by Megan Johnson (CASS)
ATNF is hosting a two day workshop called “HI in Dwarf Galaxies” in honor of distinguished visitor, Dr. Deidre Hunter, the PI of LITTLE THINGS (Hunter et al. 2012). LITTLE THINGS is a multi-wavelength survey with deep, high spatial and spectral resolution VLA HI data at the heart of the project. The primary science objective of LITTLE THINGS is to understand how stars form in dwarf irregular galaxies, which are low surface brightness, low mass, low metallicity, gas-rich galaxies that primarily reside in galaxy groups and the outskirts of galaxy clusters. The two day workshop will bring together astronomers in Australia to discuss what we have learned from HI studies of dwarf irregular galaxies and identify the questions that still need to be answered. The workshop will also address the question: as the SKA and its pathfinders slowly become reality, how will dwarf galaxy HI research continue in this new generation of HI science?