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Scantable spectra can be plotted at any time. An asapplotter object is used for plotting, meaning multiple plot windows can be active at the same time. On start up a default asapplotter object is created called ``plotter''. This would normally be used for standard plotting.

The plotter, optionally, will run in a multipanel mode and contain multiple plots per panel. The user must tell the plotter how they want the data distributed. This is done using the set_mode function. The default can be set in the users .asaprc file. The units (and frame etc) of the abscissa will be whatever has previously been set by set_unit, set_freqframe etc.

Typical plotter usage would be:

  ASAP> scans.set_unit('km/s')
  ASAP> plotter.set_mode(stacking='p',panelling='t')
  ASAP> plotter.plot(scans)

This will plot multiple polarisation within each plot panel and each scan row in a separate panel.

Other possibilities include:

  # Plot multiple IFs per panel
  ASAP> plotter.set_mode(stacking='i',panelling='t')

  # Plot multiple beams per panel
  ASAP> plotter.set_mode(stacking='b',panelling='t')

  # Plot one IF per panel, time stacked
  ASAP> plotter.set_mode('t', 'i')

  # Plot each scan in a seperate panel
  ASAP> plotter.set_mode('t', 's')


Malte Marquarding 2005-11-30