by Jing Wang (CASS)

It has been known for a long time that galaxies in denser clustering environments tend to have less gas and star formation. A recent paper, Janowiecki et al. 2017 , for the first time shows that galaxies in isolation and small groups do not follow that general trend. This picture shows that below a stellar mass of 10 10.2 Msun, central galaxies of small groups tend to be HI-richer and with higher specific star formation rate on average than galaxies in isolation at the same stellar mass. This result reminds us that fuelling and star formation are as important aspects as stripping and quenching in the group environments. This is also the first paper based on data of xGASS, an extension of the GASS survey to a lower stellar mass limit of 10 9 Msun.

Reference: Steven Janowiecki, Barbara Catinella, Luca Cortese, Amelie Saintonge, Toby Brown, and Jing Wang 2017, MNRAS, accepted ( astro-ph ).