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Other control

The plotter has a number of functions to describe the layout of the plot. These include set_legend, set_layout and set_title.

To set the exact velocity or channel range to be plotted use the set_range function. To reset to the default value, call set_range with no arguments. E.g.

  ASAP> scans.set_unit('km/s')
  ASAP> plotter.plot(scans)
  ASAP> plotter.set_range(-150,-50)
  ASAP> plotter.set_range() # To reset

Both the range of the ``x'' and ``y'' axis can be set at once, if desired:

  ASAP> plotter.set_range(-10,30,-1,6.6)

To save a hardcopy of the current plot, use the save function, e.g.


Malte Marquarding 2005-11-30