by Phil Edwards (CASS)
PKS 2254-367 was identified as a member of the class of GHz-peaked spectrum (GPS) galaxy in earlier ATCA observations, and is of particular interest as it is one of the closest GPS galaxies known. At a distance of “only” 20 mega-parsecs, we are able to study the galaxy at higher linear resolution, i.e., in finer detail, than more distant sources. We used the Very Long Baseline Array to image the parsec-scale structure of the galaxy at four frequencies. These images reveal the galaxy can be further categorised as a compact symmetric object, with a bright radio core (which we believe is co-located with the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy) and fainter, symmetric jets of radio-emitting plasma on either side. The many similarities between PKS 2254-367 and another nearby GPS galaxy, NGC 1052, lead us to speculate that a sub-class of GPS radio sources, with low luminosity and with jet-dominated morphologies, exists and would be largely absent from existing radio source surveys.
Reference: Tingay & Edwards 2015, MNRAS, 448, 252