by Jamie Stevens (CASS)

For an inexperienced observer, it can be a challenge to find relevant and up-to-date information about how the ATCA works. Thankfully, our experienced users are very willing to give us their suggestions on how to improve our web pages and documentation. From their feedback, we have redesigned our primary “observers page” , which provides links to all our important tools and observing guides. Instead of providing a wall of links, we have now added context to describe why these links are there, and for all the most important tools and guides, link icons were designed to attract the most attention.

For our experienced users, we have added a short summary of recent changes to the very top of the page. It should now always be clear when something has changed anywhere on our entire web site. The ATCA operations staff thank the Australia Telescope Users Committee for their thoughtful suggestions on how to improve our web pages, and we always welcome feedback on how we might improve them further – use the link at the bottom of the new page to let us know what you think!