There is a lot of competition for time on ATNF telescope from radio astronomers and their projects. The same is true for tracking spacecraft in the NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), with around 35 missions, representing 27 nations around the world, all wanting specific time for their spacecraft and science projects. NASA’s three DSN stations are located at Madrid, Spain; Goldstone, California; and Canberra, all separated by about 120 degrees of longitude so that spacecraft are visible to at least one tracking station at all times. The DSN provides a simple interface to see what the Network antennas are doing at any time of the day or night. It’s called Deep Space Network Now . This simple online website illustrates in a very simple and graphical format what each of the dishes are doing in terms of spacecraft communications or performing radio astronomy science. It’s like having mission control right at home!

As Monday is a public holiday in NSW, the next ADAP will be Tuesday June 12th.