by Ian Heywood (CASS)
A new radio survey of the SDSS Stripe 82 region has been carried out using observations with the Very Large Array. The survey used 1,026 snapshot observations to provide 100 deg 2 of imaging to a typical depth of 88 μJy / beam, with 16 x 10 arcsecond resolution. These observations were designed to complement existing deep A-array observations and those of the FIRST and NVSS surveys in terms of depth and sensitivity to extended and low surface brightness emission. They are the first observations of the region to feature a broad (1-2 GHz) instantaneous bandwidth. The above figure shows radio contours from the survey overlaid on SDSS r band images, for some sources associated with massive clusters. Left to right these are 3C40-A and 3C40-B in Abell 194, the twin narrow angle tail sources in the centre of Abell 119, and a bright FR-I source on the periphery of the same cluster. The data products are publicly available , hosted here at ATNF.