by the ASKAP team (CASS)

The latest paper to be published from ASKAP has used commissioning data to confirm theoretical predictions of an `exotic’ intermittent pulsar almost 6,000 light years away. The paper, “A pilot ASKAP survey of radio transient events in the region around the intermittent pulsar PSR J1107-5907” , demonstrates the unique capabilities offered by ASKAP, such as a wide field-of-view, the radio quiet environment of the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) and the ability to conduct long-tracks on the source compared to other lower frequency (700-1000 MHz) observations.

Reference: Hobbs, G., Heywood, I., Bell, M.E., et al. 2015, MNRAS, in press (astro-ph/1512.02702)

For more information see the ASKAP News .