The HI 4π survey (HI4PI) is an all-sky database of Galactic HI, superceding the Leiden-Dwingeloo-Bonn (LAB) survey. For more information see the article “Under the Milky Way: what a new map reveals about our galaxy” by Lister Staveley-Smith (UWA/ICRAR) and the MPIfR press release . The release of a brand new view of the Milky Way (see the A&A paper by the HI4PI collaboration: Ben Bekhti et al. 2016) combines hydrogen surveys on the 64-m CSIRO Parkes radio telescope and the 100-m Max-Planck radio telescope in Effelsberg, Germany.

Photo credit: Norbert Junkes (MPIfR) and Shaun Amy (CSIRO)