Zhang et al. report the discovery of a new fast radio burst (FRB), FRB 010312, in archival data from a 1.4 GHz survey of the Magellanic Clouds using the multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64m diameter radio telescope. The new burst has a high dispersion measure, 1187 pc/cm^3, and is one of the broadest found to date. It is also currently the second earliest FRB known, although the discovery suggests that there may be more burst events still to be found in the existing Parkes data archive.

The image shows the frequency-time plane of the FRB 010312 without dispersion (bottom), with dispersion (central) and its integrated pulse profile (shown using an arbitrary flux scale) after being de-dispersed at the optimal DM value (top). The frequency resolution is 3 MHz. The time axis shows the time since the start of the observation (March 12, 2001 09:29:07 UTC) with a resolution of 4 ms. More details are available in the preprint .