December 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 8 mission, the first crewed spacecraft to orbit the Moon. Honeysuckle Creek’s 26m antenna, together with a 26m antenna at Tidbinbilla, were key elements of the tracking station network supporting the mission. However, Honeysuckle Creek had been having a problem in the antenna feedcone that produced random bursts of noise on either side of the uplink signal. A high level decision was made to take Honeysuckle Creek “off air” for a couple of days while Apollo 8 was on its way to the moon to pull the feedcone apart and smooth and coat all the flanges in the waveguide — enabling trouble-free support for the rest of the mission. More details of the mission, and the role of the Honeysuckle Creek tracking station, are available from the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station website . (Image credit: Alan Foster and