Data from ATNF telescopes is currently archived in several different places, depending on which telescope took the data. Generally, ATNF observations have an 18 month proprietary period, after which the data become publicly available.

When using data from the ATNF be sure to check on the usage policies and acknowledgments.

A woman is silhouetted against a bright screen covered in points of light and the image of a telescope dish. She is pointing at the screen.

Detailed polcies for data access, including proprietary periods

Four radio telescope dishes

All ATNF users are requested to acknowledge the Australia Telescope National Facility in any publications resulting from use of ATNF facilities

ATNF hosted data

We host data for a number of ongoing and completed projects that used ATNF facilities or were led by ATNF staff. Links to such data sets are available from our Catalogues and Science pages.

Our ASKAP radio telescope at Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, our Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory on Wajarri Country

A collection of major catalogues produced from ATNF instruments

A dark blue image, scattered with faint, point-like sources and collection of bigger green objects. The upper-left object exhibits a butterfly-like structure with two lobes extending outward symmetrically. The center-right object shows a curved, shell-like formation glowing intensely. A smaller, elongated source appears in the lower section with faint arcs, suggesting a bending motion.

Overviews of the world-leading science projects conducted by the ATNF

Data Access Portal (DAP)

CSIRO maintains an archive of research data, software and other digital assets across a range of disciplines, in its Data Access Portal (DAP), including several large radio astronomy archives.

The DAP is the gateway to CASDA, the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive, to pulsar observations from the Parkes telescope, and to the new location of the Australia Telescope Online Archive, the ATOA.

Access research data, software and other digital assets across a range of disciplines.

Murriyang, our Parkes radio telescope on Wiradjuri Country

CSIRO’s Astronomy science data archives from Parkes, ATCA, ASKAP and LBA telescopes.

CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA)

The CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA) is making data from our ASKAP, ATCA, LBA and Murriyang radio telescopes available to the astronomical community.

Raw data from the ASKAP observatory is processed by software custom-built by CSIRO (ASKAPsoft) into science ready images, cubes and catalogues. Calibrated visibilities are also available for continuum (low spectral resolution) data. These data products are then made accessible by CASDA via a web UI (CSIRO Data Access Portal) and Virtual Observatory services. Note that the VO services provide access to images and catalogues only: visibilities are available from the CASDA web interface.

In addition to ASKAP data, work has started on ingesting and serving data from Australia Telescope Online Archive (ATOA). The ATOA is the long running service providing access to data from telescopes operated by the CSIRO as a National Facility: Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), Murriyang, the Parkes radio-telescope (spectral line and continuum), and the Long Baseline Array (LBA). New instruments on the telescopes (BIGCAT, Ultra-Wideband Low, CryoPAF) will significantly increase the volume of data produced by the telescopes, and hence we are in the process of migrating the ATOA to CASDA infrastructure to handle the data rate, and this has the benefit of consolidating the ATNF archives into the CSIRO Data Access Portal.

CASDA is a collaboration between CSIRO and the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre.

Five radio telescope dishes in the outback point up to a starry sky

CSIRO’s Astronomy science data archives from Parkes, ATCA, ASKAP and LBA telescopes.

A woman is silhouetted against a bright screen covered in points of light and the image of a telescope dish. She is pointing at the screen.

How to access data from CASDA.

Australia Telescope Online Archive (ATOA)

The Australia Telescope Online Archive (ATOA) provides access to:

  • Australia Telescope Compact Array unprocessed data taken from 3 Jun 1990 onwards
  • Mopra (mostly MOPS) unprocessed data taken from 10 May 1998 onwards
  • Parkes unprocessed spectral line and continuum data taken between 18 Apr 1991 and and 08 Jan. 2023
  • VLBI correlated long baseline data taken from Nov 1993 onwards
  • Data products from several surveys with the Mopra Telescope

The ATOA uses the OPAL user account system. To register with OPAL and the ATOA, change your account details, or to reset your password, see the links on the OPAL Home Page.

The ATOA Search produces a list of matching files or a summary list of observations. To download data files requires an OPAL user account and password access.

Work has started to migrate data from the ATOA into the CSIRO Data Access Portal. New instruments on the telescopes (BIGCAT, Ultra-Wideband Low, CryoPAF) will significantly increase the volume of data produced by the telescopes, and hence we are in the process of migrating the ATOA to CASDA infrastructure to handle the data rate, and this has the benefit of consolidating the ATNF archives into the CSIRO Data Access Portal.

The new ATOA can be accessed in the CSIRO Data Access Portal.

Additional Information