ATNF Astronomical Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Registration Form

Registration is now open!


You MUST fill name and email or the form will fail.

Personal Information

Professional status:

Special requirements

Please let us know of any SPECIAL requirements you may have such as dietary restrictions; allergies; medical conditions; extra persons for lunches and conference dinner; special travel arrangements; private accommodation; own car and will not require buses; or anything else that you consider relevant.

Special requirements:


Please reconfirm your presentation title, as given in the preliminary list of talks on the web. Abstracts are optional.

Presentation type:
Presentation title:
Abstract (optional):


Please book your accommodation directly with one of the hotels listed on the web pages. Bookings and hotel payments are the responsibility of the participants.

The hotel information is needed to arrange the daily bus transport Tripolis-Kerastari.

Hotel booked:


Travel to the workshop is the responsibility of the participants and some options are given on the web pages. However, it may be possible to coordinate and share transport between Athens airport and Tripolis, if there is enough interest.
Are you interested in sharing transport?
Booked flights, dates & times: Arrival Date:
Arrival Time:
Arrival Flight:
Departure Date:
Departure Time:
Departure Flight:
Accompanied by:

Post workshop Excursions

Day excursions are possible for Saturday, June 1, if there is enough interest.

Preferred excursion:
If Other then specify :

Post workshop party

Do you plan to attend the party on the evening of Saturday June 1?


Some limited financial assistance may be available for students in exceptional circumstances only! Please email directly to the organisers at


Registration payments will be accepted only at the workshop in cash and preferably in Euro. The registration fee is E200 for non-students, E150 for students and covers all lunches and breakfasts, the conference dinner, daily bus transport and a copy of the workshop proceedings. As the workshop is self-funding ALL participants are expected to pay registration.

Please check this form again before sending. The only required fields are your name and email address. And you MUST fill these in or the form will fail. You will receive an email with all the input you submitted. Please check that again and let us know of any problems.
