March 29, 2018
Today there will be a half-day ALMA Proposal Workshop at the CSS site in Marsfield from 11am-3pm. The workshop, led by ALMA Ambassador Dr. Katie Jameson (ANU), is intended for […]
March 28, 2018
by Katie Jameson (ANU) The Magellanic Clouds are two interacting, gas-rich, star-forming, low-mass, nearby satellite galaxies of the Milky Way that afford a unique view of low-metallicty star-forming regions, providing […]
March 27, 2018
The 2018 Astrofest was held last Saturday evening at Curtin Stadium in Perth. The annual festival is an engaging celebration of Western Australian astronomy and stargazing, and was sponsored by […]
March 26, 2018
The snapshot above of the Parkes telescope in 1963 is from this video on youtube from the National Film and Sound Archive describing the construction of the Parkes radio telescope […]
March 23, 2018
We are so used to see pictures of the Parkes telescope from above, one can be forgiven for thinking this is an artist’s impression of the sky rendered on the […]
March 22, 2018
by Tom Landecker (DRAO) It is over fifty years since the polarization of the Galactic radio emission was discovered, but only in the last few years has technology allowed us […]
March 21, 2018
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Bruce MacA Thomas last month. He joined the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics in Sydney in 1964, and was co-author on several […]
March 20, 2018
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Bruce MacA Thomas last month. Bruce MacAulay Thomas was born in Melbourne in 1937, and graduated from the University of Melbourne […]
March 19, 2018
Using high angular-resolution observations with the Long Baseline Array, Collier et al. have detected six low luminosity objects thought to be young radio galaxies. Referred to as Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) […]
March 16, 2018
by Harry Wendt Campbell Wade came to Australia in December 1957 after completing his PhD at Harvard, on a Research Fellowship with Radiophysics that Joe Pawsey and Bark Bok were […]
March 15, 2018
Shivani has joined us from Swinburne University after recently submitting her thesis on The study of slow and fast radio transients . She will be working as a post-doctoral fellow […]
March 14, 2018
by Nick Seymour (Curtin) Abstract. The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is a powerful low-frequency pathfinder to the Square Kilometre Array located at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observtory in Western Australia. Its […]
Welcome to the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP), brought to you by staff and users of the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Our aim is to present science and engineering results, research highlights from recent publications, technical updates, telescope pictures, conference summaries, etc.
Our site was inspired by the fabulous Astronomy Picture of the Day – @APOD and the ASTRON/Jive Daily Image – @dailyimage.
We welcome all ATNF users to submit an image related to our facilities (Parkes, ATCA, Mopra, ASKAP and LBA), together with a brief description and credits. Submissions can be emailed to the ADAP curator, (phil.edwards [at]
The ADAP was created in December 2014 by Baerbel Koribalski and Simon Johnston. Over 2500 ADAPs have now been published. Vince McIntyre, Nathan Pope, and Andrew O’Brien are acknowledged for their dedicated technical support. The ADAP is currently curated by Phil Edwards.