to be corrected must use the same line type.
Only un-averaged channel data can be used with options=polyfit.
Key: ref
The normal reference linetype, in the form:
The channel or wideband gains can be determined relative to the
reference line before averaging the data. This may be the best method
in the case of high SNR or rapid antenna gain fluctuations. In this
case no gain corrections should be applied: options=nocal,nopol
Using a reference line and applying gains does not make sense.
The default is no reference line.
Key: stokes
If a value is given, uvgains converts the input into the required
polarizations before writing to the output. Default is to copy
across the polarizations present in the input files.
Key: interval
Time averaging interval, in minutes. The default is 0. (i.e. no
averaging). The channel gains are derived from the first average.
The uv-data can be averaged into several intervals to see how
cgains or wgains change with time. A large interval averages each
occurance of each 'source'.
Key: out
The name of the output uv data set. No default.
Key: options
This gives extra processing options. Several options can be given,
each separated by commas. They may be abbreviated to the minimum
needed to avoid ambiguity. Possible options are:
'nocal' Do not apply the gains file. By default, UVGAINS
applies the gains file in copying the data.
'nopol' Do not apply polarization corrections. By default
UVGAINS corrects for polarization cross-talk.
'dopass' Apply bandpass corrections. By default UVGAINS
does not correct for the shape of the bandpass.
'polyfit' Use polynomial fits to the averaged data to derive
the channel gains.
'window' Fit polynomial to each spectral window.
Default is to fit all channels.
'dsb' Fit polynomial to each sideband for double sideband
spectra. 'dsb' and 'window' are mutually exclusive.
'scalar' Fit polynomial to amplitude and phase. Default is
to fit (real,imag).
'unwrap' Attempt to extend phases beyond -180 to 180 degrees
for 'scalar' polynomial fit.
'noamp' Re-normalize the gains to the average amplitude on
each baseline. i.e. do not force amplitude closure.
The default normalizes the gains to obtain unit
amplitude on all baselines. i.e. amplitude closure.
Key: device
PGPLOT device for polynomial fits. The default is to ask user.
Key: nxy
Two values. Number of plot windows in x and y, Default nx=1, ny=nx.
Key: npoly
Two values to specify the order of the Lagrange polynomial fit to
the real & imaginary, or amplitude & phase of the averaged uv-data.
Different values can be given for each window.
The maximum is 8th order polynomial. Default 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
If just two values are given, these values are used for each window.
Key: badchan
For options=polyfit
Number of ranges of bad channels followed by list of up to 20 pairs
of numbers to specify range of channels to exclude in polyfit.
e.g. to exclude 2 center channels in eight 64-channel windows, use:
Key: endchan
For options=polyfit
Number of channels to drop from window edges in polyfit. Default=4.
Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 04 Dec 2018