by Tony Beasley (NRAO)

Abstract. The outlook for radio astronomy in the US is complex at present. New instruments and upgrades are producing exciting science (several recent results will be presented), but university-level instrumentation and faculty support is waning. A process to consider major radio astronomy initiatives in the 2020s has begun, and significant restructuring of NRAO will occur later this year. The funding outlook predicted by the National Science Foundation and other agencies is bleak, and US community interest in reengaging with the international SKA project is mixed. In this talk I will review these issues, and suggest some critical interactions needed between the US domestic and broader international communities to enable progress towards new science.

Figure caption: A young double-star system in the Perseus Molecular Cloud (top right), imaged with the VLA (background image). This pair would fit within the orbit of Neptune in our Solar System. – CREDIT: Tobin, et al., NRAO/AUI/NSF.