[ Basic Info | User Guide ]

Basic Information on wbplt

Task: wbplt
Purpose: WBPLT is a program used to analyse wbcorr data.
Categories: uv analysis, plotting

        WBPLT is a program used to analyse wbcorr data.

Key: vis
        The input visibility datasets. Several datasets can be given.

Key: select
        Standard visibility selection. See help on select for more

Key: stokes
        Normal Stokes/polarization selection. The default is to process all
        parallel-hand polarisation.

Key: inc
        Visibility increment (default is 1)

Key: chans
        A pair of values giving the range of channels to be plotted.

Key: calfile
        wbcorr lag-based calibration file.

Key: bpfile
        wbcorr frequency-based calibration file.

Key: calfac
        Factor to convert flux scale to Jy. Applied in addition to any
        calibration tables. Default = 1.0

Key: xrange
        X-axis range for plot. The default is to self-scale. The units
        are Jy for flux density, hrs for time ,and RA and degrees for DEC
        and phase.

Key: yrange
        Y-axis range for plot. The default is to self-scale. The units
        are Jy for flux density, hrs for time, and RA and degrees for DEC
        and phase.

Key: axis
        For plotting. Two values (minimum match active), one for each
        of the x and y axes chosen from:
         time                     [DD HH MM SS.S format]
         amplitude, real, imag    [natural units; Jy]
         phase                    [degrees]
         closure                  [degrees] - needs 3 baselines
         triple                   [natural units; Jy] - needs 3 baselines
         ra                       [HH MM SS.S format]
         dec                      [DD MM SS.S format]
         lst                      [HH MM SS.S format]
         hangle                   [HH MM SS.S format]
         systemp1 (geometric mean systemp - IF1 all antennas) [Jy]
         systemp2 (geometric mean systemp - IF2 all antennas) [Jy]
        Defaults are axis=time,amp  (x and y axes).

Key: device
        Standard PGPLOT device. See the help on device for more information.

Key: log
        Write ascii data to this log file. Format is specified in comment
        line. Maximum 9 channels. Default is no output file.

Key: lags
        A pair of values giving the range of lags to be plotted if
        options=dofft. There are 2n-2 lag channels starting at 0 and
        ending at 2n-3.

Key: mask
        Don't plot a value if the amplitude (not necessarly the yaxis) is
        within this pair of values.

Key: options
        nocal     Do not perform gain calibration.
        nopol     Do not perform polarisation calibration on the data.
        nopass    Do not perform bandpass calibration on the data.
        relax     Plots flagged data (only works if data not averaged in
                  frequency with the line parameter) or data without
                  valid positions.
        stats     Calculate some rudimentary statistics on y-values
        dtrack    Switch on delay tracking for beam centre (i.e. non-
                  meridian scans). wbcorr only!
        dofft     Transform frequency channels into lag channels before
                  plotting. All frequency channels should be read in
                  (NB. lag spectrum is a real quantity)
        lagwt     For options=dofft or if calfile is set, this applies
                  a triangular weight function to the lag domain
        flag0     Filter on channel 0 for wbcorr data
        avall     Average all frequency channels
Revision: 1.3, 2010/04/30 08:23:28 UTC

Generated by miriad@atnf.csiro.au on 21 Jun 2016