
My research focuses on Observational Cosmology, using sensitive radio observations to trace the evolution of diffuse gas, magnetic fields, and overall large-scale structure (LSS) in the evolving universe. In my research, I attempted to answer 4 fundamental questions: 1) What is the origin of cosmological magnetic fields? 2) What is the physical mechanism that accelerates cosmic-rays during LSS formation? 3) Why are roughly half the baryons in the local universe missing, and where are they? 4) What are the impacts of Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds to cosmological measurements and CMB anomalies?

I have grouped my research into several themes, each of which is presented in chronological order.

Cosmology & Astrophysics on Large Scales

1:- We have detected evidence for the largest void in the known universe with WMAP, NVSS, and the ISW effect (Rudnick, Brown & Williams 2007). We used this void to explain the non-Gaussian ``cold spot" in the WMAP CMB data. This result has proven to be highly controversial, as can be seen in several of the direct responses to the paper.

2:- We explored, for the first time, the method of cross-correlation of radio synchrotron emission and tracers of large-scale structure in order to detect cosmological shocks in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM; Brown, Farnsworth & Rudnick 2010). As chair of the Cosmology and Low Surface-brightness working groups for the EMU survey, I am coordinating the effort to make such a measurement over 75% of the sky to constrain the origin of cosmological magnetic fields. This includes such issues as dealing with the noise covariance matrix of a (potentially) 3x10^9 pixel Healpix map of the sky, and is part of a broader effort I have initiated to apply sophisticated cosmological model inference to standard radio astronomy data (e.g., the Bayesian rotation-measure work below). These methods are directly applicable to CMB/LSS cross-correlation, and the search for the late ISW effect.

Clusters of Galaxies

3:- We detected the first structure-formation shock (seen as a ``radio relic") that is not associated with a rich cluster of galaxies (Brown & Rudnick 2009). This object was the second of a new class of diffuse cluster emission that does not follow the observed radio/x-ray luminosity correlation (e.g., Brunetti et al. 2009).

4:- We detected two new shock structures in the famous Coma Cluster of galaxies (Brown & Rudnick 2010), one of which has subsequently been identified in X-rays (Markevitch et al. 2010) and recently by Planck. We have also identified a curious correspondence between the synchrotron halo of Coma and its weak-lensing derived Dark Matter projection.

350 MHz WSRT contours of the diffuse radio emission in the Coma cluster of galaxies ove ROSAT diffuse X-rays. The sharp Western edge in both the radio and X-rays is likely due to shocked Intracluster medium (ICM).

Synchrotron Polarization

4:- We have demonstrated that an unconventional reprocessing of the NVSS polarization survey could reveal structures on scales from 15&prime to hundreds of degrees (far larger than the nominal shortest-baseline scale Rudnick & Brown 2009). This has yielded hundreds of new diffuse sources as well as the identification of a new nearby galactic loop. This method is sensitive to small-scale polarized fluctuations on scales not accessible to current all-sky observations, and can potentially be used to identify polarized CMB foreground errors at high l.

The NVSS survey in polarized intensity convolved to 13', revealing large-scale polarized fluctuations.

Theoretical Interests

  • Cosmology
  • General Relativity
  • Dark Matter Thermodynamics

Last Updated: (Sept. 22, 2010).

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