In remembrance of Bruce Slee, who recently passed away, we show a few moments in his life. Bruce Slee was a dedicated and very productive scientist, a pioneer of radio astronomy, researching topics such as scintillation, flare stars, the Galactic Centre, clusters, pulsating radio sources, Jupiter, and quasars. He wrote 14 Nature papers, the first one in 1949 on “Positions of Three Discrete Sources of Galactic Radio-Frequency Radiation” (Bolton, Stanley & Slee 1949). The most recent of his 200+ publications were on “The history of early low frequency radio astronomy in Australia” . Bruce Slee’s legacy will live on.

The photos above show (from left to right) Bruce Slee at the Parkes Observatory 40th Anniversary Symposium (1 November 2001), with a commemorative plaque at Dover Heights (1989) and with Her Excellency, Professor Marie Bashir, then Governor of New South Wales, at the Dover Heights reception (20 July 2003).