by David Cseh (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

HLX-1 is the best candidate intermediate-mass black hole among its peers (Farrell et al. 2009). HLX-1 is the brightest hyperluminous X-ray source with a luminosity reaching 10^42 erg/s at the peak of its outbursts. It is an enigmatic object that lies 95 Mpc away from us and is hosted by the galaxy ESO 243-49. The Swift X-ray light curve of the source shows a Fast Rise Exponential Decay pattern and the spectrum is typically disk-dominated during the outburst. However, at the lowest X-ray luminosities the spectrum changes to be hard, that may indicate a jet- or advection dominated accretion flow. We aimed to study this type of accretion process and observed HLX-1 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array during this low X-ray state. We have detected a radio source with a flux density of 22 microJy (displayed above). The detected emission also suggests (among others) HLX-1 to be in the intermediate-mass range. Our results are published in Cseh et al. (2015) .