The Long Baseline Array (LBA) is the only open-access Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network in the southern hemisphere. The primary goal of the LBA is to provide the highest possible angular resolution for imaging and for astrometry.
LBA capabilities
Array elements
- The LBA is a collaboration between ATNF, the University of Tasmania, SpaceOps NZ, CDSCC, and SARAO.
- The core elements of the LBA are the Murriyang, ATCA and Mopra telescopes of the ATNF, the Hobart, Ceduna and AuScope (Katherine and Yarragadee) antennas operated by the University of Tasmania, the Warkworth 12m or 30m antennas operated by SpaceOps NZ, and the Hartebeesthoek 26m antenna of SARAO.
- Some access to the 70m or 34m antennas of CDSCC is also possible.
- Co-observing with other VLBI arrays, such as the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) or European VLBI Network (EVN) is also possible — observing proposals must be submitted separately to the requested arrays.
- The LBA operates primarily in radio bands between 1 GHz and 24 GHz, with observations usually scheduled during four blocks of 5~6 days duration during the year. Observations out-of-session are also possible, where required.
- During VLBI observations, participating telescopes record their data on computer disk. The data is later transported to a correlator facility where it is correlated.
- Since 2015, correlation for the LBA is done at the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre using the DiFX software correlator.
- Planning for LBA observations including sensitivity calculations is integrated into the EVN Observation Planner, and this is now the recommended tool for the LBA.
Applying for time
- Observing proposals should be submitted via OPAL.
- Proposers should consult information provided on the ATNF Telescope status page before preparing their proposal.
- A member of the proposal team will be required to assist with the VLBI observing on the ATNF telescopes — new observers are able to be trained remotely prior to the LBA session.
- Once allocated observing time, proposers should refer to the LBA Observing and Operations Pages of the LBA wiki for details about preparing schedule files and monitoring observations.