It was ten years ago this week that the Parkes Testbed Facility saw “first light” with a prototype Phased Array Feed (PAF). The 12m diameter Testbed Facility antennas was built by Patriot Antenna Systems in 2008 to provide a dedicated platform to test PAFs and other systems being developed for ASKAP. The PTF is located 400 metres east of the 64m Parkes “Dish”. (And if you look closely at the image above, you can also see the 60-foot (18m) Kennedy antenna in the foreground of the 64m telescope. More of this antenna in a future ADAP!) In more recent time, the Parkes Testbed Facility was used for a year-long program to monitor the Vela pulsar and investigate the stability of the PAF beam weights over time. (Image credit: Ettore Carretti)