Katie Jameson has joined CASS as a Bolton Fellow after working for the past few years as a postdoc at ANU with Prof. Naomi McClure-Griffiths studying the properties of the cold neutral gas and molecular gas in the Magellanic Clouds. She has also served as a member of the ASA IDEA steering committee for the past 2 years. Before making the jump to Australia, Katie completed her PhD at the University of Maryland with advisor Prof. Alberto Bolatto on the effects of metallicity on the molecular gas and star formation in the Magellanic Clouds. At the University of Maryland, she got her first hands-on training with radio interferometry as a CARMA observer driving her continued interest that has expanded to include observations with ALMA, ATCA, and ASKAP. Katie plans to continue her work studying the low metallicity ISM and star formation in the Magellanic Clouds by combining the beautiful new ASKAP HI observations with the first large-scale, high resolution ALMA CO observations. The photo above is from when Katie got to visit the ALMA site while observing at APEX in Chajnantor, Chile.