The ASKAP operations team has recently made data from an EMU cosmology
survey available from CASDA (the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive).
These data were observed during the ASKAP early science program using
a sub-array of 16 antennas. This data release consists of 10 separate
fields of roughly 30 square degrees each. ASKAP was configured with
240 MHz of bandwidth at a centre frequency of 912 MHz using 36 beams
in a 6x6 square configuration with 0.9-degree beam
spacing. Visibilities were recorded with 18.5 kHz frequency resolution
and 10 second time resolution. Each field was observed for 200
minutes without interleaving. The RMS noise level is 150 microJy/beam
using the default ASKAPsoft pipeline and a robust weighting of -0.5.
This release includes the calibrated visibilities as CASA measurement
sets at 18.5 kHz resolution, allowing additional spectral line
processing. This is possible due to the small number of antennas
available for early science and may not be possible with larger file
sizes from the full array in the future.
Released ASKAP data can be obtained from the
CSIRO Data Access Portal, with this cosmology survey data
available under project ID AS034. Some quick instructions are given
below and more detailed documentation is available in
the CASDA Users Guide