Anderson et al. have presented observations of the polarized radio emission from the nearby radio galaxy Fornax A, using data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Due to its relatively closeness (18 mega-parsecs, about 60 million light years), a 32-point mosaic was needed to image the full extent of the radio galaxy. The team used modern broadband polarimetric techniques to examine the nature and origin of conspicuous low-polarization patches in the lobes. Anderson et al. find that these low-polarization patches are best explained by the presence of 9 massive regions of magnetized thermal plasma in the lobes, structured in shells or filaments. The low polarization patches are seen as darker areas within the radio lobes in the image above. The most heavily depolarized complexes are indicated with boxes labeled A–R. Region Q is a depolarization silhouette generated by the foreground spiral galaxy NGC 1310. The synthesized beam size is indicated in white in the bottom left corner.
More details are given in the paper published in The Astrophysical Journal, volume 855, article id. 41 (2018). .