This 32-element grating array was erected in 1951 along the south bank of the smaller reservoir at the Potts Hill field station. The array comprised 32 x 1.8-m solid metal parabolic dishes, with simple polar axes supported by wooden posts. Operating at 1420 MHz (21cm) with a 3 arcmin beam, this array revealed the sizes, brightness temperatures and heights of ‘radio plages’ in the solar corona, located above chromospheric (optical) plages. – (The picture was taken in 1953; caption thanks to Wayne Orchiston, Miller Goss and Jessica Chapman).

Apart from solar radio observations, Potts Hill is where the 21-cm spectral line emission of neutral hydrogen (now known as the HI line) was confirmed. And the very first use of interferometry occured at Potts Hill !

Image Credit: CSIRO Radio Astronomy Image Archive.