For the general public – our Visitors Centres

Parkes webcam
Visit the telescope virtually through live images of the telescope, updated every minute, and time-lapse movies
Other than the public visitors centres, visiting is generally by prior arrangement only. Further information is provided below.
Scientific Visitors
Astronomers with allocated ATNF time are encouraged to use the Marsfield Science Operations Centre (SOC) at our Marsfield Headquarters in Sydney or at the SOC at our Kensington site in Perth. On-site accommodation is available on the Marsfield site.
Astronomers with time allocated on the ATCA are also welcome to observe from the Narrabri site, which also has on-site accommodation – refer to the Visitors Guide to the Narrabri Observatory for details.
Intending visitors to any of our sites should book in advance through our online ATNF Booking system.
Visits for scientific collaboration are also welcomed and can be supported through the Space and Astronomy Scientific Visitor program. The Visitors program provides some financial and logistical support to facilitate working visits to the Space and Astronomy ATNF Science group. Financial support typically covers the cost of on-site accommodation and provision of logistical support (office space, computing). Visitors are normally the guest of a member of the CSIRO staff with whom they will be working. Visitors may be located at any of the ATNF sites. Visitors are expected to deliver at least one colloquium or seminar during their stay at CSIRO.
To Apply
Potential visitors should make contact with a local member of staff or the Head of ATNF Science, George Hobbs, to develop a proposal. Proposals to the program should include a brief description of the collaborative project to be conducted during the visit, an estimate of the dates of the visit and support required.