Banfield et al. present a polarization and Faraday rotation study of the hybrid morphology radio galaxy NGC 612 (PKS 0131-36), using Australian Telescope Compact Array observations in the 1–3 GHz band. The results are consistent with an external Faraday screen of ionised material close to the radio galaxy. The image above shows the rotation measure distribution of NGC 612 in rad/m^2. The solid black contours show the total intensity (Stokes I) emission. The synthesised beam is shown in the bottom left corner of the image. In the eastern (left-hand side) lobe, the rotation measure of the hotspot increases in magnitude towards the leading edge, as well as changing sign (compared to the rest of the lobe). The Faraday depolarization is also about 3 times larger at the hotspot than elsewhere. A plausible explanation for this is significant compression of ambient magnetised gas by the bow shock produced by the advancing hotspot. Full details are given in the preprint of the paper , which will be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .