by Shivani Bhandari (Swinburne Uni)

Abstract. Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), exotic millisecond duration bursts which are now established as a bona fide astrophysical phenomenon are currently the hottest topic in the field of transient astronomy. The discovery of FRBs has stimulated a range of theoretical investigations to understand their origin and physics as well as observational efforts around the world to search for more such bursts. New instrumentation capable of real-time detection at the Parkes radio telescope has enabled prompt multi-wavelength follow-ups upon detection. The ongoing SUPERB project at Parkes is discovering FRBs in real time and effecting rapid multi-wavelength follow-ups which are a key to determining FRB progenitors. In this talk, I will present latest SUPERB FRB discoveries and the results of their radio, optical and X-ray follow-ups. I will also summarise what is happening around the world for follow-up of FRBs at all wavelengths to motivate further discussion. There is no more exciting time to be involved in the field!