Ott et al. (2014) present a large-scale, interferometric survey of ammonia toward the Galactic center observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The survey covers the region between the supermassive black hole Sgr A* and the massive star forming region Sgr B2 with a resolution of about 20 arcsec (0.8 pc). Emission at scales larger than 2 arcmin (3.2 pc) is filtered out due to missing short spacings. Consequently, the data represent the denser, compact clouds and disregard the large-scale, diffuse gas. – The RGB image shows the temperature map of the Galactic center: T kin ~ 30 K (blue), T kin ~ 50 K (green), lower limit of 80 K (red). Radio continuum emission at 22 GHz (1 cm; white contours) is overlaid in the bottom panel.
ATNF Science Highlights from refereed publications during 2014.