Dr Ilana Feain, started with CASS late last year as “Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist”. Ilana’s association with CSIRO goes back to when she was a vacation student with John Whiteoak in 1999, and then a PhD student with Ron Ekers, Elaine Sadler and Dick Hunstead (USYD). After her PhD, Ilana was a Bolton fellow, ASKAP Project Scientist and then (briefly) PAF for breast cancer project scientist, before branching out to found a start-up associated with the University of Sydney in the field of medical devices (radiation therapy).

Ilana’s role back with CASS will focus on identifying technologies that have potential to be successfully commercialised. Ilana will work closely with the Technologies/Engineering groups to assist in developing a “technologies roadmap” for CASS and identify potential “spin-out” opportunities and other means of transferring new technologies to industry.