The ATNF facilities enable a wide diversity of science ranging from radio surveys of the sky, to long-term monitoring of astronomical objects to rapid follow-up of transient sources.
Past and current ATNF staff have been involved in a number of astrophysics research projects using our facilities and we describe some of the major science projects and provide access to their data products below.
The group publishes an ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP) each work-day, which all ATNF users are welcome to contribute to. Publications by ATNF and/or arising from use of ATNF telescopes are listed in ATNF Annual Reports and in listings on our Publications page. ATNF staff can co-supervise PhD and MSc students enrolled with Australian or overseas Universities. ATNF now offers a four-year Bolton Fellowship every second year.
Our science projects
The ATNF facilities and ATNF staff are involved in a diverse range of science projects. These include studies of cosmology, analysis from the largest-scale structures in our Universe to tiny-scale atomic structures in the interstellar medium. We discover pulsars, fast radio bursts, radio stars, galaxies and mysterious objects such as the Odd Radio Circles. Here we describe some of our primary research areas and detail the relevant capabilities of our facilities that enable those science research areas.