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Plot Control

The plotter window has a row of buttons on the lower left. These can be used to control the plotter (mostly for zooming the individual plots). From left to right:

This will unzoom the plots to the original zoom factor

Plot history
(left and right arrow). The plotter keeps a history of zoom settings. The left arrow sets the plot zoom to the previous value. The right arrow returns back again. This allows you, for example, to zoom in on one feature then return the plot to how it was previously.

(The Cross) This sets the cursor to pan, or scroll mode allowing you to shift the plot within the window. Useful when zoomed in on a feature.

(the letter with the magnifying glass) lets you draw a rectangle around a region of interest then zooms in on that region. Use the plot history to unzoom again.

(floppy disk). Save the plot as a postscript or .png file

Malte Marquarding 2005-11-30