Voronkov et al. (2014) used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) for high angular resolution imaging of 71 southern class I methanol maser sources quasi-simultaneously at 36 and 44 GHz. This is the largest interferometric survey of common class I methanol masers available to date and the first of this kind in the southern hemisphere. In addition, this is the first high angular resolution study of a large number of 36 GHz masers. The data reveal a high level of morphological and kinematical complexity, and allow them to demonstrate associations, at arcsecond precision, of the class I maser emission with outflows, expanding HII regions, dark clouds, shocks traced by the 4.5 micron emission and 8.0 micron filaments. More than 700 maser component features were found at each of the two methanol transitions.
ATNF Science Highlights from refereed publications during 2014.