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10th of May 2024
A composite of the supernova remnant candidate
ASKAP Discovery of a new Galactic SNR Candidate
by Lazarević et al.
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are the resultant expanding structures that remain after the death of massive stars in a supernova (SN) explosion. It is generally accepted that the population of known Galactic SNRs, which numbers around 300, vastly underrepresents the expected population and the discovery of new Galactic SNRs is vital in filling this knowledge gap. Lazarević et al. report the discovery with ASKAP of a new Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) candidate G308.73+1.38, which they name Raspberry. The SNR was serendipitously discovered in an ASKAP EMU (Evolutionary Map of the Universe) survey observation in December 2023, made at the central frequency of 943.4 MHz. Raspberry is proposed as a new Galactic shell-type SNR based primarily on its radio morphology. WISE (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer) all-sky maps were searched and no infrared emission that spatially corresponds with the observed radio shell was found. This lack of infrared emission indicates that the radio shell is purely non-thermal, formed by synchrotron emission from ultra-relativistic particles energized by the expanding shock front, typical of a shell-type SNR. Additionally, a Stokes-V (circular polarisation) point source is found close to the center of the SNR. This point source may be the remaining compact source, a neutron star, or possibly a pulsar, formed during the initial supernova event.

The image above is a RGB composite image where the total intensity map of Raspberry, observed by ASKAP at 944 MHz, is in red and blue while the WISE 12 μm infrared image is in green. The inset is the ASKAP Stokes-V zoomed-in image showing the possible progenitor source.

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