Tessa Vernstrom has joined CASS, based in Perth, as a Bolton Fellow . Tessa specialises in the statistical study of the faint and or distant extragalactic radio sky, from galaxies to the cosmic web. She received her PhD from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, working with Douglas Scott and Jasper Wall on deep source counts. Over the last three years she has been working as a postdoc with Bryan Gaensler at the Dunlap Institute in Toronto, Canada. This involved work searching for the synchrotron cosmic web using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) and characterising polarization properties of high redshift galaxies. As a Bolton Fellow she hopes to use new data from the MWA and ASKAP to build on previous work of studying the faint sky and searching for diffuse emission using new multifrequency techniques and new algorithms like machine learning. The image above was taken while Tessa was visiting the 64m Sardinia Radio Telescope .