3rd GPS/CSS Workshop


Accommodation is available in the nearby town of Tripolis and buses will be available to transport the participants each day to and from the workshop venue in the village.

The LOC has made block-bookings at 3 hotels for the week 28 May to 2 June and participants can book rooms from April 1 until April 30. Participants should approach the hotels directly either by Phone or Fax and I'm assured that hotel staff speak sufficient English to make the bookings. Please make sure that in your message or conversation refer to:
"Block bookings for the Astrophysics Workshop in Kerastari, organised by Tasso Tzioumis".

The room rates are quoted without breakfast, as a light breakfast will be available at the workshop before starting. If you do require a heavier breakfast, indicative prices are shown. The rates given should be pretty accurate but may vary by small amounts.

NB: Bookings are the responsibility of the participants and should be handled directly with the hotels.
If you do run into trouble please send us an email and we will try to help.

Please let us know what hotel you have been booked into so we can organise the bus transport.

Hotel information

1. Hotel Anactoricon
Bas. Konstantinou IB 49, Tripolis 22 100, Greece
Tel: +30 710 222 545 or 225 545
Fax: +30 710 222 021
Rates (Euro/night): Single E50, Double E70, Triple E84, Suite E140
Credit card: VISA only.
Block booking: 10 rooms from Tuesday 28/5. Extra 10 rooms from Friday 31/5 if needed.
Comments: By far the best hotel operating in Tripolis at present.

2. Hotel Arcadia
Kolokotroni Square, Tripolis 22 100, Greece
Tel: +30 710 225 551-3
Fax: +30 710 222 464
Rates (Euro/night): Single E47, Double E50, Triple E74
Credit card: VISA only.
Block booking: 20 rooms 28/5-2/6
Breakfast: Euro 6
Comments: Near the bus station but on a busy road. Site of reception on Tuesday 28/5.

3. Hotel Artemis
Dimitrakopoulou Str. 1, Tripolis 22 100, Greece
Tel: +30 710 225 221-3
Fax: +30 710 233 629
Rates (Euro/night): Single E30, Double E44, Triple E50, Suite E74
Credit card: No credit cards accepted.
Block booking: 20-25 rooms 28/5-2/6
Breakfast: Euro 5
Comments: Adequate but a bit old.

4. Hotel Alex
Vas. Georgiou A 26, Tripolis 22 100, Greece
Tel: +30 710 223 465
Fax: +30 710 223 466
Rates (Euro/night): Single E25, Double E44
Credit card: No credit cards accepted.
No Block booking
Comments: Was under renovation in February. Will reopen before end of April. Should be ok.

5. Hotel Galaxy
Sq. Agiou Vassiliou, Tripolis 22 100, Greece
Tel: +30 710 225 195-6 or 222 025-6
Fax: +30 710 225 197
Rates (Euro/night): Single E35, Double E50, Triple E60
Credit card: Most credit cards accepted e.g. VISA, Mastercard, Diners.
No Block booking
Comments: Many rooms, right in the centre but, according to locals, a bit seedy?

Critical Dates

1 April 2002 Hotel bookings open.
30 April 2002 Hotel bookings close.
